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Everything posted by Wooderson

  1. Sorry if this was posted before, but this is one of the funniest things I've ever seen. Always fun for a good laugh. It's from the show Trading Spouses. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3mDLsyn6ns
  2. Agreed, I LOVED it. I almost liked it more than the previous week's celebration......ehhh maybe not haha.
  3. LSU is the best team in the country and Alabama is the second best team. That's just the way it works. Btw, if you watched the Alabama LSU game, the Alabama kickers missed 4 FGs. They controlled most of the game, shut down LSU's offense and just barely lost in OT. I personally, can't wait to see the rematch. I love watching these two NFL caliber defenses face off.
  4. Put Alabama's front 6-7 with LSU's secondary and you have a dominant run stopping defense with playmaker ability all over the field.
  5. Rocky? Raging Bull? The Natural? The Hustler? (billiards counts right?) ...and not this whole movie, but this speech should be included -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3bzK8r4c6Xc&feature=fvst
  6. It's kinda wild that that the Jets get to see us after a bye week and now they get a 10 day layover until our game.
  7. Exactly, the guy has no consistent views besides loving everything Brady does. He says whatever will increase his ratings or cause some type of stir. I remember the week of the NE game, he was all over the Bills upsetting them. Then the next week he's talking us down like the Colts or something. I used to not mind him, now I'm just sick of his useless talking. I txted my buddy last night saying, "Put pressure on Sanchez and he acts like a rookie". That's exactly what it is, if he has someone in his face he struggles. If you remember they were in the red zone at one point on a 3rd and 6 or so and Holmes (in the slot) does a slant, wide open, but Sanchez felt the linebacker blitzing and tried to rush it out causing a bad throw and a tipped ball. Holmes was obviously pissed off.
  8. Definitely, looks to be a much better year for college basketball than in recent years.
  9. I've tried tweeting it to SportsNation and Michelle Beadle It'd be awesome if that got on TV.
  10. 'Cuse is looking strong...but watch out for them Heels! UNC baby!
  11. Haha I know, especially with a 20 yd head of steam.
  12. Awesome block at a little league football game. Watch the QB. For those of you who know Lt. Dan's Revenge, it's his little brother at quarterback. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=djRdztOJ0tk
  13. Modern Warfare 3. I've had every one since the first MW so might as well just continue the tradition.
  14. The blind spot one is absolutely hilarious. I love how he looks in the mirror, gives the thumbs up and says, "You're good!"
  15. It's hilarious that they are all referring to Shawn Nelson as their "Antonio Gates". Hahahahaha rrrrrriiighhhtttt
  16. I don't think it's quite so much him kneeling and praying, but rather making fun of the media's obsession over it.
  17. I'm just here to praise what Gailey has done with this team. I know there have been many threads discussing this very same thing but as I was sitting there watching the game yesterday, there was a recurring thought going through my mind... Have we been out-coached in any game this year? I realize we have lost two games, and they were both on the road. But, did you ever feel like Gailey was in over his head or being out-coached? During the Jauron era, there wasn't many games where I thought "wow, that was good time management" or "that was a great call". Instead, it was "Why would you throw the ball there? (ie: JP Losman vs. Jets)" Wins: Haley, H. Jackson, Belichick, Reid, Shanahan Losses: Coughlin, Lewis *Some high quality, hall of fame coaches under that WIN column. Gailey has to be in the running for Coach of the Year.
  18. At the beginning of the game, he actually talked up Gailey a little bit. He said that Jerry Jones always said that firing Gailey was the worst move he ever made...all the while I'm thinking, "Wasn't it YOU who wanted him gone?" Anyways, Aikman kept harping on the Bills for the wildcat plays saying how much he hated what it does to a QB and the offense. He even went so far as to say when he played they tried to install the wildcat on third downs to which Aikman replied, "Well you better be ready to use it on first and second down too cause I'm heading to the showers."
  19. So you're not human huh? I knew the robots would take over.
  20. Show all about NFL on ESPN2. I think it's on every weekday at 6pm.
  21. From what I saw it was more scheme than anything. Rex Ryan is doing the right thing to utilize Maybin's speed. He's bringing odd man rushes forcing the RB/TE to take out the inside guy thus allowing Maybin to use his speed to get around the outside and rush the passer.
  22. I have 2 checking accounts and 1 savings account. I have one checking through HSBC and my other checking and savings through a credit union. I was having a ton of problems with HSBC about 6-8 months ago because I'm single, just out of college, and renting a house and my overdraft charges/protection were terrible. I recently upgraded those aspects so right now I'm happy with it...at least everything besides the online banking. The site is OK, but nothing spectacular. Charges usually take 2-3 days to show up, so it's very delayed. I'm very happy with my credit union. I bank through Summit Federal and it's very easy to transfer for savings to checking and vice versa. They have a few branches around WNY but they also "share" branches with other credit unions. They provide a pamphlet of credit unions in the area that you can do the banking for Summit through that credit union. So for example, I could go to "Niagara's Choice FCU" and withdraw money from my "Summit FCU" account with NO charges or fees. They also provide locations for NO-fee ATM's in the area. Overall, I'm happy with both places right now...not a huge HSBC supporter but that'll change in a year or two when they switch over to First Niagara.
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