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Everything posted by Wooderson

  1. Do you blame them? If the olympics were on US soil, do you honestly think the entire crowd wouldn't be booing the Canadians if they beat us the game before? The US isn't liked in anything, which is fine with me. How come the Patriots have, and still are, hated by most of the NFL? The best are always hated for being the best.
  2. I worked in a pizza place for a good amount of time and at our place we had $2, $4, and $6 delivery charges depending on the distance that the driver was traveling but we would usually alert the customer on the phone if the charge was $4 or $6. The driver would make either $1.50, $3, or $4.50 on the respective delivery charges. For a regular delivery, I think a $3-$5 is usually what they made.
  3. Parise empty netter with 11 seconds left. USA!
  4. I usually don't tip at a takeout or deli unless it's an unusually large order. I worked at a pizza place for over three years, mostly working the counter for the take-out and I did not receive a tip at least 95% of the time. But when I did receive a tip and it was a returning customer, I would definitely take care of them the next time around. I did used to work the Super Bowl, which was a day in which I usually received many tips because everybody just looked like they felt sorry for you, haha. For a haircut, I go to a barbershop where they charge $9/haircut for men. I think that a $3-$5 tip is sufficient depending on the how good the haircut is.
  5. I know, me too. The battle scenes look unbelievable and I love that HBO has practically full hour running times. It's so much better than the commercial-ridden hour cable TV shows, where an hour is actually around 40 minutes.
  6. I've just gotten into the Band of Brothers series recently and I only have one more episode left in the miniseries. I love it, it's really interesting. I haven't seen this posted anywhere so I figured I'd share. HBO is coming out with a new series produced by Spielberg and Hanks. It's called The Pacific and seems to be very similar to Band of Brothers, except it focuses on the American battles against the Japanese. I saw the "Making Of" on HBO a few days ago and it got me excited. Some of the major battles that it covers are; Guadalcanal, Peleliu, Iwo Jima, and Okinawa. It begins on March 14th. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0374463/
  7. I still kinda enjoy them. Sure it's the same video over and over again, but they are creative when it comes to the subtitles.
  8. I saw it and I really liked it a lot. The music and suspense reminded me of of a Hitchcock film. It's unlike anything I've ever seen Scorsese do and it was cool to see him make the switch from gangster films to this mind-blowing thrill ride. I recommend it, definitely worth a trip to the theatre.
  9. I have an iPhone and I have a book program and it does a job on my eyes. After a few pages, I've had enough and can't stand reading anymore. I bought my mother a Kindle for Christmas and she absolutely loves it, I guess it's really easy on the eyes.
  10. This really doesn't have to do with greatest rock solos of all time, but this is a really cool instrumental piece on an 11-string acoustic guitar which always seems to mesmerize me. It takes a little while to get going but check it out, it's pretty interesting. John Butler- Ocean
  11. Great song, always felt that Knopfler was a little underrated.
  12. All good albums, if we're talking the deluxe editions that came out recently then maybe, but I think Legend has a little bit of everything and I could chill and jam to that all day. I'm sorry, maybe I'm a little slow, are you saying the music is bad?
  13. Well I usually believe most people when they say they don't want to come to Buffalo, because usually it's true, haha.
  14. I don't understand how almost 3/4 of the Philly fans polled, want him out of Philly. His track record on making the playoffs is almost as good as Peyton's in the last 10 years. Sure, he has never won the big game, but I'd much rather make it to the big game than not make it. I don't think he's going to come to Buffalo, nor do I really care, I'm just glad to see someone put it plainly that he doesn't want any part so the rumors can take a halt for awhile.
  15. Word on your #1, for sure, that album could never get old. #2 Honorable Mention
  16. There's a band in the area, Aqueous, they all went to the same high school as me and are all a year younger than I. They are pretty damn good, IMO, and they play pretty much all classic rock. The guitarist, Mike Gantzer, really knows how to rip. If you ever notice 'em out a bar sometime, check them out, you won't be disappointed. Website: http://www.aqueousband.com/ YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/AqueousBand
  17. I really like the show, I think Beadle and Cowherd compliment each other pretty well. They are always bickering and arguing about many of the points in the show, it's pretty enjoyable IMO. I also really like the setup of the show, it's really informal and they talk about a lot of interesting topics that aren't usually covered on a regular Sportscenter or Around the Horn. Give it a few episodes, it's not too bad.
  18. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/columns/stor...&id=4904977 So, a trade would give McNabb a fresh start and the chance to get the financial security with a contract extension he wants and deserves. Indeed, a trade would need McNabb's approval so that he could work out a deal. For example, sources say, he wants no part of Buffalo.
  19. Bob Marley Bob Dylan Tom Kalnoky Chad Urmston John Butler Jim Morrison John Lennon
  20. /thread Paul Lowndes (Streetlight Manifesto)-- Not the best by any means, but Everything Goes Numb is one of my favorite albums and I love his drumming on it.
  21. He also knows how to take a solid pillow handoff from Ashanti.
  22. I live in North Tonawanda, so I usually stick around the area when ordering pizza, wings, beef on weck, etc. From my experience, Duff's is better than Anchor Bar, but if I'm in the mood for wings I usually never go to these places. North Tonawanda has a few places with unbelievable wings that not many people probably know about. Klimek's Tavern (on Oliver St.)- not much variety in sauces/flavors, but their regular Hot wings are amazing. They always make 'em nice and crispy and the wings are always very consistent. Cheap too. Dwyer's Irish Pub (Webster St., directly next to Riviera Theatre)- They have many sauces/flavors and the wings are usually very consistent. Their cajun hot wings are to die for. They also have 25 cent wings 4-8 everyday and during all Sabres games, as well as $1.50 23-oz PBR during the games. So let's just say I'm usually cheering on the Sabs with a nice PBR and some Cajun Hot wings.
  23. Well, I've always been told to go to school for something you really want to do. I took 3 and a half years of Physical Education undergraduate work at Canisius College, I've always wanted to be a Phys. Ed. teacher, but I was always thinking in the back of my mind whether I made the right choice and if teaching would be the thing for me. Well, I've finished over one month of student teaching at a local elementary school, and I have to say that I'm very happy with my decision. I was never very good with kids, but always enjoyed being around them. Now that I work with them everyday, I really enjoy what I'm doing and I think I've been growing into the field pretty well. Hopefully this excitement and enjoyment lasts, because right now I'm really liking it. If I wasn't in this field... -Writing film scripts or being a part of movie production or development. It's always been something I've been interested in. -Opening my own restaurant/bar. I think it'd be cool to have my own establishment. -Winning the lottery, and having no job.
  24. Agreed, I'll take an average Who performance over anybody else of the past many years.
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