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Everything posted by Wooderson

  1. Oh, this is only the Ultimate Thread...damn I was looking for the Official Thread.
  2. Haha, I've started the same thing. I just started the first season a couple weeks ago. I'm only 3 episodes in because I've been busy and I've been trying to catch up on Modern Family, Band of Brothers, and 24. Modern Family is definitely one of my new favorite shows on TV, I think it's absolutely hilarious.
  3. AllPosters.com usually has good deals on posters. When I first ordered some, maybe 2 years ago, they had a great deal which was all posters for $4.95. I ended up ordering about 6-7 of them. I have Marilyn Monroe, Belushi with College sweatshirt, Dark Knight, Wedding Crashers, Entourage, LOTR:ROTK, V for Vendetta, The Office: Dwight, Pulp Fiction, The Rat Pack, and Top 100 Movie Quotes. I think I got them all from this site, and all for a very good price. Check it out.
  4. Overhand. But to be honest, what usually happens is the empty cardboard roll ends up staying empty as you just set the toilet paper on the sink and use it until it's finished.
  5. Zepp, I'm embarassed that I didn't notice this before...but I just realized you're one of my friends on Xbox Live. You do love that Netflix don't ya?
  6. Saw this tread last week, but then when I came back to comment I couldn't find it. I finally saw it was pinned at the top, which I usually skip over because I don't care much about "Ask Tim Graham 4.6". Get better Beerball! It seems your already on your way to recovery.
  7. Russia seems to be pretty damn good as well.
  8. That reminded me exactly of Spicoli from Fast Times...
  9. I haven't seen this, but I am not a fan of him at all and according to imdb.com it's on the bottom 100 movies ever. Tyler Perry's "I Can Do Bad All By Myself" http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1385912/ Honorable Mention: Twilight sequel "New Moon" ^I haven't seen that one either, but from what I've heard from many people is that it was absolutely terrible.
  10. I like mine, but If I had to vote I'd say Hazed and Amused older one with the asian chick poking a bong. Shibby.
  11. Same thing I was thinking, it's like trying to find a needle in a haystack.
  12. I think the type of guitar that he uses is pretty original, thus making him eligible for this conversation. I haven't read much of this thread because I've been at work but I have a few that've probably been mentioned... -Jimmy Page -Jimi Hendrix ^I'm sure both have been mentioned multiple times -I've always enjoyed Mark Knopfler of Dire Straits -Angus Young, maybe not the best but enjoyable to watch and a fun performer -
  13. Cushman: I gotta tell you, you are the complete opposite of every applicant we've seen. Mr. Steinbrenner, sir. There's someone here I'd like you to meet. This is Mr. Costanza. He is one of the applicants. George Steinbrenner: Nice to meet you. George Costanza: Well, I wish I could say the same, but I must say, with all due respect, I find it very hard to see the logic behind some of the moves you have made with this fine organization. In the past twenty years, you have caused myself, and the city of New York, a good deal of distress as we have watched you take our beloved Yankees and reduced them to a laughing stock, all for the glorification of your massive ego. George Steinbrenner: _______________________!
  14. "I already work around the clock!" The trailer looks really corny...I thought it was a made for TV movie when I first saw the previews. How was Extraordinary Measures?
  15. I played high school baseball against him, most notably a playoff game my senior year. I remember seeing him gallop through the outfield, he looked as if he could've stepped right over the outfield fence...dude was a monster. When he was up to bat, it looked like he had a toothpick in his hands as a bat. Good for him, I hope he does well in the future.
  16. Elisha Cuthbert Natalie Portman (somewhat NSFW) Danneel Harris
  17. Probably the same person that taught Chloe how to act.
  18. Cole chases assassin through building and assassin catches him offguard and his him on his knees telling him to call CTU and say that wing is clear and he's gonna walk him out. Cole decides to do the opposite and tells CTU that he's with the assassin, when Bauer comes outta nowhere and shoots down the assassin. They learn that the assassin is a part of a Russian Crime Syndicate by identifying tattooes on the assassins body. Renee is brought in to identify tattoos and the meanings because she was undercover with the Russians 6 years prior. They then find traces of Uranium on the assassins body and President Hassan understands why. He explains to Hastings that his brother wanted to develop nuclear weapons using the uranium. Hassan's brother is buying from the Russians and meets up with them at their residence in order to continue the purchase. CTU decides to send Renee back undercover with the Russians to try and gain access to information and pretend to want to buy the uranium from the Russians. Bauer offers to go with Renee because he's worried about her and pretends to be the buyer. Towards the end of the episode, Renee meets up with one of the Russians she knew beforehand. She tells him she wants to meet up with Vladamir because she has a buyer, he says he can't because he has a parole bracelet on and they can follow him anywhere. She sticks his hand in a vice and cuts off his thumb in order to get the bracelet off. And that's about it. That's pretty much off the top of my head, so if I missed anything I hope someone will help me out.
  19. A good ole power hour always starts the night out right.
  20. There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call The Twilight Zone.
  21. For sure, I was actually thinking about buying the blu-ray series because it's only like 50 bucks on Amazon but they're playing all of them over again so I figured I'd just watch them on TV and save the money.
  22. Wow. That's about all I have to say about that. :unsure:
  23. I've kind of became an Oregon football fan as of late. For professional football, my number two team would prolly be the Colts. I always find myself rooting for them. Woops almost forgot UNC for college hoops.
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