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Everything posted by Wooderson

  1. Doesn't sound too bad to me at all. I have a feeling were gonna have a great free agency this year.
  2. Sabres are ranked NHL's third best franchise behind Detroit and Pittsburgh by The Hockey News. http://wgr550.com/Sabres-rated-third-best-NHL-franchise-according-to/10024159
  3. Definitely hope this continues. It just shows how much passion he has for the Sabres and he will settle for nothing short of excellence. This is the type of owner that Buffalo fans have been wishing for for years. I'm happy with the changes he's making and hopefully they continue well into the future.
  4. Anybody else see the Sabres website? Before you open the site there's a letter from Terry Pegula on there regarding last season and the future. It's a pretty cool piece to the fans. Do you know of any other owners that write such letters to their fans? http://sabres.nhl.com/
  5. It doesn't say "best story" it says "favorite story" and I love the storyline of Dazed and Confused. A bunch of high school friends enjoying one of the last days of school before summer. It's fun, comedic, enjoyable, and has some of the best characters.
  6. You could almost say the same thing about football. TD, TV timeout, kickoff, TV timeout, 8 second play, 40 seconds of nothing, 8 second play, 40 seconds of nothing. ...or baseball. Pitch, stand around waiting for pitcher/batter to get set, pitch, hit, toss ball to cutoff, stand around waiting for pitcher/batter to get set, etc. You could have little pet-peeves about every sport if you really wanted to. I love watching these sports and have recently gotten into the NBA, the competition is some of the best in awhile and the athleticism is top notch. Dirk is a man child, I hope he takes it to the Heatles.
  7. Definitely Big Lebowski. Close to the top: Dr. Strangelove, Dazed and Confused.
  8. Love it. MacFarlane is a genius with Family Guy and hopefully there's some spillover into this new Flintstones cartoon.
  9. I gotta go with Waterworld (sorry to whoever said they liked it), I thought it was terrible. Here's a list according to imdb.com http://www.imdb.com/chart/bottom
  10. It's terrible...and somehow they again put the blame of the bomb on us. No wonder those kids grow up hating America, it's a never ending circle.
  11. "The Taliban claimed responsibility, blaming the Pakistani military for failing to stop the U.S. raid." http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20110513/ap_on_re_as/as_pakistan
  12. I think Lee Evans needs to learn how to run a route and get open, not just a streak.
  13. Haha, that made me literally laugh out loud at my job. :thumbsup:
  14. Hey, that guy didn't Harrumph! Give the Governor a Harrumph! You watch your ass.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sm1Jyusyoqk&feature=related
  16. Most people probably have seen this but this is pretty damn cool, IMO. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ka1bgutkSsY
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M11SvDtPBhA Btw, I always kinda liked Jump.
  18. I am very satisfied with the draft overall. We addressed many of our needs along with taking picks of great value. This is the first draft in a long time where I came out not thinking the front office was a bunch of buffoons.
  19. I'm perfectly happy with either Dareus or Miller. I'm really hoping Newton does end up going 1 overall so I'm not sitting there when the Bills are on the clock wondering if they're gonna do something crazy. Not that this means much in the scheme of things but on Sportscience (yeah, with that annoying host), Dareus was doing many of the drills that they put Suh through last year and from the numbers they came up with, Dareus ended up being quicker and more powerful. I know it's just a silly segment but I thought I'd share.
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