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Everything posted by NobesBLO13

  1. I'm surprised there hasn't been mass speculation of what the size of her bag means to the signing yet.
  2. Agreed, but how about Mario carrying her bag. I'd never let my girl carry luggage if I was empty handed.
  3. http://www.google.com/imgres?um=1&hl=en&safe=off&sa=N&biw=1280&bih=699&tbm=isch&tbnid=ffztNx4nJPirFM:&imgrefurl=http://www.towleroad.com/2009/09/music-news-september-15.html&docid=_8pVOAMIS_HjCM&imgurl=http://towleroad.typepad.com/.a/6a00d8341c730253ef0120a5c7d330970c-pi&w=241&h=307&ei=KfJgT5XeM8rUgAeW2OygCA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=848&vpy=324&dur=2509&hovh=245&hovw=192&tx=59&ty=79&sig=116152882380121253554&page=1&tbnh=148&tbnw=130&start=0&ndsp=15&ved=1t:429,r:8,s:0
  4. You're better off if you download the tune in radio app (free), and search for wgr550, it's only a few seconds behind. The wgr app is a minute or two late. At least it used to be. Been a while since I listened to the afternoon crew on GR. IMO they are awful and unlikable. Listen to Sal's energy, and he's at the stadium which I think adds to the suspense and fun of this day. I don't why they'd go away from that today.
  5. The Bills told him we will win it all with you signing, and show us an offer better and we will beat it IMO. He will sign.
  6. Unless you're in a pro-bills section make sure it's a blue one.
  7. This Sal Capaccio should be in afternoon drive. I'd actually listen.
  8. Anybody know if the Bills will wear the throwbacks this year or are those retired?
  9. I hear you but we also had a HOF quarterback of our own in those days.
  10. It's early but I'm getting worried that Miami could be bad enough to win the Luck lottery. Sry if this was already mentioned. We've dealt with Brady long enough we don't need another franchise QB in our division given he lives up to the hype.
  11. A hot girl into football THAT much is marriage material.
  12. I was as frustrated watching this game as then next person watching the D get torched at times in the second half, but turnovers equal wins. The defense does bend but has come up with big plays time and time again. It has become a pattern this season, not just luck. We have some 'no name' play makers on this team. I'll take the takeaways for yardage any day of the week.
  13. As long as Martin doesn't touch the field. I don't know how he made the team he's not a good NFL player.
  14. Man even when they're children hockey players are pimps.
  15. I'm not a big Rome fan but from what I remember he's always been the first to step up and give the Bills and Buffalo their due when we're playing well.
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