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Everything posted by Wooderson

  1. Damn, I'm a young-in so I was never able to experience the originals like some of you guys, but when they re-released 4, 5, and 6 in 1997, as a 9 year old kid, I was obsessed.
  2. Summit Plummet was awesome. Did it prolly 10 years ago the last time I went to Disney. I have a slight fear of heights so that mammoth really had me shaking while I was waiting in line and sitting in the water at the top. Once I went off the edge, all the fear turned into excitement and accomplishment. It was a ton of fun.
  3. No, not at all. I know the family really well and he's a great guy. I'm not really sure about the reasons for him being let go, but I do know that the family was not happy about it.
  4. Definitely works for me. I sleep like a baby as well... I guess that's why I've gotten really good sleep the last 5 days
  5. I've seen enough of Scott at LB.
  6. I tune in to see those legs in that mini-dress.
  7. Man, you are really against nacho cheese. I've never been to Philly for a cheese-steak, but from my experience, any cheese mixed with steak is a recipe for deliciousness. Provolone, American, Swiss (mmm), Cheddar, Sharp Cheddar, Kobe Jack, Nacho Cheese, Fromunda Cheese....they all sound good with steak.
  8. My roommates and I have a cat named "Cuzzin". About 2 years ago we had a party at our place, a few of my friends were having a smoke outside and this cat kept coming up to them and meowing. She was sickly thin and seemed to be looking for food. We were drunk and brought her inside, went to the store and bought some food and she slept for almost 2 days straight. She wasn't scared of anybody and actually would seem to settle down when there were more people around. Weird. Well, two years later, and she is the coolest damn cat I've ever come in contact with. Every time you walk in the door, she'll come and greet you. She has a favorite blanket and every time she sees you with that blanket on, she comes right over and makes herself comfortable on your lap. Whenever somebody washes the dishes, she'll sit on top of the refrigerator and just watch you do the dishes. She also really likes to chill in the bathroom with you while you're on the toilet. Nothing too out of the ordinary but she's just been an awesome pet to have and I love her.
  9. Exactly how I've always known/interpreted it.
  10. Yeahhhh drugs man! I love me some crack!
  11. Tomorrow.
  12. Isn't it the same?
  13. This always seems to help me when I'm feeling over worked or stressed - http://www.calm.com/
  14. The whale and kangaroo were the best.
  15. Teams knew he sucked and would always run to his side. He got demolished most of the time. No complaints from me.
  16. It's right past that farm house....There.
  17. Oh wow, thanks Jay! I didn't even know that existed. I'll look into it.
  18. I signed up for a two year contract with DirecTV in August of last year. I am moving out of my place May 1st and was planning on transferring the service to one of my roommates. They've since decided that they're going to move out June 1st due to various reasons. Is there any possible way that I can avoid or decrease the cost of the "early termination fee"? OR, if not, Is there any way I can transfer the service to the house I'm going to be moving in to? Sounds stupid but I figured I'd ask. If anybody has any knowledge on this matter and can help me it would be greatly appreciated. -Wood
  19. You'll love this...
  20. That was definitely a cheap shot. Should not be allowed in hockey. Shanahan will def be getting involved and I'd expect some kind of suspension.
  21. Damnit, you beat me to it! I was just listening to "The Wind" today and all I can picture is Penny Lane dancing around the gym by herself. Dazed and Confused and Forrest Gump have to be honorable mentions as well.
  22. So who was paying the rent for 42 years?
  23. Two of my friends attended school there from '06-'10. They are flying high right now after these wins. One of my buddies actually still lives down in Fort Myers. I've visited twice, and yes it's right by the beach and everything around there is gorgeous. My friend freaking lived in a gated community right off the beach for less than I pay for rent. Ridiculous.
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