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Everything posted by Wooderson

  1. Ehhh, hurts just imagining it.
  2. Let me guess, you're also listening to "All I Want For Christmas is You"?
  3. Spry is NOT how I'm feeling this morning. Xanders + Draft Beer + Colosso = ...well I'm sure you can guess.
  4. I've never been much of a rap fan, except for the occasional song or album. But, I've listened to the new Jay-Z (Blueprint III) and Lil-Wayne (No Ceilings) CDs multiple times and they are both very good albums. Lil-Wayne has some really cool lyrics that fit the beats well.
  5. Man, his voice is so soothing. Perfect christmas music.
  6. I agree with these ones you've mentioned. 12 Angry Men is brilliant, and Fonda was great in it. I love how you have to put together the murder scene using the same tools and thought processes that the jurors used, pure brilliance. This is another reason why I loved Rear Window, because you only have one vantage point throughout the film and you have to try and piece everything together using only what Jimmy Stewart can see, hear, and figure out. Citizen Kane was also great, somehow gaining that type of budget as a first time director and developing that end product was Orson Welles at his best. I couldn't imagine seeing that in the 40s, it had to of blown people's minds. I think Children of Men was a highly underrated film. The story was great, the scenes were intense, and that final continuous shot with no cuts was unbelievable. It made it extremely intense, and you really felt as if you were there. Some other ones that I saw on other lists that I also enjoyed: -Jacob's Ladder (f-ed up movie, the scene where he's on the stretcher being pushed through the mental hospital was nuts) -Requiem for a Dream (Aronofsky did a great job, I have yet to see the Fountain but I hear it's awesome) -American Beauty (loved Kevin Spacey in the role, interesting movie) -Kill Bill Vol. 1 & 2 (I thought they were both great) -The Shining (anything Kubrick does is brilliant, and this is no exception) -Shaun of the Dead (this will always be one of my favorite zombie movies) Thanks for the lists everyone, it's cool to see where other's interests are.
  7. What if a golf ball was eaten by a crocodile? Would it still be considered in the air? The crocodile is still living in air, but yet it is sitting in the croc's stomach. I'm not sure...
  8. I also have > or = respect for the elderly, but it is not only older people that back into spaces. Jeez, talk about stereotyping. You don't always have to go backwards once and forwards once. What if, when you pulled into your spot there was a car in front of you, but when you leave there is no car. Therefore you are able to go forward and pull straight out. Maybe elderly people should be able to use both spots, so then they can go forward both times, thus negating this entire thread.
  9. I like your list, haven't seen a bunch of them but the ones that I do recognize are great. Usual Suspects was a pleasant surprise when I first saw it, also agree with Braveheart, Donnie Darko, and Pulp Fiction. I actually just saw Memento last weekend and was blown away. Christopher Nolan really did a great job, I loved the film's direction and how it was shown almost fully in reverse. Masters in Film? Sounds pretty cool. I haven't seen many on your list, but I have seen Harold and Maude which was a cool cult film and Dawn of the Dead, which is awesome. I loved Romero's Night of the Living Dead, and Dawn of the Dead certainly didn't disappoint as the follow-up film.
  10. I'm looking for some good movies to pick up, and just wondering what are some of your favorite movies of all time? Here are some of mine, in no particular order: Dazed and Confused Clockwork Orange Lord of the Rings Trilogy Star Wars Trilogy Animal House Dial M for Murder One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Night of the Living Dead The Matrix Some Like It Hot Rear Window Casablanca Gangs of New York
  11. Or how bout completely stopping in the driving lane and then turning into a parking lot going .05 mph.
  12. From what I've read many places, and heard, it is an amazing movie. I have not yet seen it, but I plan on watching at some point.
  13. I enjoyed Grindhouse as well. Although, I thought that Planet Terror was the better of the two flicks.
  14. Comedy: 40 Year Old Virgin, Superbad Horror: Saw Romantic Comedy: I loved Forgetting Sarah Marshall, thought it was hilarious Superhero Movie: The Dark Knight, Spiderman Action Movie: Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl Documentary: Super Size Me Animated Film: The Incredibles Drama: Almost Famous, Children of Men Best Overall: I can't really decide but I'd say Lord of the Rings Trilogy Some other favorites: The Departed, There Will Be Blood, Gangs of New York, Both Kill Bills, V for Vendetta, American Psycho, Catch Me If You Can... Biggest Disappointment: Planet of the Apes
  15. I loved McKelvin and can't wait for him to come back, but in all honesty I was impressed with the way Florence has played this year. The game that really stood out was the Houston game. Pretty much shut Andre Johnson down for most of the game. Definitely wasn't expecting that type of production out of him when McKelvin went down.
  16. Jerome Harrison has two weak defenses the next two weeks (Kansas City, Oakland), so if you feel like taking a risk, why not give him a try. I'd start LT either way, whenever they get near the endzone, he always gets the TD it's like clockwork. I have him on my team and he's had 5 straight weeks with a TD.
  17. This isn't really related to this topic much, but it made me think of it. I was watching Paths of Glory yesterday, anybody ever seen it? I thought it was a fantastic movie. I've loved most of Kubrick's works including; Clockwork, 2001, and Dr. Strangelove but I'd have to say this is right up there with those. The movie puts quite a dramatic and anti-war view on WWI, from the walk down the trenches, to the final march towards the shooting squad. There was a lot of emotion and sadness and I thoroughly enjoyed the film.
  18. I'd prolly keep your roster the way it is except maybe switch White for Garcon. Garcon gets alot of looks from Peyton, White is playing against Revis as someone mentioned. New England has only allowed 3 Rushing TDs this year, so I'm not sure if you want to start Freddy. You might want to think about Warner as well. I'd always start someone against Detroit. Worst in the league against the pass.
  19. I wonder why he's listed as a CB? I know he was in college, but he plays S in the NFL.
  20. I enjoy the episode where Jim is working in Stamford and they are all playing Call of Duty for team building. The boss calls Jim and Andy into the conference room and says something like, "this isn't working out, we need a strategy." Jim thinks he's talking about sales, but he's really talking about Call of Duty. some good quotes: Creed: I'm not offended by homosexuality. In the 60's, I made love to many, many women. Often outdoors... in the mud and the rain. And it's possible a man slipped in. There would be no way of knowing. Michael Scott: Yeah, I went hunting once. Shot a deer in the leg. Had to kill it with a shovel. Took about an hour. Why do you ask? Michael Scott: I enjoy having breakfast in bed. I like waking up to the smell of bacon, sue me. And since I don't have a butler, I have to do it myself. So, most nights before I go to bed, I will lay six strips of bacon out on my George Foreman grill. Then I go to sleep. When I wake up, I plug in the grill. I go back to sleep again. Then I wake up to the smell of crackling bacon. It is delicious, it's good for me, it's the perfect way to start the day. Michael Scott: You may look around, and see two groups here. White collar, blue collar. But I don't see it that way. You know why not? Because I am collar-blind.
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