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K Gun Special

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Posts posted by K Gun Special

  1. if other teams know he can play, and think he is so good that he is worth a high draft pick...


    why wouldnt we want to keep him on the team since we have so many other wholes to fill?


    this whole "Trade Lynch" argument contradicts itself on every level. if he is so good that we will get a good pick, then we should keep him. and if he is so bad that you all want him gone, we wont be able to get anything for him.



    logic is not tolerated on this board.


    Until Lynch has actual charges and is arraigned in court this is completely premature. You need two RBs in the NFL and Lynch is a good change of pace.

  2. Suh was no less dominant against everyone else he played against; it wasn't just Texas. He's going first.



    No but you dont understand, that ONE game means the rest dont count. #2 Texas has got manhandled every game so Suh isnt that good, why dont you see that?

  3. Not for nothing, but Frazier's defense in Minnesota has been dominant against the run:


    2009: 3.9 yards/attempt (T-5), 1394 yards (2), 5 TDs (T-1)

    2008: 3.3 yards/attempt (T-1), 1230 yards (1), 10 TDs (T-6)

    2007: 3.1 yards/attempt (1), 1185 yards (1), 7 TDs (T-2)


    For comparison's sake, the 2009 Bills gave up 4.7 yards/attempt, 19 TDs, and 2501 yards.


    It's about having talent on the defensive line and the ability to use it. If you get two or three great defensive linemen, it doesn't matter what scheme you play behind it. If the Bills hire Frazier, hopefully he's learned that lesson and will lean hard on Buddy to sign, trade, and draft the best DLs out there.



    Oh no do not try to use facts on this msg board mr smarty pants. People opinions count more than reality.

  4. Raised 6 kids then youd know no one likes a tattle tale or is it tail?



    Bottom line this thread is useless.....Kelly does....not....want....to .... coach...... hes said it numerous times. and thers a big difference between calling your own plays- which were gameplanned by a OC--- and doing everything yourself. Oh yea and the lack of coaching.

  5. There is no way in hell they will go into next season not addressing the QB situation outside of Brohm.


    Hey Fans: Our offense has sucked huge donkey d*** the past decade but we added some O line and our opening day qb is ............ Brian Brohm. Yawn.

  6. And it's precisely his job to do just that. An opinion on a team that has been garbage for a long time. The fact that he isn't a Bills fan is even better for me, as you usually get objectivity out of him. I can't get why people don't get this.


    HE IS PAID TO WRITE OPINION. If he wrote rosy things about the Bills all of the time.....well.....he'd be Chris Brown, and that my friends, is not a compliment.



    I wouldnt expect him to write rosy things ALL the time. I dont mind Sullivan, but cmon he is almost always negative.

    I bet he'd even write a negative piece on Tyler Myers (cue google research to show he wrote something about how myers loves sunshine and puppies)

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