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Everything posted by Wooderson

  1. What'd you sneak a peak at my bracket? Haha. I agree, I think 'Nova has a good shot at the final four. I think Memphis is also a good call in the West, I'm not sure how far UConn will be going. I think the Midwest is going to be difficult to pick. I think Wake has a good shot, as well as Michigan St. It'll be interesting to see how everything plays out this year. It's been a crazy year for college basketball and this tourney should end up being a good one.
  2. I like Statham, especially in Crank (excited about Crank 2), but I have never gotten into the Transporter movies. I've seen bits and pieces of the first one, but I just couldn't get into it.
  3. I laugh everytime this commercial comes on. I think it's hilarious.
  4. The Snozzberries taste like Snozzberries.
  5. Bosstones, nice call. How bout this one.
  6. "But there are developmental needs from some of the younger players, namely cornerback Leodis McKelvin and defensive end Chris Ellis." Haha, Chris Ellis. What a joke.
  7. If vegetarians eat vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat?
  8. T.O. = TO = Voodoo woman named Phyllis = damj.
  9. Most alcoholic beverages contain all 13 minerals necessary to sustain human life.
  10. This one was pretty crazy as well.
  11. and then it's nothing.
  12. Wow, that was pretty cool. The flight pattern was pretty nuts.
  13. In definition, strength is different than power. Power is strength, with the incorporation of speed. Yes I am nitpicky. Haha.
  14. Why does a vagina smell like tunafish?
  15. 6 balks in a game is quite ridiculous, if you ask me. Either the coaches or the umpire should've stepped in and assisted the pitchers with what problems they were having because obviously something wasn't going right. Haha. I know "Beerbawl's" sarcasm, I just like to throw some back everyone once in a while.
  16. Where are the rules posted that you may not answer a random thought? My apologies almighty Beerball.
  17. Very good I like it...but what if the girl that wants you has herpes?
  18. The basic idea of a balk is that you may not make a move towards home plate before attempting to pick somebody off. So you have to deceive the runner without actually moving towards home plate. It's much more common in little league than professional baseball, obviously.
  19. Man, I can't believe Bill is gone. What a downer.
  20. ...meanwhile, /dev/null was giving #9 a "massage".
  21. Because white people need help with their self confidence...
  22. Your mom's a rookie! Bam, you just got worked.
  23. /dev/null thinks he's clever and unique by putting all the "funny" draft speculations in his signature.
  24. Don't get this sh-- started. Just join the Mort sucks bandwagon and everything will be alright.
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