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Everything posted by Wooderson

  1. God bless him! There was something about Fred Jackson when he started producing. I gravitated towards him. I feel like his mindset was always different from any other player in the locker room. He took a different path to the nfl so he approaches it completely different from a player drafted. It's such a relief knowing there's someone out there that is scard of putting him in his place.
  2. Full Metal Jacket, Kubrick was way ahead of his time and one of the greatest directors of all time. Platoon is also a great movie with an all-star cast, IMO. I haven't seen Apocalypse Now, but from what I hear it's one of the best.
  3. Yea if it didn't cost you last year's salary for a large pizza... Good Guys Pizza in North Tonawanda blows Pizza Junction out of the water, IMO.
  4. Who's they? obviously not everybody knows how to get around it, seeing as some of them were stupid enough to fail the test at the combine, where they know in advance they are going to get tested. I'm all for the green goodness, but the NFL is a career, and if you're job tells you that you can't smoke, I think it's wise to follow the rules.
  5. My two buddies and I have been trying to watch every movie from the imdb top 250 list (which is very similar to many top 100 lists, give or take some movies), we've been at it for nearly a year and have made a pretty solid dent in the list. It's enjoyable seeing all the old famous movies that you always hear about, but have never seen. I haven't seen this one but I think I do recall it being on the list.
  6. I love Frank Lloyd Wright, Falling Water has to be the coolest house. I've always wanted to take a trip down there and see it, but I've never gotten myself to actually do it.
  7. I can't believe how many people actually showed up to the airport on Sunday. It's ridiculous, he's just a football player, he's not some savior sent down from the heavens to save the city. I think it made Buffalo look like a bunch of idiots.
  8. Agreed, I loved when he ripped Philly apart.
  9. I feel much more comfortable with the line going into this year, as opposed to last year. If Marshawn could do work last year with Preston and Dockery, I have faith he'll be able to do the job with 2 solid rookies and a good center.
  10. I caught the second half of the movie on HBO a few nights ago, and I agree, what an awesome movie. Ed Rooney is a priceless character, he makes me laugh everytime. "The game is up, your ass is mine."
  11. Wow, wow, wow. It better be a pretty damn secure network, imagine if the sex offenders somehow got their hands on this type of information. I can only imagine the problems that will arise in the future.
  12. Mitch Hedberg George Carlin Jimmy Norton Chris Rock
  13. Haha, Rad was also the first movie that came to my mind. The Gate, Weird Science, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, and Bill and Ted were all enjoyable 80's movies when I was a kid.
  14. For that price range you can find a pretty good camera that will suit many of your needs. If you're just finally switching to a digital camera now, any of the current cameras will be a significant upgrade to your current film camera. Best Buy has some nice cheap digital cameras on sale, some for under $100. I'd browse a few stores online, even maybe Amazon or eBay, they always have good deals. I bought a Kodak EasyShare 8.2 Megapixel camera a few years ago and I've had no problems with it so far.
  15. Nah, but I heard Turtle was set to play Frankie.
  16. I think it's hilarious that it's called the "Buy Black" Experiment. I thought we tried that experiment centuries ago, I don't think it worked out so well.
  17. "I don't do interviews with women, I fornicate with them." -Mikey
  18. So you wanted to pay him 10 mill a year, and if he sucks, just cut him and let him run off with the money? Wow.
  19. I guess we now know why his name is Joba.
  20. My laptop has done the same thing from time to time. Try holding Ctrl + Shift together, which seems to fix mine. I have no idea how i figured out that worked, but it just seemed to work on mine. Who knows, it's worth a shot.
  21. Stay away from buying any type of protein supplement, they are practically useless. If you are following a good diet high in carbs, protein, and fats, then the protein supplement you are buying is basically doing nothing. Since your diet is fulfilling your protein needs, you will pretty much just be excreting any other protein left in the system, therefore you are wasting money. Well, at least that's what I just learned in Wellness and Fitness class. Creatine is a good supplement for lifting, but be sure to drink lots of water. Any type of supplement like creatine can cause you to become dehydrated and can lead to problems down the road. Drink lots of water, everyday.
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