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Everything posted by Wooderson

  1. Streetcar, what are your impressions of Jabari Greer so far? I loved the way he played when he was here in Buffalo and it was sad to see him go. I haven't really seen any NO games yet, only the Brees highlights.
  2. I believe Jackson rushed for 163 yards yesterday. NE was doubling Evans and sometimes TO on the same play, therefore allowing the TE's and RB's to be open out of the backfield for screens and dumpoffs. Tampa Bay wasn't running the same defense as NE, therefore the same type of plays wouldn't have worked the same way. Different team, different game, different outcomes. AVP is been much much better than Turk IMO. You're points are not very valid to your argument. P.S.- There are such things as periods and the shift key.
  3. Agreed. I think it was the perfect call for the time and situation.
  4. Good fuggin' list Senator! I love Carmina Burana, such a sweet tune. Barry Lyndon's music is wonderful and John Williams really sets the mood for Schindler's List.
  5. He said in the press conference afterwards that it was his call. He said that a running play was called, but the defense they were playing wasn't good for the play so he called it off and put the ball into the Lee's hands and thankfully he came down with the grab and the TD.
  6. Agreed, great movie with amazing music. I love his interaction of the classical music in the film. Stanley Kubrick is an inspiration to us all with his involvement of music, light, and the usage of different lenses.
  7. Takes the cake, IMO. Other good ones:
  8. Haha! That is hilarious, I'm glad he gave her that deadline I'm sure she ran right over to the phone to call him back.
  9. Where is the Continuum Transfunctioner?
  10. "This is what happens when you don't force your son to play sports."
  11. Man, he looked meaner than usual yesterday...maybe it was because he was missing his straw hat. Also, it seems he lost his golf clap, I saw some force and authority when he was clapping, maybe even a raised voice here or there. Kind of reminded me of Mike Tomlin...
  12. I really don't think that pregame speeches make that big a difference in the way one plays. Sure, in the movies they look all rah-rah and inspirational but that's not how it is in real life. 5 minutes after the "pump-up" speech, the players have forgotten much of what the head coach said, and are just thinking about assignments and plays prior to kickoff. Also, telling the team that everyone thinks they're a joke is going to do nothing. They already know this, they don't need a coach to tell them before the game. If you're going to have a speech before the game, do it a few days before, let it soak in and reiderate(sp?) the message before the game. That's the way Marv approached it, whether it worked or not it sounds better than, "Let's knock their f*cking heads off!" an hour before the game.
  13. I was just getting used to the smiley face. Now I gotta stare at your ugly mug all the time...
  14. Thanks Deano, I took your advice with some of the H.S. Thompson books. I've read Fear and Loathing Las Vegas, The Rum Diary-- which was better than I expected, and the Hell's Angels-- which started slow but eventually turned out to be very good. I'm gonna take a little break from his books because I just picked up Tony Dungy's Quiet Strength. I've heard the Curse of Lono is very good, but what would you recommend?
  15. Not then... NOW! Wooderson with the sneak attack, end it now Mods, you know you want me to win.
  16. Albright Knox Art Gallery. Frank Lloyd Wright sites, one in Buffalo as well as Grey Cliff.
  17. Durrrrrrr, I'm duh duh duh waterboyyyyy durrr! We're all just dumb stupidheads durrrrrrrrrr!
  18. Kids just knew how to keep their traps shut back then.
  19. Then make a stop off at Bed, Bath, and Beyond.
  20. You're living in a dream world, damj. We all know the Chosen Wood-One is going to win this Memorial Thread.
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