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Everything posted by Wooderson

  1. I've worked at a restaurant before so I understand how sometimes things don't work out quite as well as expected. But if this happens, I expect some compensation for it when I'm seated at the table. The last three times my family and I have been to Outback Steakhouse, there has been a kitchen error (steak rare twice, and salmon uncooked once). They treated the situation very professionally and in the correct manner. The would cook a new steak/salmon, give it to us for free and also provide drinks for the whole table because the person with the steak would be eating practically by themselves. It's better to make a customer happy with a couple free drinks than to shun them and never have their business again.
  2. When they showed him getting married and then re-enlisting and being shipped off to Iwo Jima, I had a feeling he was gonna be KIA. I agree, the show seems to be getting better and better each week. Last week's was quite intense with Sledge and his company. I don't like "Snafu", his mannerisms and the way he plays his character are extremely annoying.
  3. How's Greer treating you guys down there? Was always a fan of that guy. Seemed to do well last year, but always looked like he was hurt.
  4. Nice man, sounds cool. Thanks for the update. I wonder what they would say about Buffalo if they came here...haha. Check out the movie if you get the opportunity, I enjoyed it. Although, I did have some herbal stimulation when I watched it.
  5. Wow, didn't realize that. I have a good friend who goes to school there, maybe I'll have to contact him and see about joining in on the festivities.
  6. I completely agree on all points. I absolutely loved The Office a few years ago, even bought seasons 1-3 and have probably seen all of episodes through season 5. I've DVRed every episode that's been on but it's definitely a struggle sitting down and watching these new episodes. I think it's good that he's deciding to leave, move on to something else instead of trying to force the show out for more seasons. Although, the episode where Jim and Pam had their baby was one of the funniest that I've seen in recent memory. It was a good show, but I'm fine if they decide to cut it off after this year.
  7. "Meatwad get the honeys seeeee" That's cool man, I love me some Aqua Teen. Enjoy, and let us know how it ends up being. Have you ever seen the ATHF Movie? I absolutely love that opening credits song.
  8. One game behind a decimated line, at the end of the season, being on the team for one month. I think many people are overlooking Brohm, I think he has the most upside at the QB position and I'm excited to see if he can bring anything to the table and be a pleasant surprise for this team.
  9. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/index.php?...91&hl=vegas
  10. My friend who's girlfriend's father works in the Bills organization said there's no way they will pass up LT at #9. Take it for what it's worth.
  11. "Need money for booze and hookers...hey at least I'm not lying to you" "Ninja kidnapped my family, need money for karate lessons"
  12. I'm sorry Dean, it's always tough to lose someone close to you. Sending my condolences to you and your family.
  13. I'm pumped, I can't wait. I don't follow futbol as much as I want to but I still enjoy watching it and the World Cup is alot of fun.
  14. I thought that Florence did a hell of a job stepping in as the starting CB. I read this article a few months back and thought I'd share it: Burn Percentage That being said, I still have a lot of faith in McKelvin for the starting role. He's only going to get better as he gets more experience. Our secondary is the one thing that seems secure at this point.
  15. I'm sorry for your loss Sage. I too have experienced tragedy recently. Shelby, my yellow lab of 14 years had to be put down in late September. We took in my grandmother's dog, Lu-Lu, when she moved to an apartment about 3 years ago. My grandmother passed away about 2 months ago and we had to put down the dog about 2 weeks after that. It was all pretty tough to handle, but thinking about the good memories helped us get through it all. We now have a rescued cat from the SPCA, but it just doesn't fill the void of 2 wagging tails running to the door when you get home everyday.
  16. :thumbsup: I'm going to see him in Saratoga this year. Can't wait.
  17. That's funny. I used to like him about 5-6 years ago (15-16 yrs old) but when I've watched him lately he's been terrible. I happened to be watching the exact same thing you were last night, it definitely sucked. Family Guy- Dane Cook Spoof
  18. HDTV Wall Mount +Free 10ft HDMI Cable "Buy it now" for $19.99. Not too bad.
  19. My write in is Jimmy Stewart. Probably one of my favorite actors.
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