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Everything posted by Wooderson

  1. ...and the colored girls go "Doo-doo-doo-doo-doo".
  2. Awesome, good stuff. The documentary discusses many of the things you bring up here. I'm a volunteer football coach looking to work up the ranks in the future, so this was a huge motivation for me. It was great.
  3. I just watched this Vince Lombardi documentary on HBO and it was awesome. I recommend it to all you football fans. The life of one of the greatest coaches of all time. It originally aired on December 11th but it's on HBO On Demand and will be airing regularly over the next few weeks. Check it out if you get the chance. http://www.hbo.com/sports/lombardi/index.html#
  4. I'd say that the agent is as much (or more) to blame for these things.
  5. The waitress in the Miller Lite "Momma's Boy" commercial. Terrible ad, but she's gorgeous. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMPWWrCbDN4
  6. GREAT! I saw her at training camp, she was gorgeous. She was the captain of the Harvard Women's Soccer Team when her and fitzy went there.
  7. I've assembled a pretty solid team through free agency and trades. My lineup for Sunday is looking like: -Brady -Hillis, Jones-Drew -White, D. Jackson, Wallace -Tamme -Akers -Chicago/Atlanta...probably starting Atlanta due to Chicago playing my QB. I'm looking for a solid start from Tamme tonight and hopefully a big performance by Hillis.
  8. I have Peyton Hillis in my fantasy league, currently in second place and need a win to secure second place in the playoffs. Sooo, as much as I love the Bills and hope they win, I still want Hillis to have a huge game.
  9. Agreed. If you gotta battle, do what you gotta do. But 4 on 1 is a complete slaughtering and shows nothing about your toughness.
  10. If Brady continues to play in big games like he has the past few weeks, he's a landslide MVP. Their defense is bottom of the barrel in almost every statistical category and somehow they're 10-2. He's picked apart some of the best defenses in the league in Pitt and NYJ and he's done it in blowout fashion.
  11. Stevie Johnson. I think he's done at the end of the year...or maybe next year I can't remember.
  12. Yeah, same thing ALWAYS happens to me. Friggin pisses me off.
  13. I retract my previous statement. I've been playing a lot more and have been enjoying it more and more each time. The wager matches are awesome, I love Gun Game, it's extremely addicting.
  14. I picked him up in fantasy. He's been a savior since I got him in week 4. He's scored in every week but one this year.
  15. Saw this on Yahoo.com yesterday. Naasty!
  16. Somebody referred to Peyton Hillis as "The Avalanche" a few weeks ago. I think that woulda been a good one for K. Williams but too bad it's already taken.
  17. I was thinking the same thing. How bout when they didn't get into the CDC at first, why wouldn't they all jump into a tank for the night if they were stuck in the city? There's absolutely no way a zombie could infiltrate a tank, as we saw in the first episode. I finally caught up on all episodes and I really like the show, they mix the drama with the action pretty well. P.S. When's Merrill gonna make his appearance? It's gotta be coming in this last episode. Also, why wouldn't Rick suggest heading to that hospital where Glen was being held captive, once they befriended "G". It seemed like an extremely safe location with plenty of people, medicine, guns, etc.
  18. Could this quite possibly reverse the effects of cancer spreading throughout the body? In college, I recall my professor explaining that if you could slow down the shortening of telomerase then cancer would be more difficult to spread and therefore could be controlled, contained and prevented. Idk, I'm no genius it's just a snippet a remember hearing in college...or I could be completely incorrect. Woops, probably should've read the whole article before I posted this. The downside is that telomerase is often mutated in human cancers, and seems to help existing tumours grow faster. But DePinho argues that telomerase should prevent healthy cells from becoming cancerous in the first place by preventing DNA damage. David Sinclair, a molecular biologist at Harvard Medical School in Boston, agrees there is evidence that activating telomerase might prevent tumours. If the treatment can be made safe, he adds, "it could lead to breakthroughs in restoring organ function in the elderly and treating a variety of diseases of aging."
  19. I was at the Steelers game up in the nose-bleeds so somebody correct me if they saw something I didn't but...Poz is bad. Every single run play he was getting blown up, pushed backwards, turned around, or on the ground. Their offensive line was eating him alive and it was embarrassing. I was a Poz supporter for a few years because I think with the injuries he deserved another chance, but it's gotten to the point where I'm fed up with his play. We need linebackers, and we need them bad.
  20. Anybody else disappointed with the game? Idk, maybe it's just me but I enjoyed the last 3 CODs much more when they came out then I do this one. It just doesn't seem to hold my interest as long as the other ones. Oh well, maybe it'll grow on me.
  21. Like Greg Oden? http://www.theonion.com/articles/careless-blazers-goofing-around-with-basketball-sh,18448/
  22. I'm 22 and I actually have a CPAP. I never thought I had issues with sleep, I just thought I snored a lot. I finally went to get it tested last year and they said I had "mild sleep apnea" which allowed me to choose whether I wanted one or not. I decided to try it and am definitely glad that I did. My snoring has completely disappeared and I feel much better in the AM when I wake up. I have the nose pillows and they are awesome, 10x better than the mask from my experience. It's especially useful for those that twist and turn while sleeping because it's much smaller than the actual mask.
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