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Everything posted by Wooderson

  1. I Saw Zombieland, I enjoy zombie movies and this one was definitely a fun ride and was pretty damn funny, although nothing can beat George Romero's zombie movies (Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead). Where the Wild Things Are looks visually stunning and interesting. It's already gotten solid reviews on imdb and I'm looking forward to checking it out...more than likely when it hits DVD. Family Guy is awesome. 'Nuff said.
  2. Hmm wow did not realize it was all season. That is quite pathetic.
  3. He better damn well stay up. He seems to be playing really well, IMO. A few mistakes here and there, but that's expected with his age and level of experience. I think this kid is gonna be very good.
  4. I'd start Sproles personally. Do the Bills even have a rushing touchdown in the last few weeks?
  5. He didn't make that catch along the sideline. He didn't have control of the ball when he went out of bounds. Great catch if he would've, but he didn't.
  6. -Bring your drinking face. -Grab yourself some Canadian beer. -Wander around with your friend and just take in the scenery, there's usually crazy games, stunts, etc. going on in many of the tailgating lots. -I wouldn't worry too much about having a Texans jersey on. You'll get the occasional yelling and shouting and booing but just act friendly and happy and no one will care. -Pound those last few beers on the way to the gate, seeing as beer prices inside are ridiculous. -Hit up Duff's after the game if possible...you won't regret it. -Definitely be prepared for the weather, it will probably be very cold. -Get to the tailgating lot early and start drinking, start the day out the right way. -Enjoy yourself, it will be a fun experience.
  7. Agreed, Super Mario 3 was awesome. I also clicked on the Super NES top 100 list and have to agree with their #1 as well, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past was an amazing game and I loved it when I was a little kid. I actually found an emulator online and have downloaded some of the old SNES and NES games. It brings back some memories.
  8. There are 7 regular season games. But I think each team is guaranteed at least 9 games due to bowl games and playoffs. It began in 2008.
  9. Did you forget the Holy Trinity? God and Jesus are one in the same.
  10. 1. Leonardo da Vinci 2. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 3. Stanley Kubrick I'd probably learn a lot.
  11. Saw the teaser awhile back, looks pretty good.
  12. It's used on amazon for $0.01 plus 3.99 shipping. Not too shabby.
  13. We're going to have to figure out something when the zombie apocalypse begins...
  14. He just threw an interception in the endzone and then was sacked twice on the next drive. The Locos are down 22-2 midway thru the fourth.
  15. "Kool-aid drinkers" -- Is that some sort of racist comment you bigot?
  16. 1. Watching Meet the Spartans, Epic Movie, or any of those spoof movies. Pure stupidity. 2. Not studying for my Anatomy and Physiology Exam freshman year because I thought it was going to be easy(ended up getting a 56 and had to take the class over again). 3. The death/murder/suicide (who knows) of Marilyn Monroe. Man, what a beauty, can only imagine how many more movies she would've made. ...and one thing I'm glad that I did do this year: -Not renewing my season tickets!
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