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Everything posted by Wooderson

  1. Agreed. I work two jobs all year long, and three depending on the time of the year. I like to come home relax and smoke a bowl occasionally. I don't feel that it's all that harmful, if like anything else, done responsibly.
  2. UPDATE: http://www.katu.com/news/local/Charges-dropped-against-driver-in-deadly-Vancouver-crash-184189791.html
  3. Well I'm not really speaking in groups, that's usually for me and one of my roommates after a rough day of work. You'd also have to take into account how much stronger the stuff is these days. @ $15/gram you have to be careful or else you'd be spending a TONN of money.
  4. You figure a joint is APPROX. 0.7 - 1.3 grams depending on how much you pack in. And also take into account that you're usually sharing a joint with at least 3-4 people. When I smoke it's usually a bong and I would estimate that I use APPROX. 0.3 - 0.4 in a bowl. So, yes smoking over a gram of weed in that short amount of time is a hell of a lot. As someone else stated, it also depends on what potency of marijuana you are inhaling. From what I saw in this short video, the conclusions are about what I'd expect. A normal amount in your system doesn't impair you all that much. Maybe a little more paranoid but for the most part, motor function doesn't seem to be all that bad. Once you get to the point where the girl was, it definitely would make a big difference. Such is the same with alcohol. Driving with a 0.06 BAC compared to a 0.24 BAC is an enormous difference.
  5. More like a specialist at defending our players against their abilities.
  6. What song? You mean that awful racket coming from my speakers?
  7. I'm 24 and I'm with both of you on this.
  8. "God?" "What the s*** you talking about? It's me, Maury."
  9. http://www.kohls.com/product/prd-174904/keurig-my-k-cup-reusable-coffee-filter.jsp
  10. I heard he's had a few off-court issues. Hopefully he'll mature and move past these problems. Seems to have parental support which could be a positive in the long run. Also, needs to work on his form. If his parents teach him a little B.E.E.F. i think he'll be OK.
  11. My two buddies and I rent from a nice couple. We really haven't had any horror stories besides them slacking on mowing the lawn and picking up the leaves. They barely ever come around unless we need something which is nice to 3 - 25 year olds. Our pipes froze a few weeks ago when temperatures plummeted. They were over within a couple hours and fixed everything up but told us a few stories about a few tenants they have. They mentioned a couple that let their pipes freeze over for days and didn't let them know in which the pipes burst and caused a ton of damage. They also told us about another tenant that let their basement flood to the point where they couldn't even take a step down the stairs into the basement. Unreal.
  12. Johnny Scott worked Thornton. Love seeing that!
  13. Serious question, sorry I can't really recall. Was he responsible for the 09 draft or was that before he took over? Because, besides Maybin, that was our most successful recent draft class (Wood, Levitre, Byrd).
  14. Professional Development? What, he's not allowed to take a look at some of the elite college talent coming into the NFL? He's not allowed to educate himself on scouting and personnel so that he becomes a better "football guy"? SOOO you're saying it was a blunder to give this guy control just because he's at the Senior Bowl and he likes to tweet a lot? It's January, let's settle down a little bit.
  15. How about Ogletree or J. Jones? I think I'd rather have either one of them at LB than Te'o at this point.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55NequQlYnY
  17. I really liked the atrium idea. I also went to the Bills game in Dallas last year and that atrium was one of the coolest parts of the stadium. Not to mention once you walk through the gates there were 4 beer vendors waiting 5 feet from the entrance. Also, every single vendor I saw in Dallas had no more than 1-2 people in line because there were so many of them. It was also cool that they had a band playing right inside gate prior to the start of the game.
  18. When my buddy came home from Afghanistan we did a bunch of these. It sneaks up on you.
  19. If you can't handle the heat, get outta the kitchen. How the hell did she get through her observations and student teaching with this phobia?
  20. Speaking of Jack Lemmon....
  21. I was in Jamaica for a vacation in November with my girlfriend and another couple. We're having a good time, doing shots, drinking beer and what not. Bartender says to us, "why don't you just mix it all together, 'mon?" Ended up pouring us a shot of 110 proof clear Jamaican rum into a large glass of Red Stripe. It ended up actually being really good. Basically knocked me on my ass though.
  22. Those are 3 of my friends 0:14 seconds into the video. Went to Philly for a game years ago and ended up on the cover of a few newspapers haha.
  23. Ugh, I hear ya. Had my best rounds ever last year, now I'm afraid all my good fortune will be gone. 3-ish more months!
  24. I think I'd rather see us get a stud LB in that first round. Either of the Georgia LBers(J. Jones or Ogletree) would be fine with me.
  25. I heard something cool on ESPN the other day. Greg McElroy of the Jets still refers to Saban as "Coach Saban" over 3 years since leaving college. How does he refer to Rex Ryan... "Rex". Shows the level of respect that these players have towards their coach and program.
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