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Everything posted by Wooderson

  1. Man, both these stories are incredible. Maybe she should go back to the psychiatric hospital, seems to be where she really belongs.
  2. I think he knows exactly where the gerbil is... ...or maybe Richard Gere can show him.
  3. Eh-yo Jimmy Spags, nice mug.
  4. Because Stone Cold said so.
  5. Rock n' Roll Hoochie Coo.
  6. Shaqtastic.
  7. Can you smell what the Rock is cooking?
  8. Speaking of suit, I just ripped my pants.
  9. IIRC, it's called Costal Cartilage, it's what holds the ribs to the sternum.
  10. I have this one as well, works like a charm and good price. Enjoy!
  11. I saw it, it was extremely easy to locate actually. I was also pleasantly surprised with the video. It was a good cinematic experience.
  12. I'm out there Jerry, and I'm loving every minute of it!
  13. I usually enjoy his stuff. He's no Kubrick, but I'm always interested when he has something come out, it's always different and eccentric. Big Fish is one of my favorites by him.
  14. I saw it on Sportscenter last night, even the anchors were joking around about how the hype was way overboard. It's ridiculous, the kid made a nice, strong move to the basket and Lebron was late getting over there and barely jumped.
  15. Paper. I was always a fan of the paper bag hand puppets.
  16. I've heard the Hells Angels one is very good, and seeing as I'm an avid fan of Gangland, that might be an interesting one to pick up. Thanks for the tips.
  17. I am actually in the process of reading Fear and Loathing...saw the movie years ago but just finally picked up the book. Great book, much better than the movie IMO. I think I'm gonna pick up Rum Diaries when I'm finished.
  18. When I was young, I was blessed enough to grow up in a neighborhood where every other house there was somebody near my age. I recall those good old summers, waking up at 8am meeting everybody outside and starting the day with a game of roller hockey, usually accompanied by the mid-game fight or two. Afterwards, we'd usually hit up somebody's pool and relax, and then another sport afterwards. It was just non-stop fun and games, day after day. Then on the weekends at night all the parents would be drinking and we would run amuck throughout the neighborhood causing all types of trouble, hide-and-seek, cops-and-robbers, bike races. Man, to have no care in the world again would be amazing.
  19. First off, Beatles > Stones. SFTD is probably my favorite song by them too, but most of their stuff is pretty top notch. I'm just more of a Beatles guy when it comes down to it.
  20. I win. The next person to post is a homosexual, or a Pats fan. Oh yeah, it's the same.
  21. "Dad, did you forget the matches again?"
  22. I wish I had a hidden chamber inside my closet, within my password coded bedroom so that I had somewhere to hide my special possessions...you know, priceless items, jewelry, children, etc...
  23. 1. A New Hope 2. Empire Strikes Back 3. Return of the Jedi 4. Revenge of the Sith 5. Attack of the Clones 6. Phantom Menace I absolutely love the original three. The newer ones are fun, but I don't think they are comparable to the original.
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