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K Gun Special

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Everything posted by K Gun Special

  1. Any mouth gaurd will do fine and if he doesnt like the gloves no need to wear them. I never wore them until college when my hands got cut up. There really no proper technique as you described. Two hands on the ball when getting hit otherwise keep it snug in the arm closest to the sideline.
  2. As stated in another thread........ I think this is really an endorsement of Maybin.
  3. not completely uncommon to cancel practice in high heat when the team has been working hard. Our coach would walk into the locker room and say get changed into street clothes were doing short film instead. It clears your mind and gets your legs back and the next practice is much sharper.
  4. empty talking points.
  5. i agree the front office has been bad. But the article says he was offered exactly what he should have expected ?? sooo isnt a lot of that really on him? he said he thought other were paid more but the article doesnt say that was the case. Im not one to defend the front office, but a guy refusing to sign for what he should expect doesnt mean the front office blew it.
  6. there is far too much bickering in the city. Ive lived all over the country but only in B-lo will a major project be held up by a vocal minority. IN other cities people get together and work out the differences to move a project forward. Here, everyone has to have their hand in the game. Its ridiculous. People need to stfu and get something done. Peace bridge.... no bc the west side is too important.......... waterfront... no its not historical enough?
  7. great report. why were D guys blocking the O ??
  8. theres $$ here, people could afford it. IF the bills were a winning team and charged 15-20 more a ticket you'd be surprised how quickly people would find money. Theres a lot of economic depression in the area but there are also lots of people who have money.
  9. who cares, some teams dont have them anyway.
  10. which is why youve probably never been a leader.
  11. couldnt have said it better. same things happens with sabres players.... overhype blue collar guys with less talent. And no, i dont mean wood doesnt have talent. He made a rookie mistake with his maybin comment. A vet will talk to him and the earth will keep spinning.
  12. Exactly. If anything the quote you are mentioning shows the complete opposite. It shows Wood is not a leader ......yet. Calling out another player's salary shows his youth and inexperience in the NFL. Many other way to take a shot at Maybin. Contracts are off limits. And having fast healing bones doesnt make one a badass. Its not like he toughed it out or anything. When the docs said his bones are healed he came back. Nothing to do with toughness.
  13. FUnny, but completely unprofessional and im sure the vets will talk to him about this. You dont talk the business side with another player especially as an insult. plenty of other ways to do it.
  14. training camp fights mean *&%@#$ I fought my one of my best friends and roommates in camp. Its football people fight sometimes. Camp is a competition between positions and also between O and D. You are making a mountain out of a mole hill.
  15. Ours werent positioned based per se. In the offseason you ran 3 40s and got your avg time. FOr the conditioning test you had to run ten 40s in your avg time plus a buffer to account for conditioning. The buffer was based on your position, OL got more WRs less. So a bigger LB would still have to run his 40s based on his time plus position buffer. Im not sure how Wash does theirs, only heard it was 300 yard shuttle.
  16. combination of stuff depending on team. Wash apparently does 300 yard shuttle test which tests your explosion and endurance. I always did the "40 test" which was 10 40yd dashes in 10 minutes, sounds like a lot of time but its not and you had to keep your 40 times low. Guys alwasy puked.
  17. or its because he didnt show up to any offseason stuff and they need to make sure hes in shape before he plays so as not to get hurt. Other teams do this too, just lower profile. btw these are very difficult tests, you can train all offseason and not pass.
  18. Im not the CBA and PA allow them to be mandatory for games. THis isnt new folks and if teams could they would make them mandatory for games.
  19. plenty. Its the same familys that should better spend their money on a justin bieber concert or going to twilight.
  20. sooooooooooooooooooo apparently still no word on schobel.
  21. He is a solid LB but nothing special. Certainly not a 1st rounder.
  22. i agree i like their style so far. But TVs in the weight room means nothing... plenty of successful organizations that have won multiple super bowls had tv's in their weight rooms, see pitt. As for practicing in pads, you guys might lose your hard on when someone goes down with an injury. They dont even go full contact in camp in college for the most part for that same reason.
  23. Indeed, and ive never seen schobel as one of those guys who plays for the love of the game.... this is his meal ticket more than a passion.
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