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Everything posted by Wooderson

  1. This is where they've had the most success this year I think. You used the Rams dominant interior DL and ran right at them using draws and traps. Begging Aaron Donald to get up field fast and running right underneath him. Tons of credit goes to Anthony Lynn for this design. Speed option design was flawless too.
  2. He has 4. He only had 5 last year. He's all over the place though, hell of a player. LoRax leads the league.
  3. I'm not sure if the rule has changed but as I've understood it, it's only a horse collar if they are pulled backwards by the collar. Tyrod went down face first, if he would've went down the opposite way I believe it would've been called.
  4. Haha, you're welcome. Once I heard it I noticed it was from a movie as well. A couple google searches and I found that Ocean's Eleven scene and knew it right away.
  5. I watched the first couple episodes. It's good so far. Daredevil and Jessica Jones are still ahead for me but we'll see how I feel at the end of the series. Pretty much agree with all this haha.
  6. It's gotta be this...
  7. Shoot, it might actually be through the Wi-Fi. Sorry, I was wrong about bluetooth.
  8. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01BKU7B7I/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00UR321B6/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 That's what I have. It works pretty well for cheap.
  9. Apple TV will let you mirror from your phone thru bluetooth as long as you have an iPhone. You can find it online for less than $50
  10. https://www.amazon.com/Samsung-UN55KU6500-Curved-55-Inch-Ultra/dp/B01E6BJRXE/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1475689313&sr=8-1&keywords=samsung+55+inch+4k+curved We bought this on Amazon Prime day a few months ago. Absolutely love it. Picture is fantastic and number of apps is great as well. Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, YouTube, MLB.TV, as well as an internet browser and plenty more apps. It does NOT have Watch ESPN but I have an older gen Apple TV so it's not a huge issue. I'd recommend installing LED light tape to the back of the TV. It really brightens up the TV and doesn't hurt your eyes.
  11. Did anybody have this much confidence in Brown or the whole LB corp in general after Ragland went down? I know I sure didn't. They are balling out so far. It's easy to say this now, but any at the beginning of the season, no one was saying this.
  12. Psycho was great the first time I watched it. I just watched that Exorcism III scene that someone posted and it felt incredibly similar to the scene in Psycho when the detective is walking up the stairs. The music really nails it. The Descent was a pretty good scary movie. Had some good jump scenes as well as a nightmare for those who have claustrophobia. The Shining. The Omen scared me pretty good when I was young. The nurse hanging herself really hit me hard as a child.
  13. Brisset definitely was pulling a big acting job on that one. He was barely pushed and went flying down to the turf. There was another one that was closer to being a late hit.
  14. Best: Zac Brown Band at Fenway Park August 2015. Steven Tyler made an appearance for a few songs and it was awesome. Just a great show overall and a great trip. Many Dave Matthews shows over the years have all been great as well. Worse: Shwayze free concert at Canisius College, 2009ish. Effing terrible from start to finish. Honestly, I wasn't expecting much from a free show in the middle of winter by a California duo but they barely played 45 mins and we're basically begging ppl in the crowd to throw them free weed.
  15. Just going off memory, it almost seemed like Blount thought he was going to go low and was planning on hurdling him but Gilmore noticed this and changed his mind and was somewhat out of position to make a good tackle.
  16. Big golf fan but don't usually go on the computer over the weekend, more of a work weekday message board guy haha. What a performance by U.S. and Reed. That match with McIlroy was something I won't soon forget. The constant celebrations trolling each other was fantastic, and they we're both great sports about it. Loved it.
  17. Agreed. Like Belichick isn't preparing for everything anyways.
  18. Noise level too. My 360 sounds like it's prepping for take off into space.
  19. Xbox One. Not worth it at all to buy a 360. I had the 360 until a few months ago and little by little features and game options were becoming smaller and smaller. I had bought the Call of Duty game last year and didn't realize I couldn't play the campaign mode on the game because they didn't take the time to make it compatible with the older 360 system. Right around Black Friday you'll probably see some great deals on the Xbox One because they've just recently come out with the Xbox One S. Also, in my opinion, you're fine going with the 500 GB system over the 2 TB system. The price difference just for game storage is pretty big.
  20. He hasn't even proposed yet. He's gonna keep us on the hook for the next 18 months.
  21. You guys decided to hit up the downer to get ready for the game tonight. Jboyst paid for a table dance for all of you and was motorboating Chastity and had her nipple right in his face when she posed the age old question to the group, "do you want to watch him suck it?" I have to be close.
  22. Ah, I didn't know that. Cool.
  23. I enjoyed The Pacific, but it was impossible to live up to Band of Brothers standards. The credits scene of The Pacific always gave me goosebumps.
  24. Completely agree. If it's a Netflix original series, I will at least give it a shot. They have been good more times than they've been bad IMO. Peaky Blinders, Sens8, Narcos, Daredevil, Jessica Jones, House of Cards, Bloodline S1, Grace and Frankie have all been great. How could I forget Stranger Things and Making a Murderer on this list. Yes, sir. Awesome show. I was really hoping Cillian Murphy would get some type of Emmy nod for his work as Tommy Shelby but I guess not.
  25. Olives. Green and black.
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