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K Gun Special

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Everything posted by K Gun Special

  1. or maybe those same pessimistic @&@#'s would just say its proof the community cant support a team. I know the Bills suck but i enjoy going to the games regardless.
  2. winning sells tickets......... HAHAHAA
  3. Agreed, pretty standard "cant wait to get back into the mix" interview.
  4. ITs very difficult to become a standup LB from a DE and have to cover guys after not doing it for 10 years. Watch and see how kelsay who wasnt a good DE struggles with LB
  5. I heard he's hanging with Bill Brasky
  6. Vince Lombardi would have struggled with that roster but Jauron was bad/
  7. and Jim Kelly played in Miami and Houston before Buffalo..... But dont you get it, its cold up here and they are from Cali so....... and TVs in the weight mean you wont work hard even though super bowl champs have them in their weight rooms..........
  8. With last years bunch of pansies the strippers wouldve been from peppermints.
  9. fair enough. My post was not specifically in reply to your or anyone else's. My point is that the Bills WRs, the young ones, arent highly touted players, not guys you can easily see making the pro bowl. That doesnt mean they can or im saying they wont, just means they are def long shots.
  10. Cute reply but really? Randy Moss won the Biletnifkoff award as the top college WR in the country and James Lofton as an AP all american. easy to pick two HOFers with good college careers. Unfortunately we are hoping on a some small time college WRs, none of whom is even close to the above mentioned players in terms of college careers. So im not really sure what your snippy post was about.
  11. i think anyone with half a brain would have to agree. As fans we all love thinking about the potential of young players, but most do not pan out, see J. Reed, R. Parrish etc. Counting on evans who catches about 50 balls a year for 7 TDs doesnt make me feel that great either.
  12. im not trying to be negative here, but you really shouldnt be excited for the matchups, esp when you look around the league. I doubt DCs are seeing the buffalo bills on the schedule and spending extra time on how to stop these crazy matchups. From a DC standpoint its pretty easy to confuse young WRs, and TEs for that matter with hidden and/or rolling coverages. And for that matter Evans had TO playing opposite him last year, and still couldnt get open. Yea the O line sucked sometimes but there were plenty of downs where no one was open and we checked down.
  13. Scout teams run the 3-4 and did so last year. No real benefit for the O
  14. Reasonableness has no place on this message board.
  15. People read tooo much into that. Youre right. I forget who it was, the pats or steelers who have the coziest workout rooms in the league, and theyve won multiple super bowls recently. Sometimes i think its just that blue collar sense Buffalo fans attribute to every problem.
  16. It could of course, I think it push comes to shove the NFL will at the very least ask congress/prez for some exemptions. Wouldn't make sense for things like TV, and its been successful in the past.
  17. It was one point made in a previous post. I was responding to your response about "challenging" your assertions. The fact is that this opinion is narrow, it could have sweeping implications but it might not. This case is only sent back to district court where the NFL could still win.
  18. Then i would kindly suggest you read the entire opinion, since the case goes on to talk about NFL properties and how it was formed by the teams to promote licensing etc.... which is what the opinion is about. The court holds that by forming the corporation NFLP they have not created a single entity. SHall i refer to pg 15 of the opinion that the court explicitly says the NFLP is a corporation as well ? Or the brief on behalf of the NFL referencing their own articles of incorporation? But thanks for saving me the trouble.
  19. Factless isnt a word. BTW the NFL is a corporation ( http://investing.businessweek.com/research...ivcapId=4640494 ) so before you argue on "factless" grounds......... And Im not sure what law school you went to, but the American Needle ruling doesnt prohibit the teams from making agreements with themselves. Theres a big difference between having requirements to contribute to revenue sharign and the AM needle ruling with deals with League vs merchandisers. Its a very narrow ruling.
  20. They do. He's short and doesnt beat his guy. Evans has speed, but so do most #1 CBs he lines up against.
  21. Teams dont think like that, they dont pick a guy because he has value. They grade players out, where they think they will fall, and they take the guy they had with the best grade for what they want. Clausen apparently didnt grade out for them to make him the 41 pick. nothing to do with value. There were a lot of other teams with QB needs that waited on clausen, what does that tell you? that the Bills FO is inept but others arent? The draft is a crap shoot, even with the first few selections there arent any sure things. The fans watned a QB, i wanted a QB, but they chose not to select one. These people have more football knowledge and insight, and listening to the talking heads at ESPN etc, almost none of whom have even played the game at a higher level let alone participate on the player evaluation side, is only going to make you more mad.
  22. Run defense gets better by having a better offense and thereby keeping the defense off the field. The bills defense was worse in the second half, and with an offense that was so pathetic who should be surprised.
  23. Its because the league would never hold it in another cold weather city.... Pitt and Balt are also voting against it. It has less to do with NJ/NYC than it does with sticking it to the league.
  24. Why? they would still be subject to the salary cap. Teams keep $$ from merchandise sales at their home stadium as it is now. Nothing in the ruling says apparel bought on NFL.com or otherwise cant be shared by the league as it is now. This isnt going to have a huge affect from the merchandise side of things.
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