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Everything posted by Wooderson

  1. Damn, nice. I came up with the 19 as well but you got me beat.
  2. I'm off to see Inception at midnight tonight, Imax style. I'll report back in tomorrow with my take on the film.
  3. I have a hard time saying any two of his songs sound the same, let alone the whole concert as you imply. If you were being "dragged" to the concert, I highly doubt you were trying to enjoy yourself. People just love to hate Dave. Download ANY of their live performances, I can almost guarantee it will change your outlook of them.
  4. Mmm. She is gorgeous. There's something about her that always makes me think Marilyn Monroe.
  5. I'm not much of a Yankees guy, but I have no hatred for Jeter. The guy is a class act, great role model for kids, and an awesome player. It's hard not to root for a guy like that in today's sports era.
  6. I'm just glad it's over so I don't have to keep seeing "Lebron-center" 24 hours a day.
  7. Miller loves Lalime, probably the main reason they brought him back.
  9. Fuggin' a...thank God I'm not doing anything too illegal with mine.
  10. 1. A couple years ago, myself and two of my friends went up to the U of R to visit my one buddy who was in a frat. We drank all night long with the occasional smoke down in between. We decide to hit a bizzong around 4 am when my buddy who lived there decides to leave us to go to some broad's room. He throws us in two rooms with random frat brothers that we didn't know so we could sleep. Once he leaves, we decide that there's no way we're just sleeping there by ourselves so we decide to drive home drunk/high from Rochester at 5am. My buddy easily could've got a DWI or crashed. It seemed like a great idea at the time, but when I woke up the next morning I realized how dumb it really was. Not to mention my buddy in the backseat was throwing up all over himself, so we had to cover him up in a garbage bag. I know there's more, but I can't think of them right now. I'll have to check back in.
  11. Miami only has 2 people under cap right now (Beasley and one other). So what they're planning is to give the "Big 3" all their max contracts which would use up the rest of the cap for the team. Then I guess they plan to bring in all minimum veteran contracts which don't count towards your cap space. ^I never knew you could do that, but I saw them play the whole thing out on Sportscenter a few days ago. So I'm just relaying the info I saw on there. I think he'll stay in Cleveland, but if he doesn't I wouldn't mind seeing him in the Big Apple with Amar'e.
  12. It's always gotta be about you huh Steely? Promoting your own thread you selfish Sally.
  13. Dispatch: Zimbabwe show at Madison Square Garden in '07. The band disassembled in 2002 but came back together for a charity show for Zimbabwe in '07. They sold out three straight nights (Friday-Sunday) and I was at the Sunday show. It was such a fun experience, they played for over 3 hours and were so full of energy. It was awesome.
  14. Everything I've seen from Nolan, I've loved. So needless to say I'm very much looking forward to Inception.
  15. That's a shame, The Incredibles was a thoroughly enjoyable movie. I'd love to see a second one in the making, but oh well. Monsters, Inc. is absolutely loved by kids, so that's probably why they're going after a second one. All of my little cousin's used to do was talk about that movie.
  16. Same. I got to Car Loan and I didn't think it was right.
  17. Seattle Supersonics. Him and Gary Payton will do wonders together.
  18. Nah, probably Texas. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29khjYTOLC8
  19. I just watched Raging Bull last night for the first time. Man, what a film. Scorsese did a great job and De Niro was unforgettable as Jake LaMotta. It could go down as one of my favorite sports movies. It was made it 1980, but it looks and feels like it was really from the 40's...a masterpiece.
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