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K Gun Special

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Everything posted by K Gun Special

  1. Until Fitz struggles we will not see Brohm and there is no reason to put him in the lineup. Lets see what he can do the time is now Nice cliches for sportswriters but you dont take out your QB who is playing well enough to win to "see" what a practice squad pickup can do. If you think thats the proper move youve never been a leader in a locker room.
  2. Arent they getting a pretty good look at him in practice now that he's #2? BB hasnt impressed anyone anywhere at any time since joining the NFL. "now is not the time" to "give him a look" to use the cliches. The team is fragile right now and the coaching staff isnt going to come switch QBs with Fitz playing well - yes fitz is playing well comparatively. No i dont think hes the answer either.
  3. yes bc a lot of the time the OLBs are on the line anway. it really depends on the personnel and alignment and not just how many guys have their hands down.
  4. that only shows 3 down lineman on Defense and whether or not the player is in a 3 point stance wouldnt change your evaluation from an offensive standpoint. The bills have been running a lot of 4 man fronts, particularly bc they are pretty awful at LB and stronger on DL
  5. Yes, saying something along those lines would make sense but thats not whats being called for on this board.
  6. Yes they are, and theyre supported by the fans $$, although not mostly by bills fans' $$, its mostly tv money. But to say that because they are supported by the fans who buy their goods means that they are to be held "accountable" for every decision and need to have a press conference to explain all roster moves is absurd. Pro sports teams arent run that way.
  7. show me a team that does what youre proposing. Only the packers have a responsibility and thats bc they have shareholders. Otherwise its just another bogus "accountability" argument that belongs on talk radio.
  8. We can argue about the merits of Nix's moves but this accountabilitty thing is nuts. How many NFL Gm's have to explain themselves to fans? Did BB have to explain his Moss trade?
  9. yea well when most of your draft picks are out of mickey mouse state university it shouldnt be shocking. It is concerning that this draft, outside of round 1, has made no impact so far.
  10. are these threads necessary for every SUllivan article? We have the get er done types supporting everything he says and the predictable people bashing him for being an idiot. Rarely do we get any real analysis out of it.
  11. Of course the team would pass to his wife first not his heir or heirs and therefore is no need for the executor or in this case the adminstratrix to maximize the assets in a sale.
  12. Yea which was altered during the 90s and again a few years ago. pretty standard and not the corporate structure, that has remained the same, its the structure of distribution of assets that changed.
  13. I know one of the attorneys who helped set up the structure back in the late 70s and revamped during the super bowl years. I dont have insider info, look back at all my posts, never once claimed to know about a signing trade or draft pick. Never claimed anything along those lines. But this i do know about, im saying it for informative purposes not to gain street cred on an online msg board. Take it for what its worth, and yes i understand your point im a randum guy on the internet.
  14. thats not the plan. at all. maybe you should ask Kelsay about that.
  15. Yea if there was a trust. But his wife is alive and she would get the team pending language of his will. btw RW can make it so the team is sold to a bidder who keeps the team in Blo only. Its not quite as simple as he dies, teams sold to highest bidder, team gone from buffalo.
  16. obvious reasons- its family business, and ralph is a relatively private person. I understand the hardcore fans freaking out. But you dont see players, inside sources, politicians etc showing much concern. Its somewhat well known in the power circles that theres a plan in place that all but ensures the team stays.
  17. Hey thats a fair point. But its not speculation on my part, and this is all i was told, but it was by people in the know, who were part of crafting the legal documents. Im not claiming to know the whole thing etc. But have you noticed there isnt a lot of panic by the powers that be about our 90- yr old team owner? Bottom line: the team isnt passing to the children (which it would go to his wife first if intestate) like you would pass on your car or something else. Theres a plan in place but its not being made public for obvious reasons. NFL owners are rich, and Ralph is self made. He isnt dumb enough to leave no plan in place. This isnt guessing or conjecture on my part.
  18. wow so many people saying what they know will happen when they are only guessing. See, i know the people who worked with Ralph in setting this all up. The team was made into a corp type structure a longggggggggg time ago, so the team isnt owned as one would own a car. Makes it a little more complex upon his death but the bottom line is it protects his family. BTW, Ralph is very cognizant of his name, and doesnt want to be remembered as the AFL/NFL owner who was too sloppy to have a plan in place. Ralph is a shrewd busniessman.
  19. hahahaha i have no idea why he got this extension. it has to be more than leadership.
  20. do you mean the guys coming out in the next draft?? bc if you meant the last draft, sam bradford is 100 times better than brohm.
  21. The brilliant Sal M from the Rochester D&C is behind this. He constantly tweets and writes in the paper that ML is a free agent at seasons end. He's not or no team wouldve given up a 4th for him. Sal is an idiot for this repeated poor reporting. I sent him email and tweeted him about with no response. He uses it to make his position stronger.
  22. lynch made the pro bowl. Freddy will never see a pro bowl.
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