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    North of Tonawanda

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  1. I got one for my birthday in May as well. I love it. Seasoned it 5-6 times with the blackstone seasoning stuff they sell but I'm sure you can use any type of fat to do it. I bought the cheaper accessories off Amazon and they're great. Also, I suggest buying a bulk pack of the tin grease traps. I'm on #3 already I think. Cleaning it can be a pain, but I've found that if you clean it right after with the burners still on, it is so much easier. My favorites so far: -Bacon, eggs, corned beef hash obviously -Steak and cheese hoagies were amazing -Smash burgers -Perfect pancakes I've tried other things like pork chops and chicken but definitely think those are best left to a regular grill.
  2. Event Horizon Hereditary The Omen (I was like 10 when I saw the original and it freaked me out)
  3. I also dabble with small wagers. I took advantage of all of the deals they gave out when it became legal in NY. I put $100 in my account last January and took $100 back out when I had earned enough to do so. So I've just been playing around with house money for the last year. One of my big winners is also the Sabres, but the total game OVER. In division games they are hitting overs at a pretty ridiculous rate. I think I read that in the last 28 division games, OVERs are 20-7-1. I also just throw a unit or two on big games and Bills game. Nothing crazy, but it's definitely fun.
  4. When I cancelled years ago, I didn't realize that they don't come and take it down. They just leave it, so I transformed my dish into an antennae. It was so simple to just take the cap off, attach an antennae and the cables are already running into your rooms. It's fantastic.
  5. I recall noticing a bunch of Cover 3 Buzz with Milano or another underneath defender. HIstory tells us that McDermott is a C3 heavy defense so in that defense, the corners job is to make sure #1 is not going deep first. It is a relatively softer coverage and susceptible to hitch and shorter outside routes. Tre has always been very good at reading routes and breaking quickly on shorter ones. He may just be a half a step slow right now but he's slowly ramping it up. He's going to be fine.
  6. Prescott's is probably my favorite restaurant in Buffalo. Fantastic meal every single time.
  7. The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly. Amazing cast of actors and characters and one of the best scenes in movie history. Clint Eastwood is amazing in the whole Dollars Trilogy. I've only seen it a handful of times, but I've loved it every time.
  8. Klimek's Tavern in NT are still my favorite wings. If I had to choose from this list, it's Bar Bill.
  9. 100% agree. Amazing show and felt like it really started the Marvel series popularity on Netflix. I loved The Punisher as well. Not to mention like one the coolest fight scenes ever...
  10. I think I'm friends on facebook with a few but definitely not close. I commuted to school and had a rather large group of H.S. friends that I still hang out with still. I always say that I didn't REALLY go to college, I just went to class.
  11. Quordle and Octordle are more my jam lately. On all three, I usually start with IRATE or ORATE. Depending on what I get, I'll try SOUND next.
  12. Never really looked into it further. I don't think I've been back that way since that day. Just kind of a weird experience that I don't think I'll ever have an answer to. Maybe there was a side road that I didn't notice or some other reasonable explanation but nothing I could come up with that day.
  13. Congrats! I had a son in April. I absolutely love it. One thing I will say, nothing can prepare you for that first month. Nothing. I thought I'd be fine with the lack of sleep but I was dead wrong. Figure out a schedule right off the bat so one of you can sleep at a time. If both of you are getting no sleep, it's not good for anyone. We would do half night shifts where one of us would sleep in the living room with the baby while the other slept in the bedroom so at least one person is getting 4-4.5 hours at a time. Every day is different and every day is awesome.
  14. The following was just a weird experience, not saying it was a ghost or not but it was something we could not explain. I was probably 17 or 18, driving back from a day at the beach at Sherkston. I had a couple friends in the car and we had heard that there was a mansion being built about 3 mins off the main road that we were on. We decided to go check it out for some reason. We turn down the side road which was pavement until a certain point and then turns into gravel/dirt about half way down. It's narrow so you'd have to kind of move to the side of the road if cars were coming from both directions. As we pass onto the gravel we see a dated car in what seemed to be perfect condition parked on the side of the road. Looked to be late 60's-early 70's era with 2 guys and 2 girls taking pictures of each other on the hood of the car. They were in bathing suits and I can't remember what the camera looked like but I remember thinking that it was just a really weird scene. As we veered around them, they were friendly, smiled and waved to us. We got a couple hundred yards passed them and realized we were on the wrong street of the mansion and decided to turn around. I did a three point turn and headed back towards where we came. Right when I turned around I noticed that the car was gone. Nothing. It couldn't have been more than 30 seconds to a minute since we passed the group. No dust from the car leaving, nothing. This was only one long road too, ditch on both sides, with no houses, driveways, crossing streets, nothing. My buddies and I never could really explain it, but we all experienced the same thing.
  15. Yes, have to train every year for my profession. 30-2 is the current compressions-breaths that I was taught. Another new guideline for this year is that you no longer are required to check for a pulse. If the victim is unresponsive and not breathing you can go right into chest compressions rather than waste time looking for a pulse. We teach our high schoolers how to do the chest compressions so in case their is an emergency, they at least have an idea of what to do or how to help someone else. They also are taught where the AEDs in the school are. The quicker the AED is on scene, the better chance for survival.
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