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K Gun Special

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Everything posted by K Gun Special

  1. He signed a 6 year deal in 2007.... how is he a FA this year?
  2. True. I was commenting on the global NFL situation. But in B-lo you win some games and the drunk complaints somehow lessen.
  3. I understand your point. But in theory he would be making more $$ in LA, hence more to pay out for stuff like that. Its a catch 22, ralph wont spend but neither will the fans, dont tell me most of you on the board would pay $40 more per ticket to get a top flight FO and coach..... bc you wont/cant.
  4. they cost $8 and you tip what you like. The NFL is making a half hearted effort at the family experience. The game isnt for kittys, thats why commericals during the game are trucks and chicks, not spongebob squarepants. I saw nothing different about the home opener aside from more sheriffs driving around doing nothing. plenty in my lot were doing the saem as always. During an economic recession fans arent spending to come to games...shocking. But some are blaming the experience?
  5. First off, beer is $8. And Ralph is pretty cheap compared to the rest of the NFL in terms of tickets food etc. People are staying home bc of the recession and ticket prices at other stadiums are pretty high, esp when you factor in PSL. They arent staying home in droves bc some guy in the row behind them is too drunk. cmon man
  6. you can just as easily say the tv contract and revenue sharing does. The money isnt tied up like that.
  7. Spielman is and was wrong. TV contracts roughly contribute 2/3 of revenue and players take home about that in salary. However, there is nothing that says the players' salaries are tied to tv contract $$ directly. SO yes fans can pay a player's salary. Read the CBA
  8. alex carrington sun belt all start too. Maybe they can share a hot dog in the press box.
  9. and we know you tried out after we cut you and no one wanted you ........but youre good enough for us!
  10. its on there.
  11. looks like no blockbuster trade is coming http://twitter.com/buffalobillscom
  12. Dunno, but he rents.
  13. could be but i think martin gets waived for nelson.
  14. Other teams, like the phins, have an open roster spot. it doesnt mean anything. There is no blockbuster coming. They cut trent bc he sucked and was bad in the locker room, not to clear a roster spot which could have been done many other ways.
  15. No it doesnt, youre right. its a business however. Im not defending the Bills i think some of the questions sully asks need to be asked but theres a better way to ask them. He just goes beyond "telling like it is" or "callin em as i see em" or whatever redneck cliche is to be used. Nor is sully consistent in his reasoning for criticism.
  16. Nothing is in the works. There will be no trade today. If anything they sign some scrub.
  17. Yea the Bills spend near the middle of the pack in salary despite being in a mini NFL market. Ralph is a cheapo........
  18. Ha that he is, its not really an act its who he is. And he isnt welcome at OBD for more reasons than questioning management. i mean cmon, its bc of his personality and rubbing everyone he talks to the wrong way. You can ask hard questions without being a dick. Sully doesnt do that.
  19. Ok. no prob. He is worth more than a 3rd. like other poster said he made pro bowl behing crappy o line and hes signed for a few more years.
  20. Buddy has said he wants all 3 RBs. ML is the most productive RB on the roster right now, running hard etc. Why the F would you trade him?
  21. jamarcus could throw it farther downfield.
  22. Luck runs an NFL style offense and that makes a big difference projecting a guy into the NFL.
  23. actually i know sully's landlord and hes exactly how he is in his articles. A prick.
  24. Gotcha, totally understand that. Do you mean week 1 or 2 bc he did same thing when he ran out of bounds at GB. I mean coaches see that too and then TE is nowhere to be seen yesterday (at least on TV).
  25. After one game the players went to the coach to complain? Interesting.
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