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Everything posted by Wooderson

  1. I mean, he's sprinting from 25 yards away to recover a live ball with 11 guys running full speed at him. It's a snap decision to make. Hindsight is always 20/20.
  2. Agreed, love that one. I also like: Bing Crosby- Do You Hear What I Hear? Christmas Vacation Main Song Celine Dion and Andrea Bocelli- The Prayer and many others.
  3. Disney World cast member.
  4. Good Guys Pizza in North Tonawanda. It's my favorite. It's heavy but it's great.
  5. I started my Master's about 7 years ago in Sport Administration after having completed my Bachelor's in Physical Education. I was taking one class at a time and wasn't taking it seriously. Then took 5 years off and here I am needing to finish it by August or I lose my certification. I'm almost done with my three fall classes, then I have three classes in the spring and I'll be done. I should mention the entire degree is online which I love. It's certainly difficult to get back into it, but you know what, I take the classes much more serious nowadays and I feel like I do a much better job than I would've even 5 years ago.
  6. Why are they going to Duff's to get quotes from fans? Sounds like a couple of people who have no clue what is going on.
  7. Happy Birthday mead! Always look forward to getting your birthday message every year.
  8. I read that way too fast and couldn't understand the logic of trading Poyer for another OT. Lol.
  9. I would love to make my own. I know nothing of the process though.
  10. RIP John. He made Trailer Park Boys what it was. https://tenor.com/view/drunk-lahey-tpb-trailerparkboys-gif-5295565
  11. Budwey's, a local supermarket, was selling pallets full of pumpkin beer at exactly this price last winter/early spring. I'm not a big pumpkin beer guy, but for $5.50 a 12-pack, I'll toughen it out.
  12. The Sinner on USA is pretty good. Only 2 episodes in but it's caught the attention of both my wife and I.
  13. Is there a local pizza place that you like the crust of? Call them and ask them for a dough ball. They usually sell them cold for $2-3. So easy. Also, when you roll the dough out, use a fork or another piercing device and make holes in the dough to reduce the number of air pockets (don't go all the way through, but pierce the top layer). I worked at a pizzeria for a few years in high school and college, I use that same pizza place's white pizza recipe and it's really easy and tasty. Fresh, extra garlic is key IMO. For the cheese I use about 2/3 full fat mozzarella and 1/3 romano. Oregano sprinkled on top. If you want the whole recipe I can put it in this thread later. The best homemade pizzas I make are done on a pre-heated pizza stone, and with the oven as hot as it can possibly go (+500 degrees). Shouldn't take longer than 12-15 minutes depending on dough thickness.
  14. an ice cold Genny Screamer before they
  15. The Pacific theme is really good too. and can't believe I forgot this one...
  16. Band of Brothers
  17. Not being named Boyst62.
  18. One and two are deserving for sure. Higher: Airplane! Blazing Saddles Animal House Caddyshack Going thru the list I felt like there we're a few that they missed but I can't put my finger on it right now.
  19. I agree too. Punisher was the best in Daredevil. I still watch that prison scene every once in a while for some good fun. He is the perfect actor for the character too.
  20. I finished 3 and a half episodes and feel like nothing has happened. It hasn't grabbed me at all. What i find comical is that there's a guy that's bulletproof, a guy with a glowing fist, a blind ninja, and a girl with superhuman strength yet they all are sitting around the table unable to comprehend supernatural stuff happening. "Oh my God, this is ridiculous. I'm outta here." Lady, you can flip a car and just had a guy control your mind for an entire season.
  21. That stuff is very good. Recently, I visited a couple friends in South Beach and her father had a 3000 mL bottle of 2012 Silver Oak. He brought it out to the restaurant and we enjoyed the hell out of it all night. Fantastic time.
  22. New song from one of my favorite bands, Dispatch.
  23. Truth. Haha, totally agree. For me, it's a lot. It might sound bad but going out to eat and drink is kind of our hobby. I really couldn't even guess. Every week is different, and every season is different. In the summer I'll drink more on softball nights but it's more light beer and shots. Also, there are more parties and get-togethers with the nice weather. In the fall I'll drink with the coaches after our games but I'm usually busy so it's not as much as summer. Winter, I'm bored a lot so I'll drink more nights but maybe only one or two per night-- manhattan's or heavy craft brews. In the spring, it's similar to the fall. In conclusion, I drink the most during the summer and winter but in no way can guess how much I spend.
  24. Enjoy it. Don't put so much pressure on yourself. It's supposed to be fun and exciting, so treat it that way. Be yourself (hopefully that's a good thing haha) and have a few drinks to settle the nerves.
  25. Middle school Wooderson totally disagrees.
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