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Everything posted by Wooderson

  1. I used to drink them once in a while when I worked at a pizza place because we could take them whenever we wanted, but I haven't had one in about 10 years. I've had a 5 hour energy once about 3 years ago, but that's about the extent of my energy drink consumption. ...now, if you wanna talk about beer, that's a different story.
  2. 93 degrees in Buffalo today...feels like 97. I feel like I'm going to melt.
  3. 25 years old. Bachelor of Science in Physical Education/Health. Lack of teaching positions in Phys. Ed. but thankfully I substitute teach part time, manage a small factory office part time, and coach 2 high school sports. Currently going for my Master's in Sport Administration to piggy back off my Phys. Ed. background. I take 1 or 2 classes per semester depending on how much money I can afford. (Canisius College is none too cheap) I've always thought about moving down South because I hear of the number of schools looking for qualified teachers, but I have a great girlfriend who has a solid job here, as well as an awesome house. So I'm just gonna keep plugging along and hope for the best...and if the best doesn't happen at least I have other options to fall back on.
  4. I think it's impossible to be able to tell truth from fiction in this day and age. You used to be able to trust the media, but I find it increasingly more difficult to trust anyone anymore. These are the alleged facts that I heard: 1. Eyewitnesses describing color of clothing to back that Martin was on top of Zimmerman. 2. Lacerations on Zimmerman's head (front and back), broken nose, and bruising. 3. No marks on Zimmerman's hands, bruises and marking on Martin's hands and knuckles. 4. Recorded audio of screaming and yelling coming from the site of the fight. Nobody knows who it was exactly, but apparently other eyewitnesses said they had heard Zimmerman yelling. I also heard that when Martin's parents heard the yelling on the audio, they could not decipher it as their sons. It wasn't until someone got in their ear that they decided that it was their son's voice. I don't know how true that is, but there seems to be a lot of inconsistencies in this case.
  5. The only player I'd take over Spiller would be Peterson. I fully expect him to be a top 3-4 pick in my draft. It's nice to see the number of outstanding RBs again. I do have my worries about Foster though (injuries, workload, no more Vontae).
  6. People are ridiculous these days.
  7. Same with my place of employment. We're a small niche factory that works with steel molds as well as plastic injection molding. Not many places in the country like ours, but with China stealing most of this business it's really tough to compete. We're keeping our head above water, but it's becoming tougher every year to survive.
  8. Started working on a machine when I was 16 at my grandparents factory (might've been illegal, whoops). After 9 years, I've moved up into a cozy office position where I still work about 25-30 hrs a week. I also coach football in the fall, baseball in the spring and substitute teach when I can. I really like the change-up in my duties from season to season. It keeps everything somewhat new and fresh.
  9. Perfect for the majority of America.
  10. Maybe he was drunk and trying to thumb it home...
  11. I guess I'm living under a rock...I had no idea Jimmy Smith was serving 6 years in prison.
  12. "Caught by the half man, half robot wicket keeper. Well done, Salamander."
  13. I read this part really fast and at first I was like, "Whattt that annoys you?" ...and then I re-read it. If ya catch my drift.
  14. I thought that thread was just a way to increase your post count...
  15. Hundreds of Heat fans leave Game 6 early and then start going crazy when they find out the game went to overtime and they aren't allowed back in. Embarrassing. http://deadspin.com/hundreds-of-heat-fans-leave-game-6-early-a-nation-laug-514254371?utm_campaign=socialflow_deadspin_facebook&utm_source=deadspin_facebook&utm_medium=socialflow
  16. I went to the supermarket and saw sweet peppers for $1.50/each. Went to the farmer's market and got 8 green, yellow, and red peppers for $4.50. Love to just snack on sweet peppers for lunch.
  17. Whelp, I happened to stumble across this little gem the other day... oh ya know, just costs a couple billion to build. http://www.forbes.com/2008/04/30/home-india-billion-forbeslife-cx_mw_0430realestate.html
  18. You kidding me? I just got it from RedBox yesterday afternoon as well. Loved it. I liked how they tried really hard not to show Smaug at all. Little glimpses but nothing telling until the last scene.
  19. SD is security deposit I would assume.
  20. Probably mean 7/1/13 I would assume, not 7/1/12.
  21. My dad used to get a cord for around the same price for the winter and it would usually last the entire winter into the summer. It'll last you awhile. I used to dread the day I got home from football practice and had to spend the night stacking wood in the garage. Blah.
  22. I thought this was kinda funny. Plus, Olivia Munn is hot. Might be somewhat NSFW. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=dNHb3lZobt0
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