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K Gun Special

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Everything posted by K Gun Special

  1. So would govt spending for that matter by the same token. Even if you hate the fed govt and their so called wasteful spending, its still spent on something..... which following your line of reasoning, creates jobs. so then no matter what jobs are created?
  2. Create jobs or go buy a villa and a yacht? The govt may suck at $ mgt but they are the largest employer in the country. Rich kids creating jobs. nice.
  3. Indeed this is true. THe bible often makes no sense in terms of keeping its story straight. There is probably a passage to support many many differing viewpoints. But when you boil it down to just the specific teachings of JC, i think it becomes more narrow in scope and applicability to current political discourse.
  4. Its hard to read your post on not think you are a conservative, at least a hard economic conservative. and income tax makes up only 1/3 of tax revenue, those who do not pay income tax because they are dirt poor still have to pay 2.3 of other federal taxes. say nothing of the corporations who almost nothing, or the wealthy accumulating untaxed capital wealth (until its sold i know) but its funny that when conservative's have the economic principles in place, think reagan and bush years, the average worker's salary becomes stagnant or declines and everyone not in the upper classes sees their net worth go down. thats redistribution of wealth to "entitled" rich folk.
  5. Yea the whole help the poor and sick of society is in no way a liberal idea, neither is his idea that the community is more important than the individual, and the belief that religion should be a private endeavor.
  6. absolutely, its part of the reason you cant have real policy discussions in the country, its all about social issues, the three G's meanwhile most people are voting against their economic interest (which goes beyond simple taxation) Ralph got burned on some business deals early in his career, hes been reluctant to trust outsiders ever since. Hence his hiring pattern over the decades. It boggles my mind that some people really think this man worth millions and the owner of an NFL franchise is simply going to let his assets pass through the govt to let them have their pound of flesh. Ralph is nothing if not a shrewd businessman; this issue was addressed many years ago, which is why theres no real worrying about the team moving from anyone in power.
  7. thats what worries me, i just never saw Lee open. Im sure he was at times but #1 WRs should be able to get the job done even with TE. Yes the line and QB play has been bad, but there have been plentyyyyyy of times when our QBs had time to throw. Bottom line is that without watching gamefilm none of us can accurately gauge whether its Lee or QBs or what. id say its likely a combo.
  8. Its a talking point really. THe inheritance tax fury is cooked up by the uber rich so right wing people will get upset at the big bad govt. Meanwhile most of the people complaining on here will have their estates pass with negligible tax on their estate if any. They fail to realize that the govt will need to make up the lost revenue should the tax go away, and that will mean more taxes on them. Besides, from what ive heard from people in the know is that Ralph created a shell company that actually owns the franchise and has it set up to avoid all these problems.
  9. Except the article from over the weekend confirmed he was missing time for personal reasons. Youre right this board is filled with morons and idiots, welcome.
  10. you mean you're as you you are not the possessive your, right? Despite all the above posts about guys out of college etc, look at our roster, and tell me you think Kelsay and Maybin are the solution at OLB. laughable. I'm not saying it cant be done, it can, but in one season with the bills' personnel its going to be a rough transition.
  11. Hey i agree. But bottom line is if he comes in and rocks camp, he'll be fine. Freddy is 29 years old, it doesnt matter that he's had less carries, anyone who is 29 or older and played sports knows you dont feel the same at that age as compared to 24. you are also more injury prone.
  12. His career isnt going down the tubes bc hes not showing up to OTAs, its because he played like _____ last year in addition to off the field problems. If he played to his full potential or even his form of 2 years ago he will be just fine. Its the offseason and people are blowing things out of proportion. Running Back is not as hard of a position to learn he can catch up quicker. if he continues to suck on the field and still has issues then his career will be impacted. Farve never shows up to anything- he plays well so no one cares. Bruce smith routinely held out - HOF Bottom line is on the field production is what counts, not optional team activities.
  13. Sure. An exception to the rule. Might have had one of the best defenses ever playing for him too.
  14. I thought i heard he was missing for personal reasons, did not assert it as a hard fact. And I am by no means an ignorant poster, i have more football experience than 99% of the posters on this board.
  15. Well you cant make every practice mandatory. IF the team isnt satisfied with his reason for the absences it will be dealt with but taking a totalitarian approach to stuff like that isnt going to keep your players happy or playing hard.
  16. I understand the point. My point was that if we ruined anything we didnt ruin the next big prospect. We havent had a guy whos been projected to be a franchise QB but we turned him into todd collins.
  17. This position is a significant weakness on this roster. DE's dont just standup and become good OLB's, they arent close to the same position.
  18. think he's being excused for personal reasons.
  19. No worries, i just didnt get that from the post. i dont disagree with anything you said. THe bills lack of success has to do with coaching for sure, but the #1 culprit is lack of talent, at QB especially.
  20. its also worthwhile to note that its not like we are ruining great propects here. Its not like the coaching turnover has "ruined" the next great QB, we've drafted and signed a bunch of mid level has beens and wannabes.
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