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Everything posted by Wooderson

  1. Dammit, you're right. How can I argue against the La-Z-Boy. Impossible.
  2. I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not, but I don't think a 2 hour session in the booth is anything to worry about.
  3. Not sure if this was posted before, I tried searching but came back with nothing. Stevie Johnson ft. Game http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-QOKPuXScM
  4. Agreed, overrated is ridiculous. 3 Super Bowl wins and 5 appearances (I think). I don't care who you are, that's impressive. Not to mention tossing 50 TDs in a season, and on a side note almost breaking Marino's record (if Brees hadn't done it).
  5. Did you know I went to Harvard?
  6. Top Players become "Top Players" because they're a part of a Top Team. You can't really have one without the other in a game like football.
  7. Haha YES! Me too Pepper- Rent 311- Amber Donavon Frankenreiter- Free Dave Matthews- Good, Good Time
  8. I don't think he wants you to feel sorry for him watching Law and Order, it's about how football consumes every single part of your life for well over a decade and then all of a sudden, it's gone. I don't feel sorry for him in general, I just think he's trying to help out younger players to avoid serious issues and drug abuse down the road. I realize that this is a minuscule problem compared with other things in the world but I have no problem with him sharing what he felt to try and make things better for others.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5mGeETlU74o It won't let me post more media files but also check out-- You and Your Heart, If I Had Eyes, Sleep Through the Static, Bubble Toes, Taylor, Go On, Gone, Wasting Time, Rodeo Clowns.
  10. It just shows how moving him around last year ruined his production. Him with a healthy Wood teaching up some of these younger guys is a good thing.
  11. Slightly Stoopid- 2AM
  12. Yes, but the last thing that you think about when entering the league is "wow, how is this game going to affect me in ten years when I get out of the NFL?" George is trying to educate younger players on how to react after you're out of the league and maybe AVOID suicide attempts or drug addictions in the future. You don't just go up to somebody with depression and say, "wow, you made $5 million dollars in your life? You're not allowed to be depressed because you're rich." People have mental health issues, it's the world we live in. Quit bringing money into the equation as an end all be all to emotional struggles.
  13. Do I see a happy trail? Or in this case, a very sad trail.
  14. Who cares about the money. They are obviously suffering from some emotional and mental problems. Just because you have money, doesn't mean all your other problems are solved.
  15. Good guest article I came across written by George Koonce who recently submitted a doctoral dissertation on life after the game. http://espn.go.com/blog/nfcwest/post/_/id/65343/guest-column-surviving-life-after-the-nfl
  16. Ugh. They pull out the "dress code policy" in order to try and enforce the issue. I don't understand people these days. A second grader putting on face paint to impersonate a black leader...this is where they want to draw the line?
  17. Yup. Just Glenn and Graham.
  18. I was doing some shots with Michael Jasper a few weekends ago. Dude is a monster and pretty chill guy. Saw Darren Woodson and Freddy Jax wife at "Jerry World" in Dallas last year.
  19. One of my all time favorite movies. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwGBxhrRlKo I've heard so many good things about this movie, but I've never seen it. Really want to rent it one day.
  20. 100% agree. Really glad the days of $50 million guaranteed to a rookie is over. Looking back, those Stafford and Bradford contracts were ridiculoussssss. 6 year, $76 million for an unproven rookie. Wow.
  21. My half-opened car door never has long lines...
  22. Thank you! I'm getting old, better grab the cane so I can still chase around those high school girls.
  23. I showed this video to a few people at work before you posted it here, my office manager couldn't breathe she was laughing so hard.
  24. I was literally laughing out loud at work. Couldn't contain myself, hilarious. He was trying his hardest, even taking a much needed break in between, but eventually it got the better of him.
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