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Everything posted by Wooderson

  1. My laptop is having some major malfunctions. About 3 weeks ago the laptop started having problems picking up a wireless signal, no matter where I was. It would detect the signal for about 90 seconds and then the signal would just disappear and couldn't be found again. Then, about a week ago, the laptop started finding the signal again, so I had no more problems with that, but that's when the freezing started. My laptop will freeze, without notice, at any point between 5-20 mins after I boot up the computer. I've had to restart several papers because you can't do a thing when it freezes, all you can do is power off and turn back on. I think it might be a virus, but I'm not positive, so any other ideas to fix it would be nice. I'm not that much of a computer whiz, so any thoughts would be helpful. Thanks! P.S. I've ran a system restore twice, and defragged the harddrive but neither made any difference.
  2. Ko Simpson is a joke, he is not worth millions.
  3. Aww c'mon, you didn't like Arnold as Mr. Freeze? Haha.
  4. Whew, you're lucky. I was about you castrate you.
  5. I loved Magnolia, I thought it was an awesome movie with a great storyline. Mystery Science Theatre is hilarious, I love when they did the Manos: Hands of Fate one. Great stuff.
  6. I agree about Stone, most of his movies are nothing special. The only movie he's directed that I loved was Platoon, but since then he's done nothing spectacular.
  7. -Meet the Spartans -Epic Movie -Disaster Movie -Daredevil -It -Lawnmower Man
  8. I loveeeee those redheads.
  9. How did they possibly end up in a dumpster? If you want to get your nuts off, you can't think of a place better? I bet it was really romantic rolling over and and spotting that diaper next to your face. Yeast infection, here I come!
  10. -Stay away from carbonated and sugary beverages; soda, iced tea, etc, etc. -It's easier to cut something out of your diet than to burn the calories. -Try to eat smaller portions, but more meals. This will keep your metabolism higher as well as give you more energy. -Eat breakfast, very important. Eating a breakfast allows your body to get nutrients right away and helps you to get your metabolism going so that it works throughout the day. -Dietary fiber, helps with digestion and it will fill you up, good to have for breakfast. -Drink lots of water. Recommended amount is at least 8 12 oz. glasses per day, the more, the better. -Exercise 3-5 times per week. Keeping a weekly routine helps to maintain metabolic rate, burn calories and fat, build muscle, create new capillary beds, allowing you to utilize oxygen at a higher rate. Doctors recommend cardiovascular exercise at least 3x per week and at least 20 mins continuously. -I'd say follow your diet for a few days, figure out what you eat regularly and then try to make healthy choices as substitutes for those. Say you have a pop everyday for lunch, try substituting it with a diet green tea, or even a diet beverage. -Be disciplined, probably most important part, if you start a routine try and stick with it. -Alcohol- be moderate when possible, it's healthy to have alcohol in some instances. Good luck!
  11. Take a video, really? The only thing a video would show is red eyes, a smile on my face, and possibly a box of Hot n' Spicy Cheez-Its on my lap.
  12. It's hard to determine, I would imagine it would depend on the doctor or caregiver that would prescribe it to you. But, I'm guessing, it would become easier to obtain as time went on.
  13. Linkski "Long-stalled efforts to permit the medicinal use of marijuana in this state appear to have a good chance of passage before lawmakers end their session in June. It would make New York the 15th state to legalize the drug for medical reasons. Advocates say they believe the Democratic- controlled Senate and Assembly have the votes to pass legislation permitting qualified patients to grow their own marijuana plants, or obtain the drug on the streets or through a state-sanctioned dispensary.Gov. David A. Paterson also is said to be supportive of the legalization. “It’s looking pretty darn good,” Assemblyman Richard N. Gottfried, a Manhattan Democrat and Health Committee chairman, said of the bill’s chance to become law this session."
  14. "Wait man, wait,...that song's about that?" "Hell yeah that song's about that man, aliens, this country was founded by people who were into aliens, man. George Washington was in a cult and the cult was into aliens, man. You didn't know that man?"
  15. I love this version of this song: Another great one: John Butler Trio- Ocean
  16. Rolling Stone seems to agree. http://www.rollingstone.com/rockdaily/inde...ted-guitarists/ Phil Keaggy is on that list and I have to agree, he did a guest appearance when Dispatch came back for their final shows. It was pretty sick.
  17. Happy Holidays! Interesting article I stumbled across... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/anthony-papa...s_b_187905.html
  18. I'm currently a Phys. Ed. major so I hear plenty of this dodgeball nonsense. IMO, I find nothing wrong with a little dodgeball in the classroom, because I grew up playing dodgeball just like almost everyone else. Many teachers are starting to modify the game using gatorskin balls, which are very soft, but harder to manipulate than say a kickball. This evens out the playing field because the balls curve all over the place, so even the most athletic students can't perfectly aim the ball. There are many new types of dodgeball games as well, I actually observed with a teacher last semester who created a game where he put up the gymnastics mats around the room, but set them up as actually walls and hiding spots, sort of like a paintball arena. Then it was basically a free-for-all and the kids went nuts and were loving every minute of it. I may even have chucked a few balls at some youngsters. Many teachers are now modifying the game of tag so that you have to tag the person with a ball or a foam stick so that the teacher can protect themselves from those types of situations. I had an entire class on "outdoor/cooperative activities", which was basically learning hundreds of tag games and other small group activities for kids. You wouldn't believe how many forms of tag are actually out there, it's unbelievable.
  19. I'm sick of these mother fuggin' snakes on this mother fuggin' plane!
  20. Only this morning? What about every day for the past 8 years? ...I felt like a bus hit me this morning, maybe those blizz's were a bad idea.
  21. 6 bucks, what a rip. Last time I went to a game it was 1 dollar with a can of Pepsi.
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