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Everything posted by Wooderson

  1. Mississippi Queen always strikes me as a great air guitar song.
  2. Jump Around- House of Pain Summertime- Big Willie Gin and Juice- Snoop-a-loop ...I'm a young-in so they aren't too old school but old enough for me.
  3. Repo Man?
  4. Agreed, he is a sick actor. I love a lot of the movies that he's in. Have you seen the new Quentin Tarantino movie that Pitt is in? It looks pretty cool, it's called Inglorious Basterds (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0361748/).
  5. Is that Princess Bride?
  6. I enjoyed the first one, and I'm looking forward to the second one. Although, I really wasn't into Transformers back in the cartoon days. I just hope Tyrese isn't in it again...I hate his lame attempt at humor.
  7. C'mon, give me something challenging then...Full Metal Jacket. I love Kubrick, you can't fool me. Haha. "Listen to me Anthony. I got your head in a !@#$in' vise. I'll squash your head like a !@#$in' grapefruit if you don't give me a name. Don't make me have to do this, please. Don't make me be a bad guy, come on."
  8. Happy Birthday you crazy SOB.
  9. Matrix. How about this... "Rosebud."
  10. Clockwork Orange is your favorite movie? Good call man, Stanley Kubrick is a freakin' genius. Space Odyssey is a masterpiece and gets better each time I see it. How about these, from the same movie.. "The official toxicity limit for humans is between one and one and half grams of cocaine depending on body weight. I was averaging five grams a day, maybe more. I snorted ten grams in ten minutes once. I guess I had a high tolerance." "Danbury wasn't a prison, it was a crime school. I went in with a Bachelor of marijuana, came out with a Doctorate of cocaine."
  11. You mean Arnie Grape?
  12. Agreed there KO, he seemed to be playing great defense against Griffin all game. I also loved how great they were double teaming all night. Griffin seemed to be having a hard time down low and obviously their perimeter shooting was off. Good game for the Heels, I don't think Nova has a shot against them.
  13. Let's hope everything goes well, good luck!
  14. A sharpener included?
  15. Haha, yeah I've seen the one where he is ranting about COD4 and I thought it was hilarious. I was just reading an article on gamespot.com and they were saying how they are taking the modern warfare franchise to a new level. Allegedly, Infinity Ward is thinking about scrapping the Call of Duty franchise and starting a Modern Warfare franchise. I think it's a great idea, I mean I like the World War II setting but it gets old after awhile. Here's the article if anyone's interested: http://www.gamespot.com/news/6206854.html?...adlines;title;2
  16. I think people halfway down the street know that you hate Juggernaut...
  17. They're remaking Monty Python and the Holy Grail??? What is this world coming to?
  18. Yea yea, on Shipment you touch f---. Oh well, now I'm 1,267,398-4 all-time.
  19. It seems like a great idea and it does make sense...but I agree, not completely sold on whether it would work out or not. Hopefully more on this subject to come soon.
  20. Haha, I've seen this video before. I love how the guy gets out and parks it for the woman, she's ridiculous.
  21. I think he needs to bulk up a little bit. He seems to have the height and skill set to compete in the NFL, but he still seems a little thin for a running back.
  22. I just puked it back up.
  24. Wow, looks quite good. I remember reading the book as a little kid and loved it. I'm looking forward to this now, thanks. Good find.
  25. Thanks, yea I love that song and the entire album is pretty good. I just got their new album, Post Merriweather Pavilion, which is not too bad so far. I've only listened to some of it, and not in the right frame of mind yet, but I'll get to it eventually. The second album I mentioned (Panda Bear) is a solo album by one of the band members of Animal Collective so it's similar style but pretty different at the same time. I love listening to experimental music when under the influence, it helps to broaden your mind and open you up to new things. Some of my other favorites: The Skatalites (good for chill, happy music) Pink Floyd- Dark Side of the Moon (never gets old) The Slackers- Slack in Japan (good quality live show with chill music) Slightly Stoopid- Closer to the Sun, or any of their albums Bob Marley- Legend, how could I forget the greatest of the greats Shwayze has some decent jams on his self-titled album, although I saw him live and was disappointed with the performance.
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