Does this mean that the odds are.... 208,946,935/4,359,092,304 = 4.8%..? I don't think that's right, but the answer to OP's question has to be somewhere in there, I think.
Yessir..... arriving Saturday morning.... breweries and Lodo's Saturday.... Bills game Sunday.... some skiing Monday and Tuesday..... Predators@Avalanche Tuesday night.... fly out Wednesday
Austin Bills Backers Association
The Rattle Inn
610 Nueces Street
Austin, TX
Thursdays are supposed to be a productive work day for me....... Maybe I can be productive on Sunday for once.
Jay, do you have a public link regarding the "other items of note"? I was particularly interested about the water fountain fiasco. Thanks!
Oh, also, what is "mis-timed crowd noise"? I think I missed something.
Duke "Baby Bop" Williams.
My brother and his friend were at training camp a couple years ago and found themselves in line for his autograph with just a Baby Bop trading card. (Why? Because they're morons.) Duke smiled with a simple "Heh, Baby Bop!" and signed it.
Haha. I do kind of agree with Tate, but....
He says: "I thought it was so disrespectful. So disrespectful. I didn't like it at all."
And follows that with: "If I knew I wasn't going to get fined, I would have snatched him right down off their shoulders and threw him on the ground, personally."
That's a bit hypocritical, eh?
The Ralph tribute at the opener was quite grand, and I think it was enough. I would like a big ceremony on Sunday with Pegula committing to the team and the region, get the stadium all riled up. But there seem to be differing opinions.
Yep, I'm doing this. In fact, I've got a wedding to attend in Akron, OH on Saturday the 11th, so I'll need to man up and leave at 4am or 5am to drive the rental car up to Orchard Park in time to tailgate.
Haha, I love the most recent comment on the video: "this city is a TRUE SHITHOLE!..LOL...WHO THE !@#$ DO YOU THINK YOUR KIDDING!...LMAO!..LOL..."
I went out of my way to make it back for my first home opener this weekend. I usually only make it to home games around the holidays, since I live in Texas now. Just landed at ROC and can barely contain myself here!
Consider that the hypothetical new stadium wouldn't be for another six years or so. Would Pegual refrain from selling the naming rights to The Ralph for six years? (And then the new stadium would have a new name... "Paychex Stadium" or whatever. With ,of course, a big ol' shrine to Uncle Ralphy.) It wouldn't surprise me.
Do people still actually shop at Tops? Serious question.... I moved away ten years ago.
Maybe this would be a good offseason poll, haha. Save it for February....
The sound of..... the start of the song "Opera Singer" by Cake...
For whatever reason, I got in the routine of listening to that album on Sundays in 2008.... After church... before heading to the backers' bar.... while sipping a white russian and catching up on final injury reports, matchups, news, etc....