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Everything posted by Wooderson

  1. Diane Kruger: Hoo-wah Wammo Monica Bellucci: Shazam almost NSFW
  2. I think both. It seems he was half-assing what Jauron wanted to implement while doing his own thing, which is why Jauron seemed to be on his back all off-season. If an assistant coach is not following what the head coach wants then there will be major problems. I'm an assistant coach for a high school team, and even though the assistant coaches might not like what the head coach wants, they still follow his rules and continue to run it his way. If not, then the team cannot continue forward without further complications, which is what I think we saw with the Bills offense...especially this preseason.
  3. You can't talk to me like that, I'm a doctor of journalism man!
  4. You should go back to the Stewie avatar. It's much more enjoyable.
  5. No, I think that's Randall "Pink" Floyd.
  6. I was a young-in back in the early 90's, so I would say that a Bills Superbowl would definitely top the list for me. I've been to a PGA Championship but I think that Augusta would be absolutely awesome. I'd also say a championship game for the Buffalo Blizzard would be great as well...
  7. "Free Tibet? I'll take it. China, I have something you might be interested in..."
  8. Even though I despise damj, he still deserves a Happy Mo' Fuggin Bday!
  9. Nothing, your wife does it for free.
  10. Some people call me the space cowboy.
  11. 9 looks like it could be pretty good, but it kind of reminds me of Little Big Planet with those stitched dolls or whatever they are.
  12. Good for you man, I'm still stuck on those things.
  13. Mommy's alright, daddy's alright, they just seem a little weird.
  14. Haha, loved it. I could personally relate to many of these circumstances. I would think 20-30 year olds sounds more realistic, IMO.
  15. I am Inigo Montoya, you killed my father. Prepare to die.
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