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Everything posted by Wooderson

  1. Interesting. Hadn't thought of it like that. The brutality that they show compared to the movies is quite different like you said. It's dark, it's brutal, and it's real. The way they shot that scene really had me saying "holy ****" out loud, it was fantastic. The scene in the diner the next episode was kind of like that too.
  2. Episode 9 of Daredevil S2 was epic. The Punisher scene in prison was something else. The show is AWESOME.
  3. The ground has been so hard here in WNY that there definitely has been an increase in blisters during practice from year's past which is probably a main reason for it. That, and these kid's hands are probably soft from playing video games all summer instead of playing outside. "In our investigation, we found that when kids repeatedly make contact with the hard surface during the bear crawl exercise, that their hands develop blisters. Case closed."
  4. I gave up half way thru the first season. Not sure why. Once I realized they still we're investigating into Season 2, I kinda quit on it. Daredevil on Netflix is very good. I'm 3 episodes into Season 2. I'm not sure if it's how his character is supposed to be or if I just hate him as an actor but I think Vincent D'onofrio is terrible.
  5. When he came out of LSU, I really thought he would produce at a decent level in the NFL...similar to AJ McCarron. Can't be right all the time.
  6. Awesome. With the way they ended the 3rd season, the series can go many different directions.
  7. I have the finale of 3rd season of Peaky Blinders left. First two seasons were definitely better IMO, but I'm interested to see how the 3rd season ends. Also, I'm really getting into Daredevil. It took a few episodes but I love the direction it's going.
  8. I had a large piece of sharp metal near the sidewall on my driver side rear a few weeks ago. Tire went flat so I brought it into my usual repairman. He called and said because of where it was he could only plug the tire but couldn't charge me for it because plugs are supposedly not allowed or illegal now? It's been a couple weeks and so far no issues so I'm pretty happy with that. Not much help for your original issue, OP, but maybe you can look into plugging it yourself or getting someone to do it for you? Or, don't listen to me because my automotive knowledge is very similar to Mitch Hedberg's........ "If my car breaks down and the gas tank does not say "E", I'm f***ed."
  9. Awesome video. Good analysis. What a scheme. With all these big, athletic linemen in these 3-4 defenses, this is a great way to expose them to the outside. If the LBs gets up field too early, they're already out of the play.
  10. My parents have a condo .5 miles away from there. I'm on that strip all the time. I'm partial to Grill's shrimp cuban sandwich. Oh yeah, nice hat haha
  11. I love all the Captain America movies, just something about that character that I really enjoy. It's well done, IMO and Chris Evans just fits.
  12. I went out and bought my own modem when they're lease rental went up to $10/month (RIDICULOUS). The modem I bought had all the similar specs as the one I currently had and ever since I dropped their modem I've been noticing a long more issues and needing a lot more resets. I almost think they're trying to sabotage my modem so that I go back to theirs (doubtful, but it is Time Warner we're talking about).
  13. Bryan Cranston, Chris Pratt, Cillian Murphy, Ty Burrell, James Spader, Christian Bale. Sometimes it's certain characters that drag you in instead of the actual actor (ie: WW, Tommy Shelby, Phil Dunphy, Red, etc.)
  14. You play ball like a girl.
  15. 60%??? That includes engagement diamonds? Man, they must love their employees. I went thru a family friend who owns their own jewelry shop and got a phenomenal deal...but not fuggin 60%.
  16. Just finished Season 1 last night. I agree, it's fantastic.
  17. I work in the office at a small manufacturing plant. Guys in back work 6:00a-4:30p, Monday-Thursday. I usually come in around 8:00 and eat my lunch at my desk so I don't take a lunch break. Summer's and winter's are my easy schedule. Fall: I coach football so I will leave around 3:15 and coach until about 6:30, Monday-Thursday. Friday, I will usually pick up a substituting job during the day and coach 3:30-6:30 in the evening. Saturday's are game day for JV and Varsity so I'm usually gone 7:00a-6:00p. Spring: I coach baseball so very similar to my football practice schedule except game days last until about 8:00-8:30p. Practices on Saturday and voluntary batting cage Sunday mornings all season. My schedule is very sporadic but I really enjoy the change from season to season.
  18. http://www.barstoolsports.com/newyork/i-have-never-hated-anything-as-much-as-pokemon-go/?preview=true
  19. Haha. This is a great one. I'm assuming from what I hear I won't even come close. Thanks for all the responses everyone! As if I wasn't getting cold feet as it is, you guys just made it that much better...thanks! Haha
  20. Nice job Rubes! I'm having relatives in from out of town for our wedding in a few weeks. I'm gonna have to direct them to this list so I don't get a million restaurant questions! Btw, just an idea, but when the list settles down a bit, maybe we could vote on each section and rank accordingly? For example: Wings (voted on by TBD panel) 1. Bar Bill 2. Dwyer's 3. Duff's 4. Gabriel's Gate 5. etc.
  21. Dwyer's Irish Pub in North Tonawanda for wings. http://dwyerspub.com/ 65 Webster St., North Tonawanda Swiston's Beef and Keg for beef on weck. http://swistonsbeefandkeg-com.webs.com/101 Young St. Tonawanda
  22. Is that where Sage went? I was wondering about him a while back. Too many lentils I guess...
  23. We've been to about 16 weddings together since we started dating so we feel like we've learned a lot from other ones we've been to. What to do, what not to do. Relaxation sounds great. I even keep forgetting about our honeymoon because we've been just working non-stop. Good advice. The thought had crossed my mind...although I sweat like a pig. The house we live in is already in her name, so I'm all set! I like that...more like 20% for my discretionary fund haha I like that idea! I kind of have something going on now that she knows about but doesn't know how much. I guess I should hide it before it becomes OURS. Haha I'm not much to stress about things, but she definitely is. Our ceremony is very short, no more than 15-20 mins tops so our rehearsal will also be short. We're getting married on a golf green at Holiday Valley so not very formal in that regard.
  24. Thanks! Been living together for over 3 years, so not much is gonna change in that aspect.
  25. Getting hitched in 32 days. Any wedding day advice? Marriage advice? Well wishes or warnings? Have at it.
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