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K Gun Special

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Everything posted by K Gun Special

  1. what exactly would have been a quote from the other side? You think the bills would provide a quote for the other side? or the police dept about a closed case? im not sure what youre getting at? Btw Lynch, who has kept a low profile and said absolutely nothing up to this point, cant be expected to suddenly talk to the media but for an article like this. THe reporter likely said he'll do a piece on lynchs side of the story...and thats exactly what you got. Its a sports article about a player, not supposed to be an objective piece about an "issue"
  2. I agree with the sentiment these guys are normal people....except when they talk about football related matters. They both had long distinguished careers and as we know are HOFer's So when they talk football and how stuff affects a team their opinions matter more than yours or mine. They werent angels but were they ever suspended? b
  3. It depends on the context of the contract. You cannot simply walk away from a valid contract. Coaches/gm who are fired and still receive $$ do so because its in the language of the agreement. its guaranteed money. If side A walks away from the deal then they are not performing under the terms and Side B is NOT bound to pay them for the life of the contract.... i havent read the entire 5 pages of this post so if there is some context im missing?
  4. Thats not what a one sided contract is. Its when the terms of the contract are so egregiously benefitting one party that its deemed unconscionable. A NFL gm or coaching contract is hardly that.
  5. Incentives contracts are limited in the NFL as well as NHL, they go against the basic premise of team play.... you think players complain now about not getting the ball? what about a player who reaches an incentive goal near the end of the season but gets taken out so he doesnt score the TD or make the tackle......thats why players wont agree. I know in NHL you can do those contracts for certain types of older players only.
  6. a few points ... if a player is cut the contract isn't broken in the way its being said on this board. The contract allows for a player to be cut... which is why guaranteed money is a big deal, you get this even if you get cut. its easy for us to say these people are acting absurd and just being greedy but when you have that much money in front of you things change. Why do holdouts work? Bc owners just as well as players know the system sucks-- you see more holdouts in the NFL than other sports. Guaranteed $ is minimal, and when players sign entry contracts and breakout, they want to get paid..... it goes the other way... if a player signs a 3 year deal but sucks bam hes cut after one year.
  7. I have said the debate is on the cause not the fact that its happening. Of course there are scientists who disagree, but dont oversimplify my statements. I merely mention the fact that intl govts agree as a point that the US virtually stands alone in climate change denying. the science is real the cause is unknown although there are many strong hypotheses. I haven't made up any facts but please don't make it sound like there's some scientific debate on whether the earth is warming, there is no genuine debate. It's a cheap shot to compare to people belief's in 1400's that the earth was flat, that was not based on science, there was no data, just a belief.
  8. Based on what? every major scientific association or organization says otherwise. Some of the hottest years on record have been recorded in the last decade. A couple of conservative newspaper in the UK arent much more of an authority than FoxNews. i mean i can just link this http://royalsociety.org/Facts-and-fictions...climate-change/ to discredit the scrub newspaper you cited. Al gore doesnt debate bc theres really no debate on the fact its happening. There isnt in the scientific community, its just like evolution, theres some wacky scientists arguing against it out there but serious scholars accept it.
  9. Sure its easy to rattle off some names of scientists on either side of the issue. Naming a few scientists doesnt back your position either when like i said the vast majority of the global community disagrees. See, IPCC, UN, US EPA, EU, scientific acamdemies in 32 countries. You can deny and debate the causes for climate change, but arguing against it existing is absurd.
  10. really? the rest of the world doesn't deny climate change. only the rush wing of this country... funny how the US continues to fall behind the rest of the world in science education.
  11. Not really bc you would more than make up the lost seat revenue by the luxury boxes take, which is why newer stadiums have more boxes and less seats. This is of course, assuming Buffalo could fill the extra boxes, which is hard to begin with, and harder now bc of the lack of on field success.
  12. haha well done!!! :)
  13. There is a law that prohibits smoking in public buildings, just like you cant drink in public street but you can still drink. Smoking and drinking for that matter are not rights protected under the Const. I do agree however that if you choose to do either in your own home on your property, that is your right, but the right is one of property and privacy, not the right to smoke or drink. That being said it is still constitutional to ban either - just as they've banned marijauna and other drugs. I dont think that will every happen.
  14. http://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/data_statistics...ing/#definition http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm5337a2.htm i try base my arguments and reasoning on facts and not beliefs. Good job with the name calling, strengthens your point
  15. Tobacco kills 500,000 people a year, affects all their loved ones as well. Alcohol related deaths are 80,000 year, or 420,000 less. roughly 30% of violent crime is related to alcohol.
  16. where and/or how is it protected under the Constitution? its not and it can be made illegal under law.
  17. as a drinker am i then discriminated against bc i cant drink wherever i choose? such a BS argument, the discrimination one.
  18. First, the stadium isnt private, its leased by the County. But that really doesnt make a difference, and personally i think smoking is disgusting. However, the smoking areas are fine and people should stop complaining, there are plenty of ways to avoid the smoke. But these are prob the same people who b**** about the stadium being too out of control. As for the coal plant comparison.... really buddy? smoking vs coal? Thats a really cheap comparison. Coal serves as energy and while its certainly not the best form of it, at least it does have some benefit to society as a whole, which is part of the reason its not banned. Smoking on the other hand serves no purpose to the public, its a chemically addictive habit that is a drain on society and has no redeeming quality. In fact it increases disease rates and drives up my health insurance premiums and taxes.
  19. Sure. I agree But i think we are all sorrily mistaken if you think Buffalo's approach to the QB situation was lets wait until next year and hope we pick low enough to get a good QB? cmon now.
  20. No kidding, i had no idea. Id like to see it if anyone can find a link. Have to admit i havent bought madden in a few years but im due for a "roster update" so i might this year!
  21. where did these #s come from? its not out until august???
  22. reading comprehension is a wonderful thing!!! I said biggest need not ONLY need. The roster is bad, but QB is biggest hole. I am NOT saying this has to be fixed at 9 .... just hear too many people saying its all about line and hope pray that theres a qb available next year. not buying that.
  23. Agree 100% my point is more that this position needs to be addressed and i think fairly early on, not necessarily at #9.
  24. look at this roster and dont think QB is the biggest NEED then you have some issues of your own to resolve
  25. bc people on this board are friggin idiots and think a starting LT is more important than QB.
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