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K Gun Special

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Everything posted by K Gun Special

  1. Dude, he trashed them for being desperate after week 2 then bashed them for taking so long after week 3. So if week 3 is too long and he had made the move sooner it wouldve been more desperate? It doesnt make sense. Sullys articles for the most part are ok if you read one week at a time.
  2. Most teams carry three. some 4 with PS included. Expect the Bills to add one.
  3. This. The guys can play, but something makes him sail passes on occasion and he's not terribly accurate to begin with. He's a band aid not a solution.
  4. He is kind of contradicting himself. Hes a pro at MMQBing. Taking your starter out after two weeks smacks of desperation..... next week....geez what took you so long as in you shouldve done it sooner like after week 1 .... which by his reasoning wouldve been more desperate. btw Gailey has said all along nothing much separates these guys. Not like he pulled a solidified starting QB, THAT would be desperate. pulling a marginal NFL qb after two games is not.
  5. really? some guy from arkansas state in the sun belt conference cant crack the NFL lineup. Shocking. He obviously isnt good enough right now.
  6. Um yea but he blew coverage twice for two TDs. the quick slant he was suppsoed to help the corner over the top but he bit on the run. Thats why the corner turns around and gives him the wtf look. On the other TD he just was too slow to keep up on the post. He's bad man hes bad. Making tackles downfield who cares.
  7. i dunno but if you watched the Bills this season its pretty apparent the LBs need to be overhauled. They are awful in coverage.
  8. Assuming he does come out, does Nix take him when he's stated he likes guys who play more? is he that good (wondering)?
  9. Medal is in the mail. Players not player's. And ill watch them play of course, because the reality is the Bills will be taking a QB early in 2011.
  10. Well i was just culling articles to show there is no consensus. People arent drooling over a #1 guy because at this point there isnt one. Im not saying there wont or cant be one moving forward. I know everyone has their favorites and thats fine, im not commenting on the merits of a particular player.
  11. http://walterfootball.com/draft2011QB.php http://www.sportingnews.com/ncaa-football/story/2010-07-21/nfl-draft-2011-if-andrew-luck-comes-out-he-could-top-quarterback http://www.nepatriotsdraft.com/2009/12/2011-nfl-mock-draft.html http://nbcsports.msnbc.com/id/36831645/ns/sports-nfl/ I dont see a consensus #1 QB so i guess ill just keep digging my hole and letting you educate everyone else your holiness. Ill take my football background and sources against your snarky attitude any day. Theres a lot of football this year and perhaps one QB will move to the head of the pack.
  12. FIreman Ed had the other guy arrested and banned from the stadium..... for interrupting his chant. Now thats a waste of the court system. Ed was the aggressor. Im glad the other guy pressed charges. Ed's a **** and needs a taste of his own medicine.
  13. Heresy! haha. Coaches film practice, they knows whats going on. Certain players youll take your lumps with because they are talented enough. Some need time to develop first. The Buscaglia article is more along the lines of -- hey sign this guy ive heard of him before .. lets see what he can do!! Fact is, that these guys arent ready, and playing them now may set them back in development. Spiller was not appropriately assessed and thus his workload has been adjusted and i assume it will be tailored to his strengths. as for maybin...yes well hes maybin ill say no more.
  14. i said he watches game film. But watching TV doesnt give you an understanding. See the difference ? Its hidden right in the words. Unnamed yes. When you have friends in places you don't post their names on message boards. Read up, its not like im posting a scoop on a big story, no media outlets are touting a #1 QB either.
  15. No not a wasted pick at all. But you need to put him (and them) in situations to be successful. Right now they arent good enough to be playing, which is more than being worried about mistakes. You never play guys just for the sake of playing them. Spiller might be the exception because the team does consider him to be a special talent. The other guys not so much.
  16. IF you thought you had some franchise players or long term starters i would agree. No team has become successful by playing all their newbies just to see what they have. Not a winning philosophy
  17. than vs them is grammar on vs one is typo. Im not bickering for the sake of it. I made a post commenting on yours. You came back with nasty post on your high horse. fact is, there are no superstar QBs waiting in the wings for the next draft. Ive talked to people who spend more hours watching film than anyone, and that's their opinion as well. Watching a QB play on TV doesnt really give you an understanding of how well he is playing his position. Somebody might distance themselves from the pack as the season goes on but we shall see. Is the next franchise qb playing this saturday? possibly.
  18. I think you mean then and not than. Btw i fully understand its early in the season.i havent stated otherwise. And i havent commented on a particular Qb so to say my post is therefore worthless is without merit, no matter how many crafty words you use. re-read your original post, you say the same thing i did, no QB has separated himself.
  19. He got the Giants fan kicked out. The Giants fan from my understanding was charged with a crime based on Ed. So he pressed charges on Ed and the video back him up. Not that ridiculous. Thats how it works in the real world folks.
  20. Not flawed logic by any sense. There is no consensus #1 QB meaning that no one has distinguished themselves yet. If you fail to see the logic in that i cant help you
  21. FIreman ed had him kicked out of the game. The video shows its ed who actually was wrong here. The Giants guy is shoving it to ed with the video to prove it. Dont be a jerk and expect to be left alone. People will retaliate.
  22. I havent really watched any of them play. But the fact that theres a debate means not on of them is that much better than the other.
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