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Everything posted by Wooderson

  1. Kindle Fire. Cheap ($99) and easy to use. Limited in some of it's capabilities, but if she's just looking to play games, read, and watch videos; it's absolutely perfect.
  2. Agreed. A lot of ppl seemed to hate it, but I loved it. Sharp.
  3. Buffalo is awful. Temps have not gotten above 0 for the last 48 hours. Easy 3 feet on the ground with drifts in areas higher than my chain link fence. I legit had to shovel around the outside of my yard, near the fence, so that my puppy couldn't walk over the fence and escape. Not that she wants to spend more than 2 minutes outside anyways...
  4. I recently got rid of my DirecTV and couldn't be happier. We use an antenna for local channels, PBS, etc. Although we can't get NBC no matter how I position the antenna. We also have Hulu, Netflix, HBOGO, and Watch ESPN app on my Apple TV. I'm lucky enough that my parents give me their Time Warner username so I'm able to stream HBOGO and Watch ESPN for free. Another nice feature of the Apple TV is the AirPlay feature when you can mirror your computer, iPad, or iPhone screen directly to the TV through bluetooth. It's awesome.
  5. https://www.profootballfocus.com/blog/2015/02/02/analysis-notebook-super-bowl-xlix-that-play/ Take a look at this piece. Well done by Sam Monson from PFF. NE had 8 guys on the line ready for the run. If Kearse drives Browner off the line, it's an easy score. Instead, Browner punishes Kearse at the line allowing Butler space to work with. Lockette simply wasn't expecting Butler to break on the ball that easily.
  6. It was a legal formation. I will say that they are very close to being on the line but it happens all the time in the NFL. I'm pretty sure they can be on the OT back foot.
  7. Only time I drink pop is some 7-Up with my whiskey. I was crazy for pop as a kid, but as I got older I didn't really care for it as much. It makes my teeth feel gritty and I hate that feeling. I wouldn't say I'm addicted but I love craft beers, especially in the fall and winter months. They have a new brewery in Buffalo that is churning out really good beer, Big Ditch Brewing Company.
  8. The best use of music in the scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0BrdMi-oyc
  9. Love the Goodfellas and Almost Famous ones. They are perfect. Idk if this really belongs but I love the opening credits with the song combo. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aVUDdQS2UxA
  10. Jags fans are elated about the hire. They think Bills fans are just bitter about the way he left. They don't realize we'd be in the playoffs if anyone but him was coaching this football team.
  11. As a professional coach, I think there's only so much time you can pour into each week. His emphasis is obviously on defense, which is why he needed to hire a quality offensive coordinator. There's just not enough time in the day/week/season to focus more time on the other side of the ball. Defensive coaching is also a lot about finding tendencies and playing percentages, as well as the Xs and Os. Coaches that can see their own tendencies and find different ways to break them are usually successful.
  12. Not to hijack the thread, but another great neighborly "Buffalo" example--- Our dog happened to get out of our fenced-in area on New Years Day approx. 10:45a. It was an extremely cold and windy day and my pup is only 7 months old. We figure out she's gone at around 11:00am. My fiancee and I are going crazy, scouring the neighborhood for any signs of her. One of our neighbors tell us that a man and daughter in a white car came to their door asking if they lost a black puppy. Due to Facebook, signs, and help everywhere, a nice man brought our dog back about 2 and a half hours after she went missing. He found her, probably less than 5 mins before we realized she was gone, took her home to keep her warm and was basically waiting around for signs to be put up so he could figure out who's it was. It was a terrible experience, but the amount of people that were stopping, asking questions, and offering their help was amazing. Very thankful for all the help. Also, power of Facebook is incredible. Over 100 photo shares within 2 hours, everywhere from Niagara Falls to West Seneca.
  13. I hadn't really noticed Glenn all year, until last week when he got TORCHED by Clay Mathews. Easily his worst performance of his short career.
  14. Loved Anchorman. Was almost angry at how bad Anchorman 2 was. I expected that from Hangover 2, so I wasn't as disappointed. 22 Jump Street was just as terrible too. The first one was just good fun, the second one was outrageous and stupid.
  15. I bought that one night not realizing it was 8% alcohol... it got me quickly lol Southern Tier Pumking and Warlock Big Ditch Hayburner IPA (my good friend's brother is the head brewer so I'm big on their growlers) As someone mentioned Great Lakes Christmas Ale is very good. I'm still a sucker for Sam Adams Winter Lager too.
  16. I thought you were talking about "Are You Afraid of the Dark?" As a young kid, those shows were pretty damn freaky. I still don't think I've recovered from the achilles cutting scene from "Hostel". Jacob's Ladder and Event Horizon both have some chilling scenes in them. I think what movie got me the most was watching The Omen at the age of like 10. "It's all for you Damien! It's all for you!"
  17. I think Gilmore should be in the discussion, but I don't think he's gotten the recognition he deserves. He's played far and above what I expected this year and is becoming that lockdown corner that we thought we had drafted. Shutting down Demaryius Thomas and Jordy Nelson in back to back weeks is an award in its own. Also, if we were to talk TEAM MVP's, I would think Corey Graham would be a worthy candidate. Think about what he's done for this defense. He's been great.
  18. It wasn't just him, there were some other points in the game where players from both teams were slipping.
  19. "Caring less what everybody else thinks, but also caring less and less about what your own mind thinks, because what your own mind thinks, sometimes, is the thing that makes you sad." JADEN: Honestly, we’re just trying to make music that we think is cool. We don’t think a lot of the music out there is that cool. So we make our own music. We don’t have any song that we like to listen to on the P.C.H. by any other artist, you know? WILLOW: That’s what I do with novels. There’re no novels that I like to read so I write my own novels, and then I read them again, and it’s the best thing. JADEN: Willow’s been writing her own novels since she was 6. ^^LOL So why even care if you think you're music is cool if you don't care what your own mind thinks?
  20. Met my fiance's dad a few weeks before we started dating out a bar, I noticed that his Molson was low. Went to the bar, bought him a Molson before he even needed it. Been smooth sailing ever since.
  21. How people in Buffalo can choose these chains over the abundance of amazing restaurants in the area is beside me. The only chain I really go to is Outback, but that's only because my buddy is a bartender there. I drive by Applebee's on a Friday night and the entire parking lot is full. Amazing. How people in Buffalo can choose these chains over the abundance of amazing restaurants in the area is beside me. The only chain I really go to is Outback, but that's only because my buddy is a bartender there. I drive by Applebee's on a Friday night and the entire parking lot is full. Amazing.
  22. Their McMuffin's are the only thing I eat from there.
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