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Everything posted by Wooderson

  1. I got 9 out of 12, but basically because I was guessing.
  2. Never happens to me. I couldn't even tell you the last time I lost a phone call.
  3. -Has the whole world gone crazy? Am I the only one around here who gives a sh*t about the rules? Mark it zero! --They're calling the cops, put the piece away. -Mark it zero! You think I'm !@#$ing around here? Mark it zero! ---All right, it's !@#$ing zero. Are you happy, you crazy !@#$? -...It's a league game, Smokey.
  4. I can't remember the last time I actually ate popcorn. I'm more of a pretzel kind of guy. Btw... THESE PRETZELS ARE MAKING ME THIRSTY! Sorry, had to do it.
  5. Mighty Taco...aka Colon Cleanser.
  6. Does that count as a moral victory?
  7. Man, I was there and didn't catch that. Damn. I did however see an apparition trying to make some type of contact from behind a podium around halftime. I was trying to understand him, but I forgot my EVP recorder.
  8. Beer farts are the worst, always smell terrible.
  9. He was given a lot more cheers than I expected, at least from my section...I sat there and listened but I didn't cheer or boo. I couldn't really tell you much of what he said, because I couldn't hear very well, but it was a pretty short speech.
  10. I'm not sure how to classify this story, could be paranormal, could be variables that I hadn't noticed at the time, but who knows. Myself and two of my buddies went up to Sherkston Beach in Canada a few years ago, where my other buddy has a cottage. On the drive up, he mentions that there's this cool castle-type mansion being built down this gravel road off in the distance. We were interested at the time so we went down the gravel road to check it out. The road is about a mile long with no streets coming off in between the two main roads that it connects, and there was tall grass and trees on either side of the narrow road. So anyways, were driving down and we see 2 guys and 2 girls sitting on the hood of what looked like, a perfectly conditioned hot red muscle car from probably the 60s or 70s (I'm not much of a car guy) on the side of the gravel road. They seemed very friendly and waved to us as we maneuvered past where they were parked. They had an older looking camera and were taking pictures of each other on the car. We didn't think anything of it at the time, so we pass them stop and check out the immense mansion and then turn around and start heading back the way we came. We had to pass their car again to get back to the main road, so they waved to us again, as we passed. I'm about 20-30 seconds down the road, when I look in my rearview mirror and notice that the car is no longer there. There were only two ways off that street and I don't think there was any way they could've driven over half a mile in less than a 30 seconds without me seeing them or any dust or dirt from the road being kicked up. I'm still not too sure what to make of the experience, but all I can say is that I can't explain how they disappeared so fast.
  11. Took Spanish in High School, about 3 and a half years ago. I could write it and understand it pretty well back then...but now, I probably couldn't say anything correctly. Me llamo Wooderson, is about all I can come up with.
  12. -Lots of classical music. -Aliens help apes evolve. -Aliens set trap in space so they know when humans gain certain intelligence. -HAL takes over space station, betrays humans. -Human gets sent through space and time to Alien type "zoo", where he lives rest of his days. -Starchild is reborn and sent back to the world. ^Not really too sure what's really true, but what I thought was going on in the movie. Next: Dazed and Confused
  13. Ouch, that sounds like a nightmare. I'm in Buffalo, and I really don't have many problems. My 3G is always pretty fast and I always get pretty good service. I only have trouble at one of my friends houses, but that's about it.
  14. What's the hatred for AT&T all the time? I've had it forever and I've never had any problems with service or anything...maybe I'm just in a good area for it, I don't know.
  15. I'm with you Lieutenant Dan, we will revenge upon the season, no matter how ugly it is. The seemingly tough schedule at the beginning of the year is looking a little bit easier every week (thank goodness). Skraapy-doo-- for tailgate information, I really don't have anything specifically but if you're looking to have some fun, I'd just park in a lot, set up some tables with some food and beer and just let the good times roll. There's usually fun people all over the place and I'm sure you'll meet some characters along the way. If nothing is going too well, just grab a case and walk around until you find some fellow fans having some fun. Usually they will embrace you with open arms, a beer, maybe a hot dog, and some fun. Also, you can check out this thread for other tailgating info... http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/index.php?showtopic=99371
  16. And if you don't know, now you know, nigga'.
  17. Jenkins is a stud on special teams, yes, but Wendling is a f*cking beast!
  18. Fat guy is dumb. Fat guy's dad dies. Fat guy tries to save dad's company. MILF wants fathers money. Fat guy outwits MILF. Fat guy gets the girl. Next: The Strangers.
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