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Everything posted by Wooderson

  1. I've always heard that people believe it gives off positive energy and stability (don't ask me how). I doubt there is any scientific proof that can prove anything like that but baseball is a very superstitious sport so many players probably buy into that stuff. For kids, they probably just see their favorite players and pitchers wearing the necklaces and think it's cool to wear.
  2. Definitely Requiem. A movie that became more depressing as I researched it a little bit was Apocalypse Now. Martin Sheen almost committing suicide and being drunk during multiple scenes, Coppola going crazy during shooting and on drugs, taking over 15 months to film in the jungle, the slaughtering of the bull being real. Pretty crazy stuff for an already crazy movie.
  3. I thought that this was gonna be a fantasy football thread. I am disappointed.
  4. I agree, the direction of the team is refreshing. But then again, any change different from the past 3-4 years is going to be refreshing. It seems to me that these guys have a plan and are sticking to it no matter what, which might not mean much success short term but once they get the guys they want I think the future will look brighter.
  5. http://www.stubhub.com/buffalo-bills-ticke...olphins-957096/ Low end is around 70 bucks, which isn't too bad. I'd try to jump on one soon before the prices get steeper. Eat, Drink, Have Fun.
  6. I didn't...and I don't care. I guess I'm one of those youthful bastards.
  7. Say man, you got a joint? Welcome!
  8. Wow zepp, I'm glad you got it taken care of sooner rather than later. I actually had a sleep study performed on myself a few months ago because like you, I had a terrible issue with snoring. I ended up being diagnosed with "mild sleep apnea" and they gave me the option of getting the mask or going without it. I figured, what the hell might as well get it and see if it helps. I've had it for a little over two months and I've had a lot of issues with the mask. I toss and turn alot when I sleep so many times I'll wake up in the middle of the night and the mask will be completely off my face. It's a struggle for me to use it for the whole night, but that's just me.
  9. I'm not really sure Sage. He's just trying to get people to join the site, so I figured I'd throw it on here for him. I think he wants to try and get some stories published, but I don't think under his name. I think he plans on giving credit to the people that contribute to the stories. I still don't know exactly how it works but once I talk to him some more I'll fill you in.
  10. Hossage, a Canisius grad? I went to Canisius also. That quad party was ridiculous, there was like SWAT team on every corner of the block. What a joke.
  11. I have a friend who just graduated from Canisius College along with myself. He is an English major and has decided to start his own website for those that enjoy writing. The premise of the website is combining the works of multiple members and bringing them together for a complete short story. How this works is, each portion of the story is given a deadline (a couple days or so, I think) where each member can contribute their version of the introduction, rising action, conflict, etc. After the deadline is up, the members of the site will vote on their favorite submission. For example, the first deadline is for the introduction so members contribute an introduction to the story. After the deadline, they vote on their favorites and that becomes the intro. The next vote is for the rising action, and so on and so forth. There are multiple genres on the site and you can basically take the story wherever you want it to go. I believe his final plan is to get a newsletter or magazine going with the final short stories giving credit to those person's submissions that made the cut. If you like writing or just want something to do in your free time, give it a try. It just started up yesterday so it might take some time to get going, but it takes word of mouth to spread these things so give it a try guys! www.authorsunleashed.com Thanks
  12. I love the game, although I understand your POV.
  13. Name: ahovfreak. Add me, I'm always playing MW2.
  14. I guess I kinda missed that they all had to have a different number of attributes.
  15. Dude, idk. I tried doing some work for it but nothing seemed to come out right on paper.
  16. No, I usually wait till I get home.
  17. Ever get one on the tip of your nose? You don't realize it's there until someone points it out to you.
  18. No, not sarcasm. I thought you were referring to the dessert dish, applecrisp. I've never heard of honeycrisp apples, although I'm not the one that shops for the apples.
  19. I agree Deano. Although I don't always agree with what he has to say, he's a good writer and fun to read. His Vegas blogs every year are great and he usually has some funny jokes every week.
  20. You gotta make it a full eighth...
  21. Don't you mean "Applecrisp"... I've never heard it referred to as honeycrisp before.
  22. I have two guns, my left and right hook.
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