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Everything posted by Wooderson

  1. The Cookie Monster was a beast. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tI-6uw6jE7g&NR=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGVt-dCUsTM
  2. No, I like the one year deal. It gives him a reason to behave himself to try and get more money next year.
  3. Throwback for sure. I'm not a big fan of our normal jerseys.
  4. Was he smoking those 4 blunts when relaying these directions?
  5. Spell check much.
  6. Wow, I loved the original Planet of the Apes and it would be interesting to see how this one would pan out. No Tim Burton and Marky Mark on this one, so they already have a +1 in my book. Wood
  7. I just found this on youtube. I thought it fit perfectly into the beginning of the movie, as well as the choice of song. Kudos. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KhxjvSL1aPk
  8. My thoughts exactly. He was tremendous.
  9. I just got back from seeing Watchmen and I thought it was a well put together film. I've read some of the graphic novel so I went into the movie kind of knowing about half of what was going on. I thought Rorshash was played tremendously. He seemed to be an almost exact portrayal from the book. I also really enjoyed the beginning credits as it travels through years of history. Any thoughts? Wood
  10. b.harami was recently seen on an episode of "To Catch a Predator." When Chris Hansen asked why he showed up to the house naked, he replied, "We were just going to play doctor."
  11. Bullpen was recently seen guzzling "yogurt" in the passenger seat of a car worth more than all of our houses...the known alias of the driver is "Skooby". When asked about the awkward situation, Bullpen replied, "I just wanted some inside information!"
  12. I hear it's pretty high class...us peasants wouldn't know much about it... Let me tell you what Melba Toast is packin' right here, all right. We got 4:11 Positrac outback, 750 double pumper, Edelbrock intake, bored over 30, 11 to 1 pop-up pistons, turbo-jet 390 horsepower. We're talkin' some !@#$in' muscle. Wood
  13. Yea, I saw the trailer a few weeks ago. I was a fan of Donnie Darko but not to the extent where I'm too excited about a sequel. I just don't think any type of sequel could do the first film justice because it was such a thought-provoking, unique film. But who knows, it could also be a gem, you just never know with sequels and prequels.
  14. I figured we just signed McIntyre for more of a special teams player. If we plan on keeping him at fullback all the time, god help us.
  15. IF he stays out of the training room it'll be a good investment. Big IF.
  16. Ugh, how could you subject us to such horror.
  17. Happy Birthday, you crazy SOBs.
  18. Agreed...but they may lose out on their all-star quarterback, Randall "Pink" Floyd. He may play ball next year, but he will never sign that contract.
  19. Scott Mitchell was a beast. He was a dominating force in handing the ball off to Barry.
  20. J.P. Losman.
  21. Thanks Dean. This is interesting stuff, you're right, it is much much different than his normal music. I like the second song, Out of My Mind. I like the soloing aspect that Mayer takes, It kind of reminded me of a John Butler Trio song actually. John Butler Trio- Ocean (awesome instrumental) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VAkOhXIsI0
  22. Well, when I meant sunshine I was insinuating the notion of heat and warmth. Therefore, I'm not particularly a fan of February.
  23. Damn, I thought it said John BUTLER Trio which is a personal favorite. Pertaining to John Mayer, I've never heard of the Trio. I like some of his music, but some of his other stuff is quite annoying, IMO. Is the John Mayer Trio the same type of music or is it much different?
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