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Everything posted by Wooderson

  1. Take a look at the past two seasons combined. I don't think you can just talk about last year due to many issues; depleted WR core, nagging injuries, inept QB. Here's an article from WGR that i remembered reading back in December: http://wgr550.com/pages/11854943.php?contentType=4&contentId=9665430
  2. I'm under 30 and although I wasn't alive during the game, I get shivers every time I watch or hear broadcasts from that game.
  3. Manos: Hands of Fate -- died laughing when they did it on Mystery Science Theatre
  4. They put some seasons of the Twilight Zone on there recently as well. TZ never gets old.
  5. No, but he doesn't run the most profitable sports league in the world. Get your ish together, Goodie.
  6. I don't buy that. You make $20 million/year, you NEED to know this stuff.
  7. Well I don't mean to complain about all the music in general these days, I've always been one to like a little more off the radar type music. It just kind of makes me sick to see the direction that popular music has gone in recently. You would think that a Grammy award would be given to somebody who actually deserved it, not some bonehead singing about the ghetto or boats n hoes.
  8. How bout Turk Schonert? He was a gem...
  9. Turned it on for 5 mins. Saw Lady Gaga with a fishnet over her face and a golden staff. Katie Perry had blue hair, and Adele had a regular dress on. I immediately rooted for Adele and she won. Next Chris Brown performed...changed the channel and refused to go back. Music has declined exponentially over the past few decades, with the exception of a few good bands. I can't handle this new pop CRAP. Country music is higher on my list than many of the stuff that comes out these days. I may sound like a grumpy old man, but I'm 23...if I'm upset with this music I can only imagine what you fine older gents think about this new age.
  10. http://www.stubhub.com/buffalo-sabres-tickets/sabres-vs-stars-2-10-2012-1123171/ around $30 a ticket...not too bad
  11. Shawn Nelson. That "steal" wen't great.
  12. A bum? You kidding me? The guy is a great NFL coach, IMO. I'd give my pinky toe for him in Buffalo.
  13. The guy is a bum. I wouldn't give away a 7th for him.
  14. Big Game Chump w/ 4 MVPs and a Super Bowl Title....sure sounds like a "chump" to me.
  15. Yeah bruh. PTR is prolly still puffin on that hippie lettuce.
  16. I think his parents are still in the area, but I could be wrong. There's 5 brothers total; 1 plays semi-pro baseball, 3 play in the NFL, and the youngest one is at Kansas State for baseball. As someone previously stated, his father owns G+G fitness.
  17. I used to work at Pizza Junction and am familiar with the guy. He's a spoiled !@#$ who ran the place into the ground. Instead of focusing on their great pizza, wings, and subs, they decide to start making eggplant parms, lasagnas, alfredo, etc. It's a pizza parlor, not an italian restaurant which is I think what caused the downfall... Btw, the guy that now works at the new Vito's place worked at Pizza Junction from the time it opened 40 years ago. He practically constructed the Pizza Junction pizza. Here's a link with the security video of him hitting the sign: http://tonawandas.wgrz.com/news/news/62853-pizza-dispute-north-tonawanda-turns-ugly
  18. Mb you have snot coming out of your eyeball.
  19. WHO CARES? Seriously. Brady doesn't like Buffalo hotels, OH NO! Thanks Chuck.
  20. They are insightful, it really launches you into the mind of a coach. Brilliant. 7 points is a lot better than giving the ball to the opponent. " In a league-wide poll, head coaches from all 32 teams were asked if they enjoyed punting, and to describe how much enjoyment it made them feel. All 32 answered "no" to the first question, and either "none at all" or "very little" to the second. Only two respondents answered "very little" instead of "none at all": Cowboys coach Jason Garrett, who admitted he may have been confused by the question, and Denver coach John Fox, who said he took some comfort in the fact that punting meant he was voluntarily relinquishing possession of the ball and that his quarterback, Tim Tebow, hadn't done anything stupid with it." Do you think this puts Garrett on the hot seat?
  21. I'm not really familiar with 75% of the bands on the lineup, but the ones that I do know would make the trip worthwhile. Flying Lotus would probably be a sickkk show. Snoop and Dre would be killer as well.
  22. The first time I get to watch them in over two weeks and I could care less right now. It's depressing. They have no fire and no intensity. I went to the New Years Eve game against Ottawa and it was pretty sad how quiet the arena was for most of the game.
  23. So what that Super Bowl he won last year is just completely forgotten? They had a bad game, with multiple turnovers, at a difficult time when their coordinator's son just died. I really don't think he "choked".
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