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Everything posted by edwardslynchevans

  1. Can someone explain to me why Fewell is not defending the short passing game? Favre has not thrown it down field once in this game.
  2. Does anyone else notice that they never can stop the short passing game and that Fewell never adjusts to it?
  3. You're an idiot.
  4. Still a terrible record.
  5. No, I thought they had a legit shot at winning 11 games heading into today's game. But it turns out as it gets later into the season, the team decides to sh-- the bed.
  6. 1-2 in the last three after going 4-0. Pathetic. Shitting the bed as usual.
  7. Can I still punch Bob Costas in his face?
  8. Yeah, everyone thought the Arizona loss would do that, and now they lose to Miami.
  9. I know it was not the Super Bowl. I'm just pissed that the team has to sh-- the bed every time.
  10. You all know the !@#$ing regression is coming. 1-2 in the last three games after a 4-0 start. !@#$ing pathetic. There's no excuse for losing to Miami.
  11. Let alone, even make the !@#$ing playoffs? I'm tired of hearing the loser mantra of "wait next year." Maybe the next time someone from the front office says that, someone should ask them approximately when is next year coming? Cause it sure as hell isn't one Earth year they're talking about. Watch here's what happens: They let Favre throw for 400 yards next week and lose They let Cassell look like Brady and lose They make Cleveland look like Super Bowl champions and lose Then they'll be 5-5, and then Ralph will struggle to tell us that the Bills are a year away. Just hand over the !@#$ing franchise already Ralph. The Bills have been a mediocre product under you. Time to get someone that actually wants to....you know....maybe WIN!
  12. Oh, so those epic 4th quarter comebacks were just luck? Right dude. Right.
  13. Because 6-1 would of put them in an excellent position to go 11-5, maybe even 12-4. Everyone I've talked to still thinks they'll end up 10-6. After the 4-0 start I was expecting better than 10 wins, and now they have to !@#$ing regress so smug punks like Bob Costas can hand wave them. It pisses me the !@#$ off.
  14. Why do the Bills have to regress so much after a 4-0 start? Why?
  15. Oh, come on. Not this argument again. They've beaten the teams they're suppose to beat. That's what good teams do.
  16. And it !@#$ing pisses me off that they have to regress so much.
  17. Yup, that does it. Like I said, the only way they make up for this sh-- fest is if they beat the Jets and Pats.
  18. Yeah, well one FG puts this game away.
  19. I don't care if it's a division opponent. They should be dominating the !@#$ing Fins. There's no excuse for this. They better beat the Jets and Pats to make up for this sh-- fest.
  20. I have, but it's still a dumb play to make. Now if we criticize Edwards on his mistakes, suddenly I'm attacked? Wow.
  21. No, that's baseball. Ok, so you want to risk a fumble when the Bills were driving down the field for the benefit of gaining an extra two inches at best? So glad you're not coaching the Bills.
  22. It still doesn't take away his mental retard play.
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