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Everything posted by Wooderson

  1. Well, just from what you see on TV and media you really don't understand what's really going on over there. You hear about bombings of hills and mountains but you never really get a first hand look at how the war is being fought. It seemed to be a stalemate in this region for some time before the 2nd platoon entered the area and the documentary began. I guess I just never really understood how modern wars have been fought but after the documentary you get a decent look at how things work over there, how the soldiers feel about what they're doing, and their interaction with the civilians in the area. The captain engages in a sit-down every so often with the elders of the villages from the area and tries to create some peace and some support for what they're trying to do. The captain is not a negotiator or mediator, he's a soldier and he responds as a soldier would to the questions/comments that the elders have...which seems to create some tension and hostility. I was basically saying it was an interesting movie and it opened my eyes to the way things really are over there.
  2. I agree completely. These are the guys that make America what it is today. :thumbsup:
  3. I guess I'm just not much of a pancake guy. I'm all about the over-easy eggs, bacon, rye/sourdough toast, and freshly cut homefries. Mmhmm, I should've had some breakfast for my lunch today.
  4. Mom and Pop for sure. I'd much rather grab a nice breakfast or lunch at a mom and pop restaurant with fresh ingredients than an IHOP or Denny's. There's no comparison in quality, IMO.
  5. After seeing that documentary, Restrepo, (although Giunta was not in it) I can't see how an article can do it justice. Operation Rock Avalanche was pretty intense, especially when they got ambushed from all angles taking heavy enemy fire within a football fields distance.
  6. Has anybody ever seen Restrepo? It was a movie that came out last summer about the fighting in the Korengal Valley in Afghanistan during 2007. Sal Guinta was in one of the platoons in this valley. The documentary follows 2nd platoon from their deployment into the valley to the day that they leave. It's an eye opening movie and really hits you emotionally. I recommend it to anyone, it will really make you think about what this war is all about and how it's being fought. It's on Netflix OD for you instant queue folk.
  7. " 'Grandpa, were you a hero in the war?' Grandpa said, 'No, but I served in a company of heroes.' " RIP Winters.
  8. It wasn't that much of a diss. He basically said that Peyton studies more than everyone in the league, including Brady. Then went on to say that Brady also has the best coach in the league on his team, which helps when preparing for teams.
  9. That's what I thought but you can never be too sure around here. The way he wrote it made me think he was being serious. I think there needs to be a sarcasm button around here.
  10. You've gotta be joking me? That's your response to him receiving the credit he's deserved?
  11. "The Sabre" joins the NHL Guardians. Supposedly the NHL is teaming up with Stan Lee (creator of "Spider-Man" and many other comic book heroes) to create heroes based on all 30 NHL teams. This seems like a cool and interesting idea and I wonder what will come of it after all the teams heroes are unveiled during the All-Star Game. Take a look at the picture of "The Sabre" here: http://blogs.buffalonews.com/sabres/2011/01/the-sabre-joins-nhl-guardians.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+typepad%2Fbuffalonews%2Fsabres+%28Sabres+Edge%29
  12. I couldn't believe it. I heard that it was 3-0 Canada late in the second period and I was thinking it was over. Got a text later in the night saying they got beat 5-3 and I was in awe.
  13. Big semi-final match-up for the USA taking on our rivals to the north. Winner advances to the gold medal game(I think), so this is a huge game and hopefully there are plenty of folks packing the arena so we can drown out those damn Canucks. The game is played on the NHL Network and it is also streaming online here: http://www.tsn.ca/live/wjhc/default.aspx Enjoy. U-S-A!!!
  14. I'm not big on Bowers, I think I'd definitely rather have Dareus over Bowers.
  15. Went to Canisius, no football team as well. I'm a Bama fan for college football but not even close to the Bills.
  16. I don't venture too far when ordering mixed drinks, for me it's usually Captain and Coke. For straight shots, I'm all about the Jameson, Crown, or Rumpleminze.
  17. Nick Fairley going at 12? This mock is sketch.
  18. From my sources deep within the Bills organization, if the Jets would've lost to Pitt last week then our final game against the Jets would've been flexed to Sunday Night because they would've had to win out to get to the playoffs.
  19. Kenny G- Auld Lang Syne (Millenium Mix). I can listen to this over and over again, I love the historical references throughout the song.
  20. I love the nasal pillows, never had the mask so I can't compare the two but the nasal pillows are small and allow for more movement while sleeping. As a person who tosses and turns much of the night, this really suits my sleep habits.
  21. I thought I remembered hearing something about how badly Green Bay was pass protecting and Dallas was basically destroying them in the trenches because of the bad footing and icy conditions.
  22. You're a terrible role model Santa! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCJ-dygbFxY
  23. I agree, he's enjoyable to read even though you may not agree with everything he has to say. He seems to pick the Bills many weeks too which doesn't hurt.
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