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Everything posted by Wooderson

  1. Can't believe I forgot 24. Totally belongs in my top 5 beating out Parks and Rec.
  2. I just started Iron Fist this morning. Pretty good start IMO. I enjoy all of these Marvel Netflix series.
  3. Breaking Bad The Office Band of Brothers (miniseries) Entourage Parks and Rec Honorable Mentions: Daredevil, Better Call Saul, Cheers. I'm probably missing a series or two. Having cut the cord on cable a few years ago im kind of stuck with what's on Netflix and Amazon.
  4. They are so back ordered right now its ridiculous.
  5. I drink beer much faster and in much higher quantities while watching the Bills and Alabama. Not sure why. I just drink without even realizing it and I look down and it's empty. My wife and I are the same way. Our hobby is going out to eat and drink at new restaurants.
  6. Hard to tell how much we've gotten. I'd say close to 20 inches or so in the last 48 hours. I've snowplowed 4 times since getting home yesterday after work. All schools have been cancelled the last two days. Funny thing is I coach high school baseball and our first game is supposed to be 12 days from today, hahahahahaha.
  7. Steely Dan and The Dean I haven't seen a quite a long time. Although I'm also not on here as much as a few years ago.
  8. ISIS is now using UFO's? We're doomed!
  9. I did not read through all three pages, sorry, but didn't Rex admit that he screwed this up by trying to sneak him through the waivers to keep him? Pittsburgh called his bluff. Mike Gillislee as well, IIRC.
  10. In my precise assessment: pretty damn windy. Oh, and 7, 16, 30 are my magic numbers.
  11. Isn't Bobby Hurley struggling out west too? Although I know the Pac-12 is a little different than the MAC.
  12. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/192306-great-rolling-stone-article-on-new-era-cap-and-our-stadium/?hl=article
  13. Nope, I stay clear of PPP message board.
  14. Might have to move this thread to Off the Wall pretty soon.
  15. Will from Westworld is Liam McPoyle from Always Sunny. Took me awhile to figure that one out when watching Westworld.
  16. I think he was being sarcastic towards his username of "jkjkjk" Just read every post on this message board as if it's sarcasm and you're usually right 90% of the time.
  17. I can't even begin to imagine what you've been going through but I would like to offer my prayers and condolences to you and your family.
  18. DC Tom. May the odds be ever in your favor.
  19. Was it by chance in Cape Canaveral/Cocoa Beach area? Seen a few of those in the neighborhood.
  20. We have a pretty small yard so I do everything myself. Mowing and edging usually takes me no longer than 45 minutes. I coach baseball in the spring and football in the fall, so the only times I really hate doing it is during those months when my free time is at a minimum. During the summer it's nice to be outside on a weekend morning. We've been in our house for almost 4 years and my wife and I are NOT gardeners. All three of our gardens are in worse shape than the year before. We just don't have that knack or enjoyment of it. Our two front gardens aren't THAT bad so we're going to leave them but our largest one in the back is a total war zone. We're thinking about getting rid of it, planting grass on half and making the other half into a vegetable garden which is much more up our alley.
  21. Did he say if he was bringing in Kyle Orton to compete with Bortles?
  22. Not once did I mention his color in my post.
  23. Just because he's been a "pain in the butt" it shows that you can't take the ghetto out of him? I'm sorry, Is he slinging dope? Selling rocks on the corner of Hamburg? Murdering people? Arrested for gun violations? He's had a speeding ticket, marijuana ticket and usage issues, and been overweight and unmotivated. While also going through more hardships than many of us. He may have the reputation for being lazy, and making some bad immature decisions (like most of us have), but in no way does he resemble a ghetto-stereotype, IMO.
  24. It definitely takes a few episodes to get into it. Once it gets going, it gets really interesting.
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