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Everything posted by Wooderson

  1. It ain't rocket science. All you need is a cooler full of beer and water(for post game headache relief), a couple ibuprofen's, few bag of chips, Wegman's sub, and a bottle of Crown Royal. Walk around and meet people. I promise that any lot that you park in will be a lot of fun. Show up early and as long as you're a Bills fan, you'll end up with a bunch of new friends.
  2. Yes. Love these movies. Definitely not the epic-ness of LOTR but still a whole lot of fun to watch. Pretty cool how they use that song from LOTR that Pippen sings too.
  3. Check out Mulberry's in Lackawanna. Amazing Italian food. Lasagna is enormous and their meatballs are to die for.
  4. Haha, love it. "First lesson's free!"
  5. I was certain that Jack was wearing a bomb on him because the Russians didn't even freaking pat him down when he walked up to the helicopter. I thought that the final scene would be an exploding chopper. Obviously I was completely wrong haha.
  6. For those in the Buffalo area, look for the Big Ditch Brewing Company opening in the next month or so. My buddy's brother is the brew master and I'm really looking forward to their opening. They're located on Huron and Ellicott next to Tappo Restaurant. They are very excited to be able to open up downtown and contribute to Buffalo resurgence. http://www.bigditchbrewing.com/ Say man, you got a joint? Anyways, definitely try it. I had about 10 of them on St. Patty's Day at a bar that was doing 2-for-1 anything Irish. I got pretty hammed up to say the least.
  7. Great Lakes Conway's Irish Ale Dogfish Head 60 Min IPA Sam Adams Octoberfest Labatt's Blue Light Many more that I'm forgetting but these are my go-to brews.
  8. What a crazy book, takes forever to read because you have to keep searching through that index in order to understand what the hell he's talking about sometimes. I got a few chapters in and basically quit. Maybe I'll start it back up at some point.
  9. The movie feels very authentic. I read afterwards that they used all unknown actors, many of whom were actually from the favellas outside Rio de Janeiro. Even so, I think they gave a great performance. It's very eye-opening seeing 9 and 10 year olds carrying around guns, shooting other children.
  10. City of God (2002). Not really a "sleeper" movie but it is a foreign film which many may not have heard of. Really well done.
  11. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho is an easy read and a good book. The Hobbit by JRR Tolkien The Hell's Angels, Rum Diary, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Great Shark Hunt by Hunter S. Thompson
  12. Agreed. Turned it on about 15 minutes in one day at a hotel and could not turn it off. It sucks you right in.
  13. Dear lord, that brings back memories. My buddies and I used to hit up a little hippie lettuce and watch MST3000. Good times, hilarious movie. Someone else said Zoolander and I have to agree. Such a ridiculous movie but I used to love it.
  14. Got it on my Netflix List. I will probably dive into it next time the girlfriend isn't around. Really tough getting her to watch a western with me haha.
  15. I haven't seen the other movies, but when I was looking up some info on them I saw that TGTB and TU was basically a prequel so I figured I'd jump right into it. Really interested to watch the others though. The final scene in the graveyard was amazing. Not many scenes I can recall from other movies topping that one.
  16. I KNOW! Literally the next day. Not my fault, I swear!
  17. I can't believe nobody's mentioned Humphrey Bogart or Henry Fonda. Both fantastic in whatever they're in. EDIT: I just saw Fonda mentioned. Other greats: Philip Seymour Hoffman, Buster Keaton, Clint Eastwood, Heath Ledger, Christian Bale, Brad Pitt, Daniel Day-Lewis, Leo DiCaprio, Michael Caine, Jimmy Stewart.
  18. Just finished The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly. I absolutely loved it, what a film. The musical score was spectacular.
  19. He's great in everything he does. I kind of suspected him from the start, but it was still a great movie. Hard to believe Crowe and Pearce were not very well known in the U.S. in '97. Nowadays, it looks like an all-star cast. Also think it should've won a lot more Academy Awards...too bad it was fighting against Titanic that year. Off topic side note: Me and my buddies were attempting to watch all of IMDB's Top 250 movies at one point. We started it about 6 years ago thinking we could hammer it out, but it's taken us a lot longer than expected so I'm still slowly working through that list. I have The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly on tap soon but I'm not sure if I have to watch Fistful of Dollars or For A Few Dollars More first.
  20. Yeah. Usually when an important character dies, it doesn't tick at the end of the episode.
  21. I've seen a few people mention it, but I just saw it a couple weeks ago. L.A. Confidential is phenomenal. Great cast and gets you sucked in right from the start.
  22. I really haven't been up there since I was about 19-20, but Boston Pizza was always a good time right on Clifton Hill. -Wild Mushroom (actually I think it might've closed) -Seneca Niagara Casino -Sundowners -Daily Planet, which I think is now called the Orchid. Again, it's been awhile but these were places I frequented years ago.
  23. I kinda meant "sleeper" for this site. Didn't think many Bills fans would be that into an anime movie.
  24. "Spirited Away". It's animation, but don't let that sway you. It's extremely well done.
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