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Everything posted by Wooderson

  1. Fantastic movies. M specifically was really well done. From the first scene when the mother is waiting for her daughter to come home from school, and she keeps waiting and waiting while you are introduced to the kidnappers re-occurring whistle. Great movie.
  2. So damn cheesy, but I love it.
  3. Yes, I turned it on towards the end. Another great film, Kubrick was definitely ahead of his time.
  4. Man, went on vacation last week and just saw this thread now. So many movies to choose from, I don't know if I could pick only one. Dazed and Confused, Rear Window, Dial M for Murder, A Clockwork Orange, Matrix, The Dark Knight, Casablanca, Spirited Away, M, Pulp Fiction are all very high on my list. I think my favorite would be Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring. I like all three just as well, but being a teenager and seeing the first movie got me into it so much that it's tough to beat. As a teenager, those movies blew everything else out of the water.
  5. Didn't Percy Harvin fail his Combine drug test too?
  6. I love the first play of this highlight video. 40 yard back shoulder throw, stops on a dime and attacks the ball at it's highest point with great body control. Dude can switch it into second gear in a flash too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Kjkh3yV8YA
  7. I don't really care what we gave up next year. We'll worry about that next year. Everyone thinks there is this singular formula that you have to follow in order to achieve draft success. There really isn't. I like the aggressiveness. We've sat back for years and got nothing in return, why not go get the #1 guy that you've been needing for years and build off of it. Would we have gotten a better grade had we sat back and got Lewan or another RT? Yay, that's exciting! I think we are one piece away from the playoffs, and that's QB. If the QB plays half way decent I think we have a great shot to have a good season.
  8. Bacon-wrapped scallops Caesar Salad, extra croutons, extra dressing bowl of french onion soup 10 oz. filet with a side of bearnaise sauce mashed potatoes and gravy Huge blunt filled with the dankiest of dank. Peace out.
  9. Really hard to pick just one band. My music taste changes from season to season, year to year. Dispatch, John Butler Trio, Dave Matthews Band are three of my favorites. If you have some time, check out this finale to JBT's performance in Japan. I promise it's worth it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_jQ1Uqf-oU Good News for People Who Love Bad News was one of my favorite albums. I've probably listened to it 20+ times.
  10. I couldn't imagine being a young boy going thru puberty in school where girls are walking around in yoga pants all day. Talk about pitching a tent...
  11. I'm in. Prayers sent as well. Jim was always the epitome of HOPE. Need it now more than ever.
  12. I'm just pretty amazed that the shark came back after him twice. I can see the initial rush at him but then when he's heading towards the surface he makes two other attempts at coming after him. Not a very big shark, but I'm sure it could still take a nice chunk out of your arm like nothing.
  13. So my buddy's brother is a scuba dive instructor in the Cayman Islands. This video has been going viral all over reddit and various news sources so I wanted to post it here as well. He was wearing a GoPro camera while he was lionfish culling and caught his encounter with a shark on it. Check it out, it's pretty wild. Managed to make it out unscathed, fortunately.
  14. Watch 24, awesome stuff if you ask me. Not always the most realistic, but man is it entertaining. I remember when I still lived at home, 9 o clock on Monday nights I'd always hear my dad crank up the starting music and yell, "Bauer hour!" 10 seconds later I'd be sprinting down the stairs.
  15. Twilight Zone. I have it recorded on my DVR and usually binge about once a week on it. Amazing how a lot of the themes are still relevant even 50 years later.
  16. Wooderson approves of Best Actor winner!
  17. He just dominates. I've watched almost every one he's been on and he builds an early lead then searches for the daily double and always doubles his money. He had 11K yesterday halfway thru the first round. The other two had zero chance.
  18. Somebody in this world really named their child Lache Seastrunk?
  19. Watching the kids on the bench is awesome. They are going absolutely crazy for him. Good stuff.
  20. That was an incredible shot. He was just too far deep in the crease.
  21. Anybody have an experience with using heated gutter tape? I moved into a house last spring with my girlfriend and the tape was already installed with a switch to turn it on in the kitchen. I've tried to do some research on it, but most of the opinions vary and I wanted to see what my OTW brethren had to say about it. We haven't used it at all this winter because we have to watch our electricity costs but I wanted to know if anyone had any information on the amount of electricity it uses, how often I should run it to remove the ice/snow and any potential problems I might have. Any help would be appreciated. -Wood
  22. She's sexy.
  23. It looks like a log that is stuck against something and therefore is bobbing up and down a bit against the current. Doesn't look anything like a crocodile or an animal at all.
  24. This is a complete guess but does the size of the bird matter? Geese and other larger birds seem to make the trek but the smaller birds are the ones that I always see around in the winter.
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