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Everything posted by dbringer

  1. Ralph Wilson reminds me of an old boss of mine. Ralph is direct and to the point. But his point is usually a good one. I agree that it will take time to build this into a contender. Ralph said earlier in the year that he was "shocked" at the success of the Bills. At the time I thought he was being too negative. I was wrong - he was right. The only disagreement I have is when he said it would take several years to rebuild the franchise. 2012 is the third year in this experiment. We should start to see some improvement by then. If Cincinnati can do it, so can Buffalo.
  2. Redskins, or by some other Godly miracle: the Colts (if God can change the AFC vs. NFC thing while he's at it)...those are probably two teams I would feel can be beaten by Buffalo...
  3. I can't believe I fell for this...again!
  4. Oh man! I fell for this! Worse, my wife walked by just as I clicked the link! Nice job...
  5. I think we should defer to Trent Dilfer. I don't always agree with him, as a matter of fact we sometimes have differing ideas. So, I say we defer to Dilfer, unless we differ, then out of deference to Chan we can let him decide...
  6. I bet if you requested her to DVR it, somehow it might have been done...
  7. I love that the names of the other undefeated teams all begin with a letter that comes after "B". Even so, I'll take that kind of a tiebreaker....
  8. Wow, this has to be one of the best posts ever. Thanks. This is why I love being a fan of the Bills. I just can't imagine "fans" of teams like Miami or San Diego doing something like this. I got a chill down my spine watching these - really great stuff...
  9. You know, I just watched NFL Rewind on the NFL Network, and I agree with you. I think Wilcots did a really nice job. It did annoy me in the past when he would mispronounce "Bills". I don't know if he's been working on it or if I was just being a jerk, but he's much better now. He did a nice job analyzing some of the big plays. I am now a convert...
  10. Get ready for the Bee-oos Sunday afternoon.... http://www.the506.com/nflmaps/2011/wk2.html
  11. Suddenly we're good? Well, I knew it along The "experts" did not
  12. Buffalo will be in first place all by themselves! At least for a while!
  13. I'd like to see Haley shake Chan's hand after the game...
  14. They did earlier. I love the play calling today...
  15. Oh, I hope we get the chance to run a 4th quarter kneel down play....
  16. Time for a little Lights Out...
  17. Where can I get a Chandler jersey?
  18. Even thought it didn't work, I like CJ on 2nd and one...
  19. Moorman seems to working on his punting average this game...
  20. Nothing - I stand corrected. This is a new year. Thanks...
  21. OK, I'll take a 13 point lead at the half, but it just feels like we could have done even more...
  22. That TD might keep Haley from exploding until the 4th quarter...
  23. Now I'm reverting to a pessimist: 21-20? Please, no...
  24. Up by three scores in the 2nd quarter! All right!
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