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Everything posted by Wooderson

  1. Sounds like the ultimate afternoon to me.
  2. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=toast "Only the best food ever. As in EVER! Seriously, bread goes in the toaster, toast comes out! YES."
  3. Actually, Buffy might take him hostage and tie his hands over a beam on the ceiling. While she's torturing him, he'd fling his legs around her head and break her neck.
  4. Who cares about Buffy, Jack Bauer would knife her from 300 feet away and steal the number 3 spot.
  5. Great stuff. They put out some definitely underrated music.
  6. I'm not arguing your point, I was just saying that I liked Linkin Park back in the day.
  7. WHAT?!?!? You better check yo'self before you wreck yo'self.
  8. I'm sorry, but I LOVED Linkin Park's Hybrid Theory. I mean, I was like 11 but I don't think I put that CD down for months. Their stuff since then has not been my cup of tea but man, that first cd was awesome when it came out.
  9. Jack Bauer at 44? Come onnnn! Bauer brought badass back to television. He's the new Chuck Norris for peat's sake.
  10. Try this, these FAQ's always seem to help me out a lot when I get confused with movies. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1375666/faq
  11. That could quite possibly be the worst thing I've ever heard.
  12. Pizza Junction is still around, but Good Guys was two managers from PJ's that left and started their own place. Very similar food but much better, IMO.
  13. It's quite confusing, so if the lady friend is intelligent I would recommend it. If she is one of those Twilight junkies then this movie definitely wouldn't intrigue her at all. I almost guarantee that I'll see it again at some point. I felt like I understood a majority of the film when I was leaving but like what another poster said, it's worth another viewing to grasp all the small things that you might've missed. I agree completely. I've always been a huge Kubrick and Hitchcock guy, but Nolan is really stepping up his game. Every one of his movies are intelligent, complex, and very well done. He's definitely the premiere director of today's era.
  14. Yes, it definitely did have kind of a Matrix feel to it. I'd definitely recommend it.
  15. I just returned from the midnight screening for Inception. I tried to go to the Imax but fandango wanted $18/ticket which I wasn't willing to pay, so I saw it at a regular screen. All I can say is wow, there is no room for mental relaxation during this 2 1/2 hour flick. Christopher Nolan has outdone himself, even with such titles as The Dark Knight and Memento under his belt. I read somewhere that this took him over a decade to write and I can see why. Behind every door, there's another door, and behind that door is another puzzle. It's quite complicated and intricate but the end result is magnificent and stunning. I'd recommend mental stimulation for such an experience.
  16. See I like the songs long, I enjoy the energetic, upbeat parts but sometimes you need to slow down, relax and jam out to some chill beats.
  17. Cool article, I never knew any of that. Thanks.
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