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Everything posted by Kingfish

  1. Damn straight! Who the hell do these broads think they are?
  2. I like this version of "I Kissed a Girl" better. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYrkK78mRmY
  3. http://www.davidduke.com/general/gop-trait...party_7443.html
  4. I suppose I'd rather be at the Superbowl than sitting at home on my coach but what is that really saying?
  5. To recap- Tax policy that redistributes income upward is terrific Tax policy that redistributes income downward is socialism and is a very bad thing
  6. That's easy. Visanthe Shianco! http://deadspin.com/5103817/fox-broadcasts...ocker-room-dong
  7. Let's not get carried away...
  8. Let me get this straight- for as long as I can remember the right wingers have been saying that the tax code is too complicated and needs to be simplified yet they are now outraged because a Democrat has proved their point? They should be thrilled. They should deck him out in Wranglers and flannels and trot him out on the campaign trail as "Tom the HHS Secretary", just an everday salt of the earth guy who has been hurt by the lack of a flat tax.
  9. Good for them. Now they can finally get off the corporate welfare dole!
  10. Warren Sapp was also killing Gruden on Cowherd yesterday.
  11. It's difficult because by definition conservatives, with the exceptions of Dennis Miller and P.J. O'Rourke, lack a sense of humor. Just look at The 1/2 Hour News Hour, which was the Fox News attempt at creating a conservative Daily Show.
  12. Are those my only choices?
  13. You need to bone up on the concept of "probable cause" my friend.
  14. Hopefully the Senate fixes it.
  15. I think we'll probably make another significant trade this offseason most likely at DE or TE since the FA pools are relatively thin at those positions. Maybe a guy like Derrick Burgess who had a down year last season and may be looking to get out of Oakland.
  16. This reeks of lazy police work to me.
  17. Look at the difference in the guy's face/demeanor between the two videos. Does he look like a guy who's been experiencing a boon to his business? Did I say I was outraged? Actually I'm just amused by the fact that an owner of a pretty successful business in the countries largest media market expected to be able to pull off an over racists gesture without receiving any unwanted attention.
  18. Looks like Mr Kefalinos isn't enjoying the publicity. http://www.myfoxny.com/dpp/news/090123_Bak...kies_Apologizes
  19. Really? The bakery is in Greenich Village.
  20. So did I. The way the owner rationalizes the cookies is exactly the same as Sal's defense of "Nick Gerz".
  21. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/2009/01/23..._causes_up.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vW-92o0OmNU
  22. I'm almost tempted to dig up the video of this to test the veracity of the OP's assertion but that would require me to actually watch the SAG Awards and also to give a sh--.
  23. The only proof he needs is that Franken gained 500 votes.
  24. I wouldn't call the Minnesota law that automatically mandates a recount in all statewide races where the margin is less than one half of a percent a "loophole".
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