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K Gun Special

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Everything posted by K Gun Special

  1. The money would have to be repaid. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/09000d5d81892564/printable/nflpa-tv-deal-intended-to-benefit-owners-during-possible-lockout So the money they get to hold them over during a lockout is only a loan. that has to be repaid. http://www.charlotteobserver.com/2010/09/11/1685682/richardson-in-familiar-role-as.html And ive only seen confirmation that Directv still pays during a work stoppage.
  2. In 3 years you wont notice no tom brady, manning, etc etc. Thats just silly. Why is everyone saying they get their TV $ even in a lockout? the details of those contracts arent released to my knowledge. The only TV $$ thats guaranteed is directv. Half of the owners revenue is based on TV contracts.
  3. decertifying means they intend to play out their current contracts and will sue if the owners refuse to let them play. No bluffing. The owners dont make the same money with scrubs.
  4. They are the bosses who need a product ie the best football players. IF you dont have them you dont have the product.
  5. It ignores that Gailey has said all along that things change when its goes live and the helmets are buckled. TE won job based on OTA and camp. WHen it went live he wilted. Desperation or accountability - seems some have mixed that up but in any event he's benched bc he stunk it up. Rest assured if Fitz blows he will be too.
  6. In all fairness they same applies to them talking hockey.
  7. You mean a bunch of guys who halfheartedly watch the game on TV dont know what theyre talking about? shocking. Perhaps there's a reason they are stuck doing AM radio in Buffalo instead of unleashing their analytical skills someplace else. I doubt they could spot a cover 2 defense or analyze film of a prospect. Talk radio guys are nothing more than your average joe with a microphone. What gets me is how they talk up paul hamiltion as the swami of the Bills and Sabres.
  8. He had equal time in OTAs. Brohm never did anything to claim a higher spot. No one who watched OTAs or practices has said otherwise. Obviously the film breakdown reviewed by coaches showed the same. Give it up on Brohm, he is no more the answer than anyone else on this roster. He is not an unknown quantity just waiting for an opportunity to spring his awesomeness on a NFL field.
  9. Well its an opinion piece commenting on a change in quarterback. He uses almost no facts to support his position. In reality there arent many facts in his articles anyway, since he's just offering an opinion. Isnt he one of the cheerleaders saying no one in the Bills' organization is accountable? well isnt losing your job being held accountable. The great thing about Sullivan is he never aims for consistency. He wouldve criticized the Bills' for keeping Edwards in and no one being accountable, but taking him out isnt a smart move its desperation. He is the biggest MMQB writer around, when you listen to him talk its clear the guy has never played the sport nor has he an understading of its intricacies. He writes simple whiny articles for like minded readers.
  10. I guess im a little confused. This smacks of desperation according to some but according to the same the Bills need "to be held accountable", which is what is happening. As for some, apparently you havent picked up on the fact that Sullivan's schtick is to write these types of articles. Its opinion over analysis, this guy doesnt watch film or break down the games. He couldnt regurgitate one stat (when he has he's wrong). He writes articles to fire people up, to be the voice of the angry fan.
  11. Huge lawsuits? i have never heard of a lawsuit connected to drinking at a NFL game. Doesnt mmean they arent out there..
  12. It doesnt make him right. At all.
  13. Because he writes only to fire people up. His columns are written in a bubble with no perspective. You have a 30 yr old RB and a rookie as 1 and 2. Your 3rd RB is a pro bowler with a decent amount of yards. Trade/cut him and have an old RB and a rookie? sounds responsible?
  14. No problem. Its not hard, i dont take it personal, and only playing devils advocate a little. Its a difficult issue and will only be decided, rightly or wrongly, by the almighty dollar.
  15. Then my apologies for not being clear. I do not drink at every game. I am there early to have a good time for every game though. That involves other stuff besides drinking. I dont think the opinion that there are problem characters is a minority opinion, just your remedy for that problem. I dont think theres enough not buying tickets because of that to replace the people who would leave under your remedy. Otherwise, rest assured, the NFL would have been cracking down. The spend countless amount of dollars on this stuff. Some colleges do have strict policies, generally they are southern bible belt schools; but they are schools and obviously not everyone there is 21, so at least i can see that. True the same can be said for a Bills game but no drinking for an on campus event is not the same. The best way to regulate is to use the hotline. I dont think we disagree on much actually, we both dont like obnoxious pukers etc etc. i just believe one should be able to be able to have some beers, get a little drunk without the fun police intervening.
  16. i agree. Its not easy to find nor is it easily defined. But teams make millions on home games and beer sales are one of the biggest if not the biggest revenue generator. Cracking down on beer isnt gonna happen. The NFL may crack down on pregaming under the guise of fan behavior, only to allow those to get sloshed buy purchasing stadium beer. Rules are in place, and they say over the scorebaord that you can call security if need be. Ive seen it cut both ways. A guy was removed from my section bc one older couple didn't like him. He was not doing anything offensive and the crowd let the couple and the officers know.
  17. holy police state batman. Good thing you dont run a business. Cut beer sales... yes you should be an NFL GM. Dont worry about that revenue. Harass and cite the fans for everything. thatll keep em coming back. Your opinions are to be respected, but what you are advocating is a very minority view and those with those views will not be enough to replace all the fans you will anger. Being able to get a little wild on a sunday is part of what makes the NFL attractive. Look at the commericals, the demographics the game is aimed at, its not stuffy uptight people afraid they might hear a curse word on the lords day. Relax a little, if the game bothers you stay home.
  18. What part of the conduct policy states you cant be drunk? im not advocating drinking or any type of behavior. Drinking is fine unless the line is crossed. By law and by conduct policy. Im just wondering where you are getting this.... i mean specifics? Its obviously not against the conduct policy to be simply drunk on stadium grounds. Rowdy behavior is against policy.
  19. Again, you dodge the question. I can assure you I'm literate. However, i fail to see where it says being drunk is against the law? I fail to see where it says being drunk is against the fan conduct policy.
  20. Did you answer my question ? you didnt of course because youre wrong. As for after the game, if i drink someone else is obviously driving me home. What laws again would have i violated?
  21. What laws would those be? Especially considering RWS is private property? I'd love to hear this.
  22. Drunk, wasted, etc is fine. When the line is crossed as stated in your post yes its a problem and needs to be dealt with. I still think a lot of this is over blowing the actions a few poorly behaved fans.
  23. Exactly. The NFL isnt marketed toward families. No one should tolerate people yelling at kids however. But bringing one to an 80,000 person stadium for and NFL game and expecting them to live in a bubble is unrealistic.
  24. I go to many games if not most, sober. So spare the righteousness. Yea the bills club seats will be replaced so quickly....the ones they have the hardest time selling aside from boxes. Good call there. Its your right to go sober, drunk or whatnot. But don't pretend that if they severely crack down on tailgating that families with little kids are suddenly going to replace those seats.
  25. Watch fans start to not buy tickets when that happens. Many fans go just for the tailgating experience. Lets be honest the games blow. The rowdiness and passion by Bills fans shown on sunday is in part fueled by tailgating. I show up early, set up, drink a lot of beer, have a great time and dont bother anyone. I get drunk. The minute they start to crack down on that, me and my 6 club seats are gone.
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