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Wayne Fontes

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Everything posted by Wayne Fontes

  1. Buffalo is where receivers fade into obscurity. The Bills need a qb before worrying about who'll catch the ball. The Pats make nobodies look like pro receivers. It's the guy throwing the rock. no qb, no bueno.
  2. Interesting. I was around 6 when I found a matchbook during recess on my elementary school playground. It was from a burlesque club and had a buxom woman wearing nipple tassels on it. I was utterly transfixed and instantly moved. I didn't understand the feelings or increased blood flow to the loins, but I knew immediately and ever after what my preference was. Kept that damn thing until my mom gutted my room when I left home.
  3. Bills would have won a few with Marino. Kelly running his own plays was impressive, but it was essentially a few plays run out of different formations, over and over again. I think Kelly is generally over-rated among Bills fans - by 93 his arm was in a rapid decline. He's not in my modern top ten (without even considering pre -1975 signal callers).
  4. Bennett should be considered and not because he was a Bill. He was elite for 4-6 years and was consistently good for 15 years. Over 70 sacks, 30 forced fumbles. Extremely versatile. All around great LB. List of HOF LBS: Chuck Bednarik (C-LB) 1949-1962 Bobby Bell (also DE) 1963-1974 Derrick Brooks 1995-2008 Nick Buoniconti 1962-1974, 1976 Dick Butkus 1965-1973 Harry Carson 1976-1988 George Connor (also DT, OT) 1948-1955 Chris Doleman (DE, LB) 1985-1999 Bill George 1952-1966 Jack Ham 1971-1982 Chris Hanburger 1965-1978 Ted Hendricks 1969-1983 Sam Huff 1956-1967, 1969 Rickey Jackson LB (also DE) 1981-1995 Jack Lambert 1974-1984 Willie Lanier 1967-1977 Ray Nitschke 1958-1972 Les Richter 1954-1962 Dave Robinson 1963-1974 Joe Schmidt 1953-1965 Mike Singletary 1981-1992 Lawrence Taylor 1981-1993 Derrick Thomas 1989-1999 Andre Tippett 1982-1993 Dave Wilcox 1964-1974- See more at: http://www.profootba...h.7MKBqsfS.dpuf
  5. Around the time the Bills were going to Super Bowls, I remember a discussion on sports radio that revolved around the high probability of victory when a team generates a safety, blocked punt, or kickoff return for a td. When Bruce sacked Hostetler, I was sure XXV was salted away. When Tasker blocked the punt in XXVII, I deluded myself that a Bills victory was the only outcome.
  6. One of my favorite fb cards of 1975. My pop told me that he never saw a QB with a stronger arm - said he could throw it 90 yards on a rope (saw it pre-game iircc). My sense based on family impressions that lived through that abortion of an era is that the Bills failed to bring along him properly or gave up on him too early. Screwed Briscoe too. At least the when comes to qb development and super bowls, the Bills are remarkably consistent.
  7. Maybe Wade knows how to stop the run.
  8. The 'gunslinger' cliche is among the worst and yet most hearalded in football; where the qb who is careless with the ball (Farve), or oblivious to his limitations as a thrower (Fitz) are widely praised despite the harm they inflict on their team. No way Farve is top 5.
  9. If the playoffs have taught us anything thus far, it is that the Bills are a juco team coached by Rob Reiner.
  10. I was watching Kelvin Sheppard with curiosity during the first half. Wow. He is a completely ineffectual in what looked to be 1st string reps. Must be the dreads.
  11. This beats the daily franken' threads that suggest that adding parts like Megatron or Jimmy Graham clones will rocket the Bills to the playoffs. The Bills receiving corps has to be among the most underutilized due to qb mediocrity. Voltron don't move without a head. And coaching is irrelevant without a professional qb, No qb, no bueno.
  12. Bill Parcells says: Just a guy.
  13. Cookie Gilchrest and Joe Cribbs say hi.
  14. All these buffoons are only as good as the guests they book. Some of the younger guys have potential like Koziel. Joe B, needs to shed the cliches that are largely the result of him being 12 and learn how to self edit as he's often a rambling mess. It's admirable that Sal made it from the basement to the 'bigs' (if that applies to Buffalo), but he has nothing to say except he went to cuse, and likes the Yankees. I get why you dig him since he's up with positivity and that's your schtick. He's personable compared to Schopp, and that's his sole sell. Teh Toronto guys on 590 are decent via podcast. And even Shredd and Ragan and Gaenzler on whld do passable interviews.
  15. Sal sucks. Pure amatuer. Koziel was an upgrade.
  16. You're arguing cart before horse. I have no opinion on Rogers. I know the Bills don't have a QB who can consistently locate receivers and complete the full array of NFL throws, so the presumption that Rogers would somehow become a dominant force with what the Bills currently have at QB is a remarkable stretch. Buffalo is where receivers wither on the vine (and it's not the weather).
  17. Compelling stuff. The Bills are the world champions of 7 on 7 spring ball! Keep saying it!
  18. And the Bills still lack a quarterback who can consistently hit the open receivers already on the roster. On the Bills, Da'Rick would have been as useful this year as Brandon Kaufman. No qb, no bueno.
  19. The Bills have no qb - wouldn't matter if they had Randy Moss in his prime. Talk of WRs is stupid. There continues to be no one who can hit on the full array of professional level throws.
  20. It's hard to win in the NFL. I'm so angry, I'm not going to pet my wife tonight. Rob Reiner redux.
  21. As a kid I rooted for the Bills, Sabres and Braves with equal zeal. I loved the Braves and their often epic tilts with the Knicks (before Marv was known to wear garter belts) in the era of NBA on CBS (Dad moved us to NY in the 70s). No one took the Braves move to San Diego worse than me and consequently I lost all rooting interest in the NBA, though I did enjoy watching the great teams of the era in the playoffs from time to time. These discussions appear every year. I remember some doosh here saying he would welcome a Bills move to LA so he could watch them live (he said he was a big Bills fan). This made no sense to me. A team stripped of its history that is remade in another city is not the same team. There would be no context to remain fan affiliated.
  22. I've always considered Bill Brooks' two uncontested 3rd down drops in XXVIII more crucial than Reeds drops in XXV.
  23. God is getting back at Nelson for failing to save Aaron Hernandez. #PTL
  24. The discussion should be about the qb position. Receivers will continue to be irrelevant on the Bills until a professional quarterback is found. Might as well just rehire Naaman Roosevelt, Hagan, and the rest of the goon squad. When was the last time a Bills qb could actually hit every pass on the tree even half the time? I'm not a big fan of Stevie, or his rec league basketball conditioning methods, but I don't remember ever seeing a guy get as open with such regularity as he does. It;s absurd. Gotta wonder even with his Jonathan Linton footspeed, whether he'd be going for 1500 per season with a Drew Brees or Manning throwing him the rock,
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