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Everything posted by Wooderson

  1. I love the "that's what she said" shirt.
  2. I don't think it really matters if he's starting. As long as he's learning, getting increasingly more playing time, and improving that's fine with me. He looks like he's gonna be a player, who says we have to rush it.
  3. Only thing that matters right now, 4-1. 1st in AFC East.
  4. Im using the same one. Pretty good site overall. BTW, Sabres look GOOD.
  5. They should add Steve to this commercial and re-air.
  6. I liked "Answers all press conference questions with an appropriately cited 15-page essay"
  7. I still have the nasal pillows. I haven't had to replace anything since I got the machine (little over a year). I love the nasal pillows and recommend them to anyone over that enormous bulky mask. The pillows are light, small and you barely notice them. http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=nasal+pillows&hl=en&safe=off&client=firefox-a&hs=4HR&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&prmd=imvns&resnum=2&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&biw=1366&bih=639&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=15691761143711562624&sa=X&ei=rhKLTp7XHMTm0QGWw-zeBA&ved=0CGcQ8wIwAA I really would recommend them to any of you that have the regular mask, it is so much better IMO.
  8. I got a Dareus a few months ago and everything is great, except I wish there were elastic sleeves. The sleeves go down to my forearms so I might just put my own elastic in soon. I have a bunch of friends who have gone to Dhgate and I've noticed one glaring difference between every one of the jerseys. Between 5 jerseys, the "BILLS" above the numbers on the front are ALL DIFFERENT. One is small, one is large, on is sewn directly on the jersey, one is sewn a different way. Not that this is a big deal, just something to be aware of when you order them.
  9. 52 yards. 35 yard line + 10 endzone + 7 for kicking space.
  10. This is a tough decision. Henderson gets those long balls, but I think Sproles is gonna get more and more receptions/touches. He's been a better Reggie Bush than Reggie Bush was. Along with punt/kick return capabilities I think he's gonna get better as the year goes on. I'd say Henderson presently, but keep an eye on Sproles.
  11. Look At Me Post. Congrats plenz! I will also be attending that game, flying down on Friday and staying all weekend. I'm really looking forward to it, especially if the Bills are still playing great football. Go Bills!
  12. So is being down 21-3 and 21-0 in back to back games and coming out with a win.
  13. We were down 21-0 to one of the best teams in the league. You HAVE to pass there...especially with their depleted DEF.
  14. The Patriots are suspect on DEF right now. Patrick Chung has been ruled out for the game, Myron Pryor is done for the season, and Mike Wright is battling a concussion. They literally have nothing outside of Wilfork on their DLine...also, Haynesworth hasn't practiced this week with a back injury. We need a stellar game out of our DEF and if we can score points like we have the past two weeks, we will be fine. Bills 32, NE 27. #billsmafia OUT.
  15. Basically the same thing in the 300s; my oakley's cracked in half, my buddy got a bloody nose, and there was basically a mosh pit in our aisle.
  16. I'm being blocked as well SDS...although I wish I was getting a lapdance from her...
  17. I think another aspect that needs to be noted is our production in the red zone. I don't have any official stats but compared to season past, we are really taking advantage of getting TDs inside the 20 rather than field goals. EDIT: http://www.teamrankings.com/nfl/stat/red-zone-scoring-pct We are actually the #1 scoring offense in the red zone thus far!
  18. I parked in a private lot, so I really didn't get to see how the parking was affected, but I do know that the traffic before the game was a whole lot worse than it usually is. Possibly because of parking or because of the lots opening up later or maybe both, but it was frustrating. What I did notice; I was sitting in 317 up in the nosebleeds and I looked out at one point to LOT 2, which is usually jammed packed with cars everywhere...but yesterday it was MAYBE half full. I'm not sure if people chose other lots or private lots but it looked nothing like it usually does for a Bills game. Also, the "extensive security screening" was absolutely nothing different to what it usually is. It may even have been quicker than ever before...although I did enter about 10-15 mins earlier than I usually do but still. They just did the quick pat around the waist and torso and down by the ankles.
  19. Looking to be about 70 and sunny. Lets hope it stays that way!
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